I 'only' lost 1lb this week



  • BranMuffin947
    BranMuffin947 Posts: 104 Member
    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    much needed, thank you!

  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Thanks visual is kinda gross, but that is probably the point. Losing one pound of that is an accomplishment.
  • kimcatus
    kimcatus Posts: 27

    Sorry for yelling but I hate to hear people moan about "only" losing a pound.....
  • Shawnzgirl78
    Shawnzgirl78 Posts: 148 Member
    *haha* that is so gross - I have lost 10 and knowing I have another 5-10 to go is now grossing me out! *lol*
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    My wife lost about 25lbs without actually trying too thanks to a very rough pregnancy. About a month ago, she was feeding the dog, and she noticed that this heavy, unwieldy bag of hound chow was a 10kg bag... roughly the same amount of weight she'd dropped. Perspective is interesting.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Thank you!
  • molly589
    molly589 Posts: 11
    Bumping this! Even though I'm not in weight loss mode anymore, this really puts things in perspective and is helpful for me when looking back at my "journey" :)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    When I was in WW our leader had us build a food shrine. Basically you had to stack up non-perishable foods that weighed the amount you lost. At the end of the time-period (I think maybe it was a month or so?) everyone brought it in - it was amazing to see how large some of the piles were. Then they donated it all to the local food bank. It was a great visual though as your shrine was building. You were supposed to keep it somewhere visual too.
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    Every pound is a victory for me--it's a step in the right direction! Still, when I feel like the going is slow, I'll remember this :D thanks!
  • hannakengu
    hannakengu Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for this! I just sort of realized this yesterday, when I was grocery shopping and saw packets of butter that are about 1lb a piece. Thinking I've lost 15 of those packets (or the idea of taping them around my middle and visualizing how much extra that would be right now) sure made my day, but seeing this and having an actual visual instead of my imagination was awesome!
  • persistantone
    persistantone Posts: 59 Member
    Whoa! Thank you so much for this post! It's really given me a better perspective on how much weight I'd like to lose.... While I was guessing 15 or 20 lbs, 7 - 9 makes WAY mor sense.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member

    My goal is five pounds a month, and five of those is a lot!!!

    It is. Want to see what 5lb of fat looks like?


    Amazing, thanks!!!
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    Thanks! I needed this today.
  • bossyfairy
    bossyfairy Posts: 111 Member
    That's amazing (and amazingly repulsive!) I needed to see that - its actually quite a lot! Moaning about 1 lb loss a week will be kept to a minimum...!!

    Just googled 'what does 1lb of fat look like' SERIOUSLY gross!

    5 lbs of fat is the same weight as a brick... puts lots of things in to perspective!
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    'I worked so hard, I exercised every day, and I only lost 1lb!' How many people have heard or said this? I see it a lot on here, and even more among friends and colleagues.

    This is what 1lb of fat looks like. There is no 'only' about 1lb. Any loss is a step in the right direction. :smile:




    wow ive lost 85 of these ....
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    When I think I have lost 41 lbs I think of 82 packs of butter!
  • ShanShan722
    Wow, this is such a great visual!! :-)
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    'I worked so hard, I exercised every day, and I only lost 1lb!' How many people have heard or said this? I see it a lot on here, and even more among friends and colleagues.

    This is what 1lb of fat looks like. There is no 'only' about 1lb. Any loss is a step in the right direction. :smile:




    EWWWWWW... incredible photos!

    Congratulate yourself on the pound lost!
  • sarcosis1
    sarcosis1 Posts: 42
    Love this!
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    What does 5lbs of cake look like .... and can you make that look gross so I won't eat it? :laugh: