pizza, fries, burgers



  • krwilson05
    krwilson05 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm certainly not giving up foods. One of those days I think I could empty my house of groceries. I still eat what I like. I am just starting back up on the healthier side of life so today is just the first terrible day of mass cravings. ;) so trying to ignore them a little
  • lizrosscollier
    lizrosscollier Posts: 7 Member
    eat a small portion... like one normal serving. then go for a walk or drink iced water with lemon... never make yourself go into a binge. you can eat a normal serving and not gain weight. it's when you go over board that the weight comes back.

    This is fantastic advice and the best I have seen in this post. Denial and substitution don't work! If you want pizza, eat pizza. Just don't eat the whole thing. If you want to lose weight badly enough ... which we all do or we wouldn't be on the website and message board ... then you will be able to control the portion size, have that one slice of pizza, complete with cheese if you so desire, and then stop there. That way, it's easy to counteract. Control how much you eat. That's the trick.
  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
    I have gotten so hooked on lettuce wrapped burgers. I like them more than a bun burger. Make your own patties with grass fed beef.
  • trishthomas420
    trishthomas420 Posts: 7 Member
    i want to know what you did to lose 5 lbs and 5 inches in 5 days!? whats the secret?
    as for the fatty foods... i'm in the same boat craving them. obviously judging by the fact i have lost NO WEIGHT i give in to my cravings more than you do!