Excuse me... there's a rock in my food.



  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    Ok- all of your stories have been incredibly gross, but I have one that takes the cake. While eating a can of Vienna Sausages, my Dad found the tip of someone's finger.

    Not sure which is worse, the sausage or the finger!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    When I was a kid we forgot a SEALED package of lunch ham (Oscar Mayer or similar) in a cooler and put the cooler away. Some few weeks later we opened the cooler and found the SEALED, UNOPENED package in it.

    It was by then a sealed plastic ball of tapeworms.

    It's been 16 years and I still can't touch precooked ham.

    Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member

    One time my mother was eating chicken fingers and there was a giant cockroach that had been battered and fried.

    End of thread.
  • psych0kitty
    psych0kitty Posts: 313
    I put some locally-grown brown rice into my rice cooker and then added water. When I stirred it, I noticed little black things. They were little bugs of some sort that had actually burrowed into the grains and I guess had procreated. It was close to the last of the bag and I had just used it in some chicken soup. :sad:
  • SloRunner25
    SloRunner25 Posts: 89 Member
    During Thanksgiving a few years ago, we found a furry caterpillar in a can of green beans. ew ew ew!
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    Some of these stories are turning my stomach.

    A few years a go I went to In-n-Out with a bf, went through the drive thru. I guess someone lost their weave in the Animal Fries. Thick black tangled mess of hair took up half the container. Bf called got a free meal. Oh it was nasty.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Its almost impossible to have food that is completely free of foreign objects. However, glass and metal should never be found as manufacturers have screening processes for that. Its a lot harder for manufacturers to find a bug. If a product, peanuts for instance, have a small rock thats not a complete surprise because peanuts are grown in the ground. Pistachios are spread out over the ground so they will dry and open, so once again a rock or a small bug is almost impossible to take out of every bag.
    Bugs get into lettuce and brocolli and dispite manufacturers best efforts they can go through undetected. Still, people complain about pesticides and herbicides and if wasnt for these you would see a whole lot more in our food.
    Our North American screening processes are world class. If you travel a bit you will find a lot more foreign products in your food.
    If you find maggots (now thats disgusting) thats normally not the manufacturer, its the store you bought it in, either the cleanliness or the lack of shelf rotation.
    Yes, I work in the industry.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Large roach in my salad at Outback. I have a huge roach phobia. :sick: They gave me lots of $$ in gift certificates, but I had to give them away b/c I get grossed-out at the thought of going there.

    Really? I found a waterbug looking thing in my food and they just offered not to charge me for my meal. -.-
    Granted, I haven't been back there since.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I frequently find little pebbles in my beans and lentils. It's normal. That's why you wash and sort them before using. I remember once finding a mouse skeleton head when sorting wheat with my grandmother when I was a kid.. What's really scary is that the wheat we bought was already "pre-sorted" and ready to be taken to the mill.. So you know if you're buying already milled flour or products made with flour.. that you're eating ground up mouse heads.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    GLASS! at a going away dinner for a friend/co worker. We were at Friday's and I ordered the spinach artichoke dip. Apparently the bowl it was served in chipped but no one noticed and the glass ended up in my dip!
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I bit down a a piece of a wooden skid that was in my Panera sandwich. One end was just a big spear..
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    My cousin was buying those little squeeze organic apple sauce things for her kids and her son gave it to her and told her it tasted yucky. She tasted it and said it tasted boozy. So she cut it open and dumped it in a glass and it was all moldy inside. Yuck.

    I don't have any good stories really. Found a rock in a bag of beans. Butter wrapper in something I made.

    I got real picky about where I eat chinese though. There was a family that owned 2 restaurants in town. One was a buffet and the other was a carry-out/delivery place downtown. I quit eating at the restaurant after I was about to put a piece of chicken in my mouth and the whole underside of it was raw. That happens, but I never ate there again.

    The other incident...I had ordered take out one night from the other location and was eating it. While I was eating, I found a hair in my food. Naturally, I thought it was mine because it was similar in color. So I just pulled it out and tossed it (my own hair doesn't bother me...maybe it should?) and ate the rest of my food. The next day, I went to eat the leftovers and I dumped the white box on a plate and tapped it so the rice would come out. The rice came out and when I lifter the container, there was a long dark brown hair in the shape of the box stuck in the bottom of the rice. I never ate there again and now they are 1 or 2 chinese places that delivers. Blech.
  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    I had the unfortunate experience of finding a dead grasshopper in my salad. Lets just say I've been scarred for life.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I once found a bone in a cheap can of chicken breast, bit into my sandwich and it was there. I no longer buy canned meat from Save A Lot or store brand canned chicken. I've never had a problem with the name brands.

    Not too strange but when my husband and I got married we went out to an expensive steak and seafood restaurant after the wedding to celebrate (JP wedding). I was about 8 weeks pregnant and new to eating seafood, I had never had lobster before (I used to hate ALL seafood before I met my husband). He ordered me a huge lobster. I broke into it like my husband showed me and baby lobster eggs spilled out. I couldn't handle it, I cried (because I was pregnant and they had just killed a mommy to be lobster for me to eat!) then threw up.
  • smithntuck
    smithntuck Posts: 113 Member
    When I was a kid, we went for milkshakes. I got a strawberry one, and for some reason didn't have the lid on my cup. It was dark and the windows were down in the car...I felt something hit me but didn't think anything of it. So, I get to the end of my milkshake, and thinking that there was a big ol strawberry in the bottom of my cup (I was sucking through the straw and could tell that something was there) I ask mom to turn on the light in the car...THANK GOD! It was a huge palmetto bug, evidently what I felt hit me. No telling what I actually did ingest of it, since I was only about halfway through the shake when it fell in...
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Ok- all of your stories have been incredibly gross, but I have one that takes the cake. While eating a can of Vienna Sausages, my Dad found the tip of someone's finger.

  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Several years ago, I was eating dinner at a restaurant/bakery that is famous locally for its desserts. I ordered a piece of dessert to go so I could enjoy it later. That evening I pulled out the boxed dessert and discovered that they had put the dessert on a plate and the plate and dessert into the to go box
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Not such a major thing compared to others here, but my friend found a huge hair in her Whopper Jr. at a Burger King many years ago. Took it up and showed the idiot at the register and she said "do you want me to pick it out for you?" :huh:

    The whole staff acted really put out when she said she expected a new one "without the hair". We had to stand there watching them make it because I'm sure they would have spit in there if we weren't looking!
  • eddamyts
    eddamyts Posts: 26 Member
    At a family barbecue we were all eating fresh salad from my mom's garden and an earwig crawled out of my sister-in-law's salad. Obviously it survived the wash and spin.....weeeeeee!