What is not working? -Gained 3 lbs-



  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Okay I will buy a cheap food scale when I find one. When I make food at home should I measure each ingredient separately then, or should I measure the finished product on the scale?
    Weigh and measure each thing separately and enter into the recipe builder. Then, weigh the finished product and put each serving as 1oz. If the whole thing weighs 10oz for example, say there are 10 servings.
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    Honestly speaking EVERYONE is worth helping. Even the dumbest of the dumb.

    I believe in helping the dumb, I really do. I refuse to help the rude and downright discourteous, though.
    How on earth is it rude and downright discourteous to want people to show their homework when giving her their opinions? When you act offended when someone asks you to show your sources, it just makes it look like you have no idea what you're really talking about. Sure, maybe the OP would ignore it anyway and eat how she wants, but that doesn't mean her request for sources is outlandish.
  • persistantone
    persistantone Posts: 59 Member
    So I started this site a little over a month ago and was losing 3 lbs / week. Last week I lost 2.5 lbs. But, this week I gained 2.5 lbs TT_____TT And honestly I didn't change much. Please help me. What am I doing wrong?

    My stats:
    -I am 24 years old
    -I eat what I want if it fits my calories.....but mostly eat homemade food.
    -I weigh 203 lbs (right now)
    -My exercise mostly consists of walking at ~2.5mph for about 2 hours

    -Also, I have MFP set up as lightly active but there are a few (very few) days that I don't do anything. But, usually even when I don't go to school, I cook, do chores, clean, fidget, etc. and I don't record any of that in 'exercise'. Even if I walk somewhere (e.g. convenience store 15 minutes away) that is not a part of my 'scheduled' exercise I don't record it.

    MY JOURNAL IS OPEN so feel free to look at it.

    Also, I AM a student so I believe in reading research and coming to my own conclusions after reading that research. I do not lift weights etc. so I am eating 1300 calories per day and I DON'T feel deprived. If you are going to tell me to up my calories (which I don't want to do as I feel like I am stuffing myself with too much food), please provide peer reviewed journal articles if you can. It will help me to learn how to do this properly faster.

    Thank you.

    Perhaps you should make an appointment with a certified nutritionist and a physical trainer, perhaps two that work together. The parameters you've set for receiving advice seems a bit too strict for an online forum. I feel that the answers and help that you seek would be better provided in a professional setting.
  • hi,I have been on p99x for over a year and am now on p90x2.when I started,I weigh 85 lbs.I am 34 and 4'10 in hieght.but was wondering why now I'm between 87 to 88 lbs.I get on the scale that measure body mass,water and fat measurement.I consumers maximum of 1000 to 1200 calories every and do p90x2 an hour and a half a day,6 days a week.mother of 2 homeschool kids,10 and 12..a I gaining muscle or fat.?I do drink a glass of hot milk everynight before bed.it the powdered milk which is 160 calories Per serving and I add a tspn of extra virgin coconut oil to the drink.what an I doing wrong,I want to stay at 85 lbs.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    hi,I have been on p99x for over a year and am now on p90x2.when I started,I weigh 85 lbs.I am 34 and 4'10 in hieght.but was wondering why now I'm between 87 to 88 lbs.I get on the scale that measure body mass,water and fat measurement.I consumers maximum of 1000 to 1200 calories every and do p90x2 an hour and a half a day,6 days a week.mother of 2 homeschool kids,10 and 12..a I gaining muscle or fat.?I do drink a glass of hot milk everynight before bed.it the powdered milk which is 160 calories Per serving and I add a tspn of extra virgin coconut oil to the drink.what an I doing wrong,I want to stay at 85 lbs.

    You are not gaining muscle at all if what you described is true. You are consuming FAR too little and will be increasing the muscle you are losing along the way. You are also destroying your body and metabolism.

    Doing P90X2 you should be eating well above 1500 calories.
  • I was 80 lbs when I got married 14 years ago and have had two kids.I went on p90x to support my husband who lost over 100 lbs I 4 months of p90x.he dropped from 275 and now is a steady 145.I know I dont need to worry about weight gain but I do want to maintain fit since I am getting older.if it is just muscle,when does it stop gaining.?
  • joe7880
    joe7880 Posts: 92 Member

    I am not weighing my food. But, I try imagining how much would fit in one cup and go accordingly. There may be a margin of error in my tracking, but it is not that large (maybe by .5 or less).
    How do you suggest I track my portion sizes more correctly?

    Also, what do you mean by "you don't track all of your macros"?

    How can you say the margin of error is so small when all you do is imagine how much would fit in a cup and go accordingly. You may be under or over estimating by a lot more than you think.
  • i agree with you with the calorie count.that is also what was suggested ,so you think drinking milk before bed is okay?since I'm still not over my limit.or should I not since its a few minutes to bedtime.
  • MsChrissyAnn
    MsChrissyAnn Posts: 95 Member
    Every weight measurement is an approximation of your "weight." It is what you weigh at that moment as per a particular scale. Don't look at this one week, look at the overall trend -- which is downward at a pretty rapid pace. The difference this week may be in how much water you are retaining or whatever. One week does not tell the whole tale.

    THIS!!!! ^^^^^^

    As long as you are losing over the long run you're well....losing! So you're up a few pounds this week, big deal! Look forward to NEXT week! If you keep at it I bet you'll be down a pound.

    I weigh in on Mondays and write my weight on the mirror (dry erase marker).
    The last few weeks look like this:
    Yeah there's a ton of Up and downs in there but I am still down over all!! And that's the goal :)
  • crystalnichle
    crystalnichle Posts: 126 Member
    even thought your eating within your calories which isnt alot your eating junk food. try eating healthier and stay away from the sugar some.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    If your goal is 1300 you arent meeting that. Just from what I saw quickly you are consistently under calories...by a lot. And no...I am a grad student and have enough peer reviewed articles of my own to look up...I am sure you can find some :happy:
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    Everyone person's body is different
    My husband does eat breakfast and its a must have for him
    Me on the other hand if I do not exercise for the day I do not eat breakfast because it makes my day worse and i find myself extremely hungry - Now if I exercise I have to breakfast because I have to eat extra calories so i stick it in during my breakfast slot
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    Don't skip breakfast
    You eat too much junk
    You drink too many sugary drinks

    And I doubt that you are burning 600 calories walking at 2.5 for 2 hours

    You should never estimate, always weigh because you will be way off. After 6 months of doing so, you will then be better able to estimate when needed.

    Track your sugars, I'm sure you're going way over. Your body can only process so many sugar grams, after which, it will be stored as fat.
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    Are you entering the correct portion sizes?

    And you don't track all of your macros. Try a different approach.

    I am not weighing my food. But, I try imagining how much would fit in one cup and go accordingly. There may be a margin of error in my tracking, but it is not that large (maybe by .5 or less).
    How do you suggest I track my portion sizes more correctly?

    Also, what do you mean by "you don't track all of your macros"?
    buy a weigh scale for food, oz's by weight do NOT equal oz's in a cup measure, so if you are measuring 8oz of turkey, it is not the same as a cup of turkey.
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    If you are going to tell me to up my calories (which I don't want to do as I feel like I am stuffing myself with too much food), please provide peer reviewed journal articles.

    Thank you.

    Are you kidding?

    Some people aren't worth helping.

    harsh, but true!

    Honestly speaking EVERYONE is worth helping. Even the dumbest of the dumb.
    I live by the principle that if you have nothing nice to say you shouldn't say it.

    I lack a lot and I never claimed to be all knowing or full of it. Otherwise, I would not have posted on the forums.
    I was expecting to receive constructive criticism that helped me, not posts like these which make me feel like I should stop posting on the forums to ask for help altogether.

    People who say they WONT do something... Those are the ones that don't really want to be helped, so why should people waste their time?

    If you are serious about something, you will do it right. Weigh and measure portions, eat the right types of food. Get your calories. Drink water, take vitamins to suppliment when you are not getting the correct amount of nutritents. If you are under your calories, your body is thinking "ok, I'm not going to be fed properly, so I'm going to hold on to this fat because I know I'm not going to get what I need"

    All you do is walk? Your body needs you to change things up. If you go to the gym 4 days a week and spin around the elliptical for 45 minutes at the same pace for 6 months, your body will get used to it and stop losing. You need to mix up your routine, and shock your body in to burning off the fat.
  • if that is true then I better eat more food,the right kind on food.since I plan on doing my workout regimen for a long time.I thought my diet is alright .I eat buckwheat and a glass of coffee for breakdast.lunch is 2 egg and spinach omelet ,sometimes I'll a cup of white rice with stir fry meat and veggie.some weekend I'll have 2 bacon and 2 wholewheat homemade pancake for breakfast.how dinner everynight after workout is a high protien shake 500 calories worth then my hot milk at 11pm.I would say,I dont feel like I'm starving..on fridays ,is our cheat day.,I get to my max calories,sometimes a little over.
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    Honestly speaking EVERYONE is worth helping. Even the dumbest of the dumb.

    I believe in helping the dumb, I really do. I refuse to help the rude and downright discourteous, though.
    How on earth is it rude and downright discourteous to want people to show their homework when giving her their opinions? When you act offended when someone asks you to show your sources, it just makes it look like you have no idea what you're really talking about. Sure, maybe the OP would ignore it anyway and eat how she wants, but that doesn't mean her request for sources is outlandish.

    What she said below... I don't think her request was rude, but she is asking for advice. To requests that we do the legwork and give her peer reviewed journal articles for our advice is a bit unconventional. Some MFPers do come off like 'know it alls' so I get why she said that, but like the post said below, it sounds like she wants more than MFP people can give her. I know I don't have any peer reviewed journal articles lying around handy. I can just tell you what has and, in my case, has NOT been working for me :)

    "Perhaps you should make an appointment with a certified nutritionist and a physical trainer, perhaps two that work together. The parameters you've set for receiving advice seems a bit too strict for an online forum. I feel that the answers and help that you seek would be better provided in a professional setting."
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    Your diary confuses me a bit so it's hard to advise - although I think you've taken on board others advice about eating better.

    What is a whole turkey?

    Do you really only eat a quarter of a cup of curry?

    A jumbo muffin is about 790 calories - do you honestly cut it in 4 and save the rest for later?

    Other than these things, which just seems really bizarre, I notice a lot of chocolate and sweet things. My suspicion is that you get sugar cravings because you body isn't getting enough of the good stuff (proteins, vegetables and pulses)....

    Weight can vary as much as 3lbs in one day, for a variety of reasons, so don't worry too much about 1 week when you gained a bit. On the other hand, it's good that you did because it sent you here, where you can get your eating sorted out and get healthy as well as slim :)

    A whole turkey is a whole turkey bought from a store marinated with vinegar and spice and put in the oven to roast. And then you can eat it several times a week till it is all done :D

    I do eat only 0.25 cups of curry with 1 roti (that's like a pita but homemade with no oil/butter and is made with brown bread). So the curry is like a dipping sauce if that makes sense :/

    And yes I do cut my jumbo muffins into 1/4's now. I used to eat one whole one for breakfast, and looking back I can't believe I ate like 1000 calories just for breakfast! After cutting it into 1/4 I wrap it in plastic wrap and laugh at everyone in my home who is muffin deprived while I am still eating my bits.

    For the chocolate and candy.........I have no excuse. My sister works in retail and they were going to throw out all the Easter candy......so she bought a whole bunch on sale for cheap. I couldn't say no TT_____TT So, I have just been controlling how much of the chocolate I eat. When it is done I will not go seek out more for no reason.

    I know it is weird XD
    When you eat dark meat, you are getting more calories and fat than when you eat the lean breast.. So how do you know what your calories and fat are for that item if you are lumping it all in to one?
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    You're not eating enough. And no, I'm not going to link you to "peer reviewed journal articles".

    HIT YOUR NET CALORIE GOAL. You are under it by several hundred calories a day.

    Okay, I can do that at least. Are there any calorie-dense foods you suggest that I should eat to up my calories?

    Peanut butter. 2 tbsp is an easy 200ish calories.
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    Your body is reacting to the lack of calories therefore not burning your fat.

    If you are not eating breakfast, do so. It gets your metabolism going for the day.

    Eating breakfast doesn't get your metabolism going. You don't have to eat breakfast for better losses.

    A lot of people find if they don't eat breakfast they overeat later in the day. This is an example about how for some not eating breakfast does cause them to gain or not lose just because they eat more throughout the rest of the day.

    Some people find if they don't eat breakfast they are fine throughout the day.

    Ultimately, as long as your calories are at a deficit for the day you will lose weight. Whether you eat breakfast or not.. whether you eat one meal or six.

    I don't think the OP issue is with sometimes not eating breakfast. I think the issues are not eating nearly enough and not eating the right foods as there is a lot of processed food in the OP diary.

    Yes, eating gets your metabolism going. How else does it start up? Why do you think pretty much every nutritionist, bodybuilder, weight loss coach, and personal trainer says this? They all have shares in oatmeal?