Weight loss- How much did you lose and how fast?



  • cwmp
    cwmp Posts: 29 Member
    I started my new healthy life style feb 2012 and have lost a total of 85 lbs I have lost 49 since starting MFP I have 35 to go. I have for the past 3 weeks been doing the brazil butt lift work out system including the 6 day slim down meal plan and have lost 15 lbs. the portions are a major factor and I have been doing a modified version since I finished the 6 days. I will do the meal plan again next week. you can find it on beachbody.com my mother in-law is doing it also and she is losing as well so far 8 lbs in 2 weeks for her. hope this helps. and good luck!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I started the end of Feb this year and have lost 15 lbs. So took about 8 weeks.
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    30lb in 5 months ...

    That took a lot of commitment though
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    WOW these stats are very impressive and more importantly, ENCOURAGING! I just started yesterday (well, really today but went back and tracked what I ate yesterday - 700 calories OVER). I currently weigh 239.6 and am also on the 1200 calorie plan - goal is to lose 100lbs.

    What types of exercises are you doing? Frequency? I'm pretty sedentary and think this will be my biggest challenge.

    I'm pretty sedentary as well. It will still come off at 1200 calories. I did the 30 day shred last month (the entire thing in 30 days. lost over 10 inches). I have been taking 30 minutes walks as much as possible on nice days (I have young children so I can't really run and I'm a stay at home mom, I can't just leave them alone lol). you can still lose weight and be sedentary. I plan on doing the Ripped in 30 when I hit 180 (currently 194). Even though you went over yesterday, just keep logging. It took me a bit to get the 1200 calorie a day right... lean protein definitely helps keep you full. Also, I when i started I got low calorie snacks to help curb my cravings. For the most part I don't need those snacks to get me through the day anymore. keep up the hard work!!
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    WOW these stats are very impressive and more importantly, ENCOURAGING! I just started yesterday (well, really today but went back and tracked what I ate yesterday - 700 calories OVER). I currently weigh 239.6 and am also on the 1200 calorie plan - goal is to lose 100lbs.

    What types of exercises are you doing? Frequency? I'm pretty sedentary and think this will be my biggest challenge.

    I think it's possible to lose without being very active, as they say losing weight is 90% in the kitchen, only 10% in a gym, BUT I think that's how you become "skinny fat."

    Also for me anyways, adding excercise helps keep me encouraged to eat healthily - because I don't want to "waste" my workout. It also keeps me drinking a lot more water as well.

    It is hard to get started at first, but once you get into a habit it's not at all. I used to NEVER work out, and now I workout almost every single day! I'm now to a point where I feel guilty if I miss a day! Plus, the fact that I get to eat more if I workout adds to my motivation! I definitely still have days where I don't want to, but you just make yourself. I tell myself to just go, and if I'm really having that bad of a time I can leave...but once I get started, I typically will do a whole hour or so at the gym, or a full 3 mile run etc. You CAN do it, trust me!!! And having motivating and ecouraging friends either in real life or on MFP definitely helps as well!

    EDIT to respond to "what types of workouts": When I first started, I did a combination of the Elliptical at the gym and a workout game for my XBox 360 called "Your Shape Fitness Evolved." Then once I got a little more comfortable I started adding weight machines (I still don't lift or anything - probably should!), a yoga class, and the StairMaster. I didn't start running until a year ago, but totally wish I had started sooner - because I now love it! Don't be afraid to try running, and don't be embarrased to run "slow" or run/walk - it's so good for you!

    Good luck!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    In 2011, I went from 200 to 168 pounds in about 6 months. From summer 2011 to January 2013 I maintained, hitting a low of 165 and a high of maybe 172 (didn't have a scale at the time) but in general keeping under 170.

    Decided to return to tracking calories in January of this year, and have gone from 170 to 160 since, with an ultimate goal of 152.

    So, about 32 pounds in 6 months the first time, and 10 pounds in 3 months this time. Apart from the very first few weeks back in January 2011, I haven't tried to lose more than a pound a week, and am currently at half a pound a week since I don't have much left to lose.

    My daily calorie goal has usually been 1600+, which for me is easy to stick to without "cheat" days where I go over--since I have a good amount of calories to begin with and eat back exercise burn, I can almost always fit things I like into my daily goals. Also, when I went to maintenance there wasn't a huge difference so the transition was smooth and I didn't find it hard to keep my weight off (apart from seasonal gains around the holidays, and in the summer heat when I often just can't run as much). So from my experience, I can't help but recommend patience and enough food to keep you sane--even if it takes you longer than 3 months to lose that 40 pounds.

    TL; DR version: Slow and steady works!
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    I have lost 54lbs in roughly 10 months.

    For the first 6 months or so I lost roughly 7 lbs per month. But the last few months have been a lot slower.