Stay at Home Moms, Please!



  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    I am a SAHM to two great kids but it can be extremely stressful at times! I love my kids to death but they can drive me nuts sometimes and it used to lead to binge eating. In August when I started my weight loss journey I started by putting the crap food that my husband likes in the highest cupboard and the only way to access it is by a foot stool. That totally worked for me and I no longer had the desire to eat unhealthy foods. As for working out, I always do it when my youngest is taking a nap and I usually go for walks in the afternoon when the hubby gets home from work. Feel free to add me!!
  • Svolt
    Svolt Posts: 284 Member
    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I am a SAHM with a four year old daughter, plus I watch my niece(18m) , nephew(3) and another little girl(2). It is VERY stressful and having such easy access to the food in the pantry is very hard to avoid. I have to be extremely strict on myself! I put a note in there that says, "It's not worth it". I can only get exercise in after my daughter goes to bed in the evening. I am usually out the door after 8pm and go for a 4.6 mile walk that takes me just over a hour to complete. Discipline is something I HAD the learn of I really wanted to lose all of that baby weight.
  • MeowScout
    MeowScout Posts: 103 Member
    Hello Sahms! Please Add me too! I signed on with MFP a month ago, but have come today to get started. I made a committment to a friend to track for two months. This week my only goal is to track every day, even when my husband is home. I am a Sahm, I have two boys, 2.5 and just turned 5. We are/will be homeschooling too. I also do reaearch/copy editing/text translation on the side. I would really love to have some support from other Sahms. I am determined to make this work! Thank-you for any support you can offer. Having other people to walk the walk with is really a blessing.
  • I am at home as well with my 7 month old. I find that I snack so much more when I am home. I have been trying to drink water more when I feel hungry. But sometimes I need to be smacked so I don't over eat! :laugh:
  • Also, feel free to add me as well!
  • DoingItForME724
    DoingItForME724 Posts: 130 Member
    I am a first time SAHM. i have a 3 yr old, 9 month old and am 8 months pregnant. Staying home is definatley challenging. when I worked I always said it would be easier to regulate my diet if I were home more and had the kitchen to use. So not true, im just as bad now but i have found its really just up to me. Will power.

    add me if you'd like
  • c_faulkenburg
    c_faulkenburg Posts: 158 Member
    Fellow Stay at home mom here in South Carolina. Ever since I started going to the gym with my boys, my other mom friends have kind of dropped off.. because childcare at the ymca coincides with the times that playdates are usually going on. Anyway, I've had some success here since Jan. 1. Always happy to have more friends. Add me. :)
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Stay at Home Moms, Please!

    I think women should be able to stay at home if they choose to do so. Raising your own child instead of sending it to day care is a great thing but it's rude to tell women to stay at home. Some women don't have the choice of staying home with their children. What if they're a single mother or they need two incomes to live on?

    Stay at home if you can but don't be sexist. This isn't 1950 anymore.
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    I am SAHM to a 11.5 month old daughter (she will be 1 in two weeks...tears). But I completely understand. It was very hard for me for a while. I was worried about milk supply dropping, and not having enough time. But I finally started. I have started going jogging with my daughter in the jogging stroller. Is that an option for you? You have two, so it might be harder. I have also started drinking smoothies and more salads.
  • ADD ME!!! I'm a SAHM of 4 children...2 are in school and I homeschool the other two!! :-) It was difficult at first to not snack or eat things I shouldn't, but my motto is there is not as big of a tempation if all the junk food isn't bought in the first place!! :-) Not to say we don't have junk and snack food, but there is a lot less of it since I commited to losing weight 1 month ago!! :-) It is also difficult when my hubby comes in from off the road....He loves to snack and I find myself wanting to endulge with him!!! :-) Also, I don't make meals for an army just enough with a little left over for lunch the next day!! :-) Hope to gain new friends soon!!
  • Stay at Home Moms, Please!

    I think women should be able to stay at home if they choose to do so. Raising your own child instead of sending it to day care is a great thing but it's rude to tell women to stay at home. Some women don't have the choice of staying home with their children. What if they're a single mother or they need two incomes to live on?

    Stay at home if you can but don't be sexist. This isn't 1950 anymore.

    I don't believe she meant it like you took it!!! She is looking for other STAY AT HOME MOMS!!! to help her in her journey to a better and healhier her!! She was not at all talking about Moms need to stay at home!! I'm sorry that you took it this way, but if you read her post instead of just the title maybe it would have been clear!!! We all need to be supportive of one another and not jump off the edge just because of a title!! God bless and Hope you have a Great day!! :-)
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Stay at Home Moms, Please!

    I think women should be able to stay at home if they choose to do so. Raising your own child instead of sending it to day care is a great thing but it's rude to tell women to stay at home. Some women don't have the choice of staying home with their children. What if they're a single mother or they need two incomes to live on?

    Stay at home if you can but don't be sexist. This isn't 1950 anymore.

    I see what you did there :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • So sorry...I meant it as in, "Looking for Stay-at-home-Moms, please." I was looking for other moms who stay home to be friends with on mfp. Sorry for the mix up!
  • Staysee7
    Staysee7 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a SAHM of 3 kids--2 boys and a girl--12yrs, 7yrs, and 3yrs. Feel free to add me! :)
  • I currently stay home with my daughter who's 8 months. I usually get bored and get tempted to go into the food. I noticed I began to just eat just to eat because of bordom, stress, etc. So, I got healthy snacks, such as greek yogurt, fruit. We get "dinners" on the day of, and that helps too! :) We have chips a hoys and chips, but that stuff gets old. I try not to think about food, but it's ALWAYS ON MY MIND!!!!!!!!

    Drinking tea also helps. For some reason whenever I drink a cup of tea, "food" doesn't really apease me.

  • MommaTLE
    MommaTLE Posts: 10
    After 14 years of working outside home , I became a stay at home mom (Daughter 14, Son, 12, and Daughter 7). At the time I had lost 25 pounds using my fitness pal. In the year I quit work I have gained 15 pounds back. I am so mad at myself. I think work provided more structure plus dressing up vs wearing sweats and casual clothes my clothes needed to fit. The other issue I try to finish up the leftovers and easier access to snacks. I am back on track now and working hard.
  • Felecia1923
    Felecia1923 Posts: 61 Member
    My three year old daughte, her daddy, and I are all eating healthy together. We got rid of our bad
  • weberk
    weberk Posts: 34 Member
    Anyone who wants to add me feel free. 28 year old stay at home mom of 3!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    SAHM to 3 teens and full time college student. It's really hard eating healthy and being on the go constantly and then trying to fit in exercise between classes etc. But I get it done. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, my breaks between classes I walk around campus etc. When the kids are home from school I'm busy with them and do things around the house and yard etc. Keeping busy keeps me from eating mindlessly and just standing in the fridge doors looking for something else to snack on. Hope to go to work full time once I graduate. Won't be much longer. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Hi! I am right there with you, im also a SAHM and i have a 4 year old little girl and a 18 month old little boy. The temptations are horrible, ive gotten alot better with eating all the time now that ive added ALOT more water to my diet and cut out all sugary drinks so im constantly drinking water which helps keep me full and i try my best to stay out of kitchen unless i have to be in there (to cook or clean). My two are always giong 100 mph but i have finally be able to really get in a routine to get my workouts done. i dont go to the gym i just cant afford it anymore. But I do the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred off of my computer which keeps the tv on for the kids if they want it on and they've learned to give me 30 minutes and ill be done...then i also do the 45 minute zumba workout on my tv but i do that around 2 in the afternoon when i put my son down for his nap, he'll nap for at least an hour if not 2 still so im able to knock the zumba out before he wakes up and my 4 year old either naps some days or she will color or work on her numbers and let me get the workout in. Ive learned i do the 3 meals a day with snacks in between and that really helps out as well. I do the fiber one bars/brownies/cereal and that helps keep me full as well. Add me as a friend if you would like. :)