Can fat girls do yoga?

I tried to do a yoga pose with my workout and I realized I have NO balance whatsoever.

Will yoga help with weight loss along with exercise and healthy eating?

What other benefits does yoga have and should I wait until I drop weight to even bother?


  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    Well i wouldn't say yoga helps with eating healthy start. You make the decisions in what you eat so only you are I'm contRol of eating healthy. Any type of exercise will help with losing weight. When i was fat (and still to this day) I have no balance but i still try to do yoga because its a related exercise and i burn calories doing it.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member

    If that guy can do yoga, I'm pretty sure you can too. Everyone starts somewhere. If you LIKE yoga, then don't let anyone stop you.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    It's not the most effective exercise you could be doing for weight loss but it's great alongside a good strength and cardio routine.

    And of course accompanied by a reasonable calorie deficit.
  • Well i wouldn't say yoga helps with eating healthy start. You make the decisions in what you eat so only you are I'm contRol of eating healthy. Any type of exercise will help with losing weight. When i was fat (and still to this day) I have no balance but i still try to do yoga because its a related exercise and i burn calories doing it.

    I wasn't asking if yoga will help me eat healthy.
  • dotamy
    dotamy Posts: 16
    Short: Yes!!

    Long: In my hot yoga class, fairly advanced, there are allllll kinds. You may not be able to configure yourself into every contortion, but most of us can't do that, fat or not. Yoga is spectacular for flexibility, functional fitness, stress relief, moving all those good joint fluids around for even more flexibility and bone health. Yoga is my "add-on" however - I just don't burn enough calories in a class to consider it alone without cardio movement at other times during the week. And besides - you get to take a quick nap at the end of class. Seriously - sometimes that alone is enough to get me in the studio! ;)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Yes!!!!! Yoga will help you with your balance if you keep doing it. No one is ever perfect.
  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    If you enjoy it then yes! and it will help with balance.
  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    Well i wouldn't say yoga helps with eating healthy start. You make the decisions in what you eat so only you are I'm contRol of eating healthy. Any type of exercise will help with losing weight. When i was fat (and still to this day) I have no balance but i still try to do yoga because its a related exercise and i burn calories doing it.

    I wasn't asking if yoga will help me eat healthy.

    Sorry read it wrong haha. If you like it do it. If it's something you drag doing compared to other things don't do it
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
  • Well i wouldn't say yoga helps with eating healthy start. You make the decisions in what you eat so only you are I'm contRol of eating healthy. Any type of exercise will help with losing weight. When i was fat (and still to this day) I have no balance but i still try to do yoga because its a related exercise and i burn calories doing it.

    I wasn't asking if yoga will help me eat healthy.

    Sorry read it wrong haha. If you like it do it. If it's something you drag doing compared to other things don't do it

    I don't know if I like it lol. It looks relaxing and I also have sciatica and rheumatoid arthritis. I've noticed since I've been eatinh healthy and exercising eveyday the pain is hardly there. So Im looking for other ways to work out.

    Plus, squats KILL my knees so I always only bend half way down and I doubt since it isnt a "real" squat its not working out much for my legs.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Honestly, if it gets you off the couch, then by all means do it. Walking, yoga, swimming...whatever. Weight loss is caloric deficit...period. Exercise of any type will help with that deficit, some more than others. As suggested earlier, strength training and cardio are great as well.

    Try a class or two, pick up a video if you feel better doing that, but, yes, fat girls can do yoga.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    It's not the most effective exercise you could be doing for weight loss but it's great alongside a good strength and cardio routine.

    And of course accompanied by a reasonable calorie deficit.

    Actually, it is one of the best, especially if you are doing a flow style routine. If you can get from downward facing dog to cobra in one smooth move, you have more upper body strength than the average joe.
  • itsHealthy
    itsHealthy Posts: 119 Member
    Yes, you can!!! But, please be easy on yourself as with any exercise you are doing for the first time!
    As for the benefits- Yoga clears up my mind and has helped me tone too!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I tried to do a yoga pose with my workout and I realized I have NO balance whatsoever.

    Will yoga help with weight loss along with exercise and healthy eating?

    What other benefits does yoga have and should I wait until I drop weight to even bother?

    Yoga has many health benefits ... the least of which is calorie burn. I think the "weight loss" component that yoga provides is overall body awareness. Yoga helps with balance, flexibility, and stress reduction. I find that doing hatha (stretching) type yoga before bed helps me sleep better too.

    There are videos specific designed for larger people ....
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I tried to do a yoga pose with my workout and I realized I have NO balance whatsoever.

    Will yoga help with weight loss along with exercise and healthy eating?

    What other benefits does yoga have and should I wait until I drop weight to even bother?

    Standing poses can be done with a sturdy chair or beside a wall to help with balance.There are a few yoga dvds on Amazon "HeavyWeight Yoga: Yoga For the Body You Have Today" and "Big Yoga: A Simple Guide for Bigger Bodies" and "Expanding into Fullness, Yoga for Large Women with Sally Pugh". I've not decided which one to try first.

    There's a youtube channel called Yoga Yak that has a beginners series that might work too.
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    Hell yeah, fat girls can do yoga. I've had a regular yoga practice even at my heaviest (240lbs), including headstands and other advanced poses. Yoga's great because you have to lift your own body weight. So the more you weigh, the more weight you lift, and the stronger you get!
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    I love yoga. Some of my main fitness goals are yoga poses (for when I get to my goal weight). The handstand and handstand as well as the crow pose. I would never be able to do them now, and would most likely beak my neck trying.

    I do believe that yoga will help with weight loss. It loosens me up and helps me relax, but some of the poses, when held for a good amount of time definitely get your heart rate up. Stretching in the morning is great for you, so I do yoga almost every morning to help my body wake up.
  • Oliver_Cat_13
    Oliver_Cat_13 Posts: 51 Member
    All 265 pounds of me can do yoga. I do have to modify some poses to make them a little easier because my fitness level isn't the highest, but it's definitely doable.
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    A great Yoga DVD i have was designed for weight loss and for bigger people.

    This DVD has three levels, many workouts to choose from and a way to customize it. She goes slow, shows how to use props, and is great for beginners

    Yoga is a challenge when overweight, I am still, but it gets easier as the pounds come off. But, and this is important, you have to honor your body, and if you can not do the move perfectly, that is okay, it is where you are at. As long as you are in the direction you are supposed to be going in, you are good. Never judge just keep trying. There were many moves that challenged me, now I can do, and do them well. Hang in there!!
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I tried to do a yoga pose with my workout and I realized I have NO balance whatsoever.

    Will yoga help with weight loss along with exercise and healthy eating?

    What other benefits does yoga have and should I wait until I drop weight to even bother?

    well, this fat girl can do yoga. In fact I really enjoy it. :). With more practice you can improve your balance and it is gentle exercise. If nothing else, it is good for your psychological well being and stress reduction. I highly recommend it. If you are self conscious they have dvds on amazon that teach yoga; they even have yoga for plus size girls :)