Get it off your mind..



  • balogda1
    balogda1 Posts: 21 Member
    I LOVE BEER! I mean all the way, whole heartedly! I'm not sorry either. : P
  • I had Applebee's today and it totaled twice my daily calorie goal. First time I have gone over and I am feeling very guilty.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,549 Member
    Been stress eating like crazy, pants are tight now and to top it off I ate two-yep count em TWO- BOXES of cookies in the past week. Not cookies. BOXES. SMH.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I was told by my doctor to lower my sodium intake a bit more to help in my weight loss efforts. And I was given the "foods to avoid" list. In it was stuff that I love- ham, cheese, bacon and sausage... So today I had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch... Yeah...
  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    I confess this thread is making feel a bit better that there are REAL people on here that struggle daily just as much as I do. :drinker:
  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    Well... I acted like a complete tool the other day and drove away the best friend I could ever have asked for...

    A best friend will always forgive...well, unless you slept with their SO and in that case you are SOL! :)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Been overly randy lately and it's driving me nuts.
    Still searching for something spiritual.
    I am becoming that 'old guy' who thinks most the youth of today is useless.
    I could TOTALLY eat a whole pizza right now.
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    I thought so to so finally got a heart rate monitor...MUCH closer to realistic counts
    I'm not convinced that the p90x calorie burned calculator isn't highballing things severely =/
  • endlesswonderr
    endlesswonderr Posts: 91 Member
    I ate an entire chocolate bar, some cookies, and then nachos today. >:( I have no idea what got into me, but I just went on a junk food spree! I also freak out at the thought of processed/unhealthy food, so I've been anxious all day because of these indulgences.
  • mnm424
    mnm424 Posts: 259 Member
    So my confession is... well I don't know if it is considered a confession or not but whatever:

    I feel completely un-motivated today, and super depressed. Got some bad news regarding my father and on top of that lost my bank card and had damn flat tire. Oh and my dear TOM decided to come for visit this am @ 5. I just want to sit on floor and :sad:

    I've lost a total of 28 lbs (from 225 to 197 and I'm 5'7" btw) but I don't see it and I still feel like a fat cow. Everybody keeps telling me how good I look but I since I don't see it I'm starting to have this complex that ppl are just saying that because they feel bad...

    *sigh* ok I'm going to shut up now
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I realized I gained back about 5 pounds of the weight I have been working hard to make go away. I then went downstairs and ate 4 waffles, Reese's peanut butter cups, and all the other snack food I could find today. I have been eating so much and have spent so much time thinking about stopping but not stopping. I just keep shoveling the food into my mouth. Some days I actually have the desire to change and other days I just feel like I am doomed to be fat.
  • mnm424
    mnm424 Posts: 259 Member
    I realized I gained back about 5 pounds of the weight I have been working hard to make go away. I then went downstairs and ate 4 waffles, Reese's peanut butter cups, and all the other snack food I could find today. I have been eating so much and have spent so much time thinking about stopping but not stopping. I just keep shoveling the food into my mouth. Some days I actually have the desire to change and other days I just feel like I am doomed to be fat.

    reese's pb cups are my favorite... I haven't had one in 6 mths yum
  • lheyens
    lheyens Posts: 62
    I just ate a bunch of sushi! and a beer, and im gonna have some wine. its my night off and i should be at the gym, but know what, its been a long week, this mama needs some time. hit the gym in the morning! new day tomorrow ppl
  • AlanahCFit
    AlanahCFit Posts: 53 Member
    I'm tired of reading negative opinions about the different diets, fad or not, that people use to lose weight, What works for me may not work for others but Its working for me! lol
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    I always reward myself with food and see myself already doing it with my 2 year old. Ugh! I hate the emotional relationship I have with food. I want to celebrate with food and I want to cry with food.

    Also, I wish I had an unlimited running budget (for racing) because I am addicted!!! Since I am a full time SAHM I feel like I have to ask my husband for permission. It's embarrassing. Though I wouldn't change being a SAHM for anything, having worked 60+ hours/week from my son being 3 months - 9 months.
  • All I ate today was a bagel with herb and garlic cream cheese, and another for lunch. A activia yogurt and a tuna salad sandwhich on whole wheat. Instead of my usual 30 mins on the treadmill this evening , I only did 15 mins. But I did walk home instead of taking a cab and its uphill the whole way home. But ugh.... I was just so.... blah today...just not hungry I dunno...
  • enigmachik
    enigmachik Posts: 150
    peanut butter. I confess peanut butter.
  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    I has 3 slices of pizza last night. thankfully, my weight didn't go up but that was playing with fire!

    Mmmmmm! My family had pizza the other night and I stole a couple of pieces of pepperoni with , melted cheese on them

    Yummmm.... Having a pizza and stromboli movie night tonight with the boyfriend :happy:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I just told my kids they can watch TV if they tidy the living room. They are now tidying the living room. Bribery FTW
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I live in Boston, and after all the stress that went on this week, last night after we were allowed out of our homes I decided to have 2 pieces of pizza and fries and 3 glasses of wine and a piece of strawberry cake. *sigh* I don't necessarily regret it, but this morning I am up 3 pounds, and I have already gained a few pounds back and I am kind of mad at myself right now...