To ladies (who like to sweat) with really long hair

Hi everyone!

I have really been enjoying my new found love for exercise, but I need hair help! I have exxtremely thick, long, course hair, and I just can't wash it every day. I typically only wash it every 3 days, but it just gets soaked when I exercise! I have just been piling it on the top of my head on non-wash days, but feels so gross!

Is there anything that you have found to refresh your hair between washes? I briefly considered cutting it shorter, but I'd much rather find a way to deal with it. I haven't had it this long in years, and I kinda like it, but it's a pain!

Thanks for any tips!

Kelly :)


  • iiiEllie
    iiiEllie Posts: 224 Member
    I have the same hair, I used to straighten it daily, but with the daily workouts that had to stop.

    What I do now is throw some baby powder in a few hours after my workout, and wear my hair extra curly with mousse the next day, so I end up washing every second day.

    Also, I try not to pile on top of my head.. I tend to sweat more around the top, so I usually do a medium ponytail, wrap around the pony tail for a half assed bun, and clip it in place. That way the only really sweaty parts are the top of my head. Haha
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    I rinse and condition it when I have my shower
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    Just rinse and condition as well but hae used baby powder iin a pinch. Just make sure you get it combed out well or you look
  • MollieA912
    MollieA912 Posts: 40 Member
    I tried the rinse and condition with mine but as it's really straight and thick it got pretty nasty the next day. I prefer dry shampoo. I like the mousse kind best but the spray works too.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    i condition wash every other day.
  • nmn2
    nmn2 Posts: 123 Member
    I do the baby powder and tresemme dry shampoo, both tricks seem to work ok. I can only stand to skip one washing though because for some reason my entire face feels gross even though I wash it, weird I know! Good luck finding something that works for you!
  • dotknott
    dotknott Posts: 88 Member
    I'd say try a dry shampoo. I really like got2b personally, but there's lots available.
  • ChristyU74
    ChristyU74 Posts: 234 Member
    I try to only shampoo every other day, and I usually try to plan my shampoo days for when I run or do zumba. Then my non-shampoo days are when I lift. I still get sweaty on the lifting days (I ALWAYS sweat!), but it's not nearly as bad as on my cardio days. I use a dry shampoo on occasion. I found some decent stuff at Beauty Brands, and it works OK.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member

    I have had good luck with this stuff.
  • minivegrunner
    I also have long and thick hair. I don't shampoo more than 3x a week. I do rinse and condition nearly every day though. (At least every day that I work out) If it's a non work out day I will use dry shampoo!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I just wash it everyday. I use a deep conditioner once a week, and I don't use heat everyday.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    When I workout, I pull it back into a ponytail, and after I cool down, I let it hang down again. It keeps it from getting too greasy. I normally go 3-4 days between shampooings.

    I've also heard that dry shampoo works well, but I have never tried it. I have been considering it, though!
  • Themaanya
    Themaanya Posts: 17 Member
    I feel the exact same way! I used to straighten it everyday, but that's completely un-doable now.

    The one thing that has helped a little though, is putting my hair in a few (four or so) high buns while working-out, instead of one pony tail, with parts in-between to allow some air to my scalp. I let it down when I'm done.
  • JessicaDumont2
    JessicaDumont2 Posts: 100 Member
    I put baby powder in my hair. It's cheap and makes it look like I just washed it. :D
  • jporter2004
    jporter2004 Posts: 60 Member
    I have long hair and i agree with everyone else, dry shampoo is definitely the quickest way to go....or ofcourse some baby powder if you don't have dry shampoo. I even carry a bottle of dry shampoo in my purse for when I'm on the go :smile:
  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    please don't try the baby powder - unless you have white blonde hair, of course.

    there is plenty of dry shampoo options out there. the spray ones that are clear (not white) or a hair color (pick one close to yours) i have found to work the best. edit: be sure to see if you like the smell of that brand. some smell like cleaners = ewww!

    not sure where you live, but try sephora if you have one near you. they take returns on anything you don't like for any reason (including used), so good place to try stuff even if it is a little more expensive.
  • minivegrunner
    please don't try the baby powder - unless you have white blonde hair, of course.

    I agree! I have brown hair and was recommended to use baby powder from a lighter-haired friend some time ago. You can tell that it's there with darker hair. Almost as if you have a clump of greys near your roots (at least in my experience.)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Use dry shampoo, I like psst, but many other brands make it now. I think garnier just released one.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member