Gainer or protein whey

Hi,i have a question.i m doing insanity,mostly for building muscle.i'm 25 years,165 pounds,170cm(5"7)(i m a boy),i don t have problems with my weight,but with my muscles(especially with pectorals). What supliments should i take?gainer or protein whey?i don t know very much how it works. Shoud i gain a little fat,than work my muscles?thanks.


  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    Insanity is not ideal for gaining muscle. If you want to build muscle you need to lift. Look at doing either strong lifts or starting strength. When trying to build muscle you want to add as little fat as possible but I am guessing at 5'7" and 165 you may have a little fat on you.
  • MistressAella
    MistressAella Posts: 99 Member
    lol 19 year old female..... ;)
  • callumburnett
    callumburnett Posts: 12 Member
    Insanity is not ideal for gaining muscle. If you want to build muscle you need to lift. Look at doing either strong lifts or starting strength. When trying to build muscle you want to add as little fat as possible but I am guessing at 5'7" and 165 you may have a little fat on you.

    SS (Starting strength) is your new best friend. Buy the book/read up on it on online. If your Pecs are worrying you most add in Bench to each workout. All sets are 3x5 except for deadlift where it advocates 5x1 (i prefer 3x3). Please watch some videos on proper form for all of the lifts, or ideally have someone coach you. They all have more to them than meets the eye.

    Insanity, im afraid to say, is pretty useless for building muscle. All it is a a HIIT session on DVD.
    If you are trying to gain muscle extra calories and protein is needed. 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight it the norm for gaining muscle so at least 165g per day for you.
    Protein shakes really are not necessary if you can get enough protein in your diet. However if you are finding this hard buy a cheap whey protein - ON! and myprotein are two brands that are tried and trusted.

    Now go do some squats, bench, military presses, cleans and deadlifts.
  • PureAdamic
    PureAdamic Posts: 185
    Who broke up with you OP? Whats his/her name?
  • hellenn25
    hellenn25 Posts: 48
    Haha,yeah it s for my boyfriend:)i just wanted to be simple..just a question.
  • phjorg
    phjorg Posts: 252 Member
    gainer and protein is just FOOD in powder form. there is NOTHING special about it that it's needed to build muscle anymore so than regular food. 500 calories pf protein powder to the body is the same as 500 calories of chicken. Protein is protein.

    the difference is, it's an easy to use and eat form of food. And if you're bulking trying to eat 3-4k calories a day, it's a non filling form of food so you can easily eat more without feeling so dam full all the time..

    Also, get him on a real lifting template. Anything where rep ranges are high is a sub optimal template. For a beginner there should be a definite strength focus in the 5 rep range or so. even if your goals are size. (gotta be strong to be big)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    lol 19 year old female..... ;)

    I'm missing the joke . . . what's funny about a 19 year old girl trying to put on muscle?

    OP you need to eat at a calorie surplus and have a resistance program specific to hypertrophy. You will obtain some initial muscle growth with Insanity but it will quickly plateau as your body becomes accustomed to the exercise.

    As for which protein to use you can go with either or neither really. It's all about the calorie surplus and the correct macronutrients at the end of the day.

    And if you want to put on muscle don't let ignorance detour you.
  • callumburnett
    callumburnett Posts: 12 Member

    I'm missing the joke . . . what's funny about a 19 year old girl trying to put on muscle?

    OP you need to eat at a calorie surplus and have a resistance program specific to hypertrophy.

    It was just that in his post he mentioned he was a 25 year old man and his profile says differently.
    And hypertrophy comes later. If you have no strength base a routine based are hypertrophy is pretty ineffective. Big compound movements first and foremost.