Looking for VSG (vertical sleeve gastrectomy) Friends



  • Hi, I was sleeved on 26 Mar. New to the group.
  • LorraineRay
    LorraineRay Posts: 4 Member
    I was sleeved May 26, 2012. I have lost 73 lbs but seem to be in a stall for quite some time. I have not gained, but I lose a couple and then back to the 73 mark. I know I need to step up my excercise and be accountable to get the rest off. Feel free to add me :) That being said, still the best thing I have done for myself and I would do it again! I also quit smoking 16 months ago. Feeling so much healthier.
  • momofthreebeans
    momofthreebeans Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I was sleeved on 11/5/12 and have lost 71 lbs (from 278 to 207) but I learned between months 4-5 that it is easy to stop losing weight if you stop focusing on protein intake, small meals, and exercise. I keep reminding myself that I didn't go through a major surgical procedure to remain over 200 lbs. I would love to have some fellow VSG friends to follow progress and keep my inspired when the days are tough! :smile:
  • jnapier0
    jnapier0 Posts: 1
    Hi all! I was sleeved July 2012. Highest weight 245, Current Weight 155. My goal weight was 135 but the doctor said he thinks my goal should be 120 SO 35 more pounds to go!
  • josarahm
    josarahm Posts: 48
    You all sound positive. My husband is thinking of getting it done. Any regrets?
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    4.5 months post op here (surgery date 12/17/12) and down 66 lbs since surgery for a total of 96 (adding pre op loss). Best thing ever. I have joined the VSG group here, but it looks like I need to add a few more friends to my list :)))) I am also addicted to MFP.


    edited to add that I want to lose 46 more lbs to get to my goal of 160. It still leaves me in the overweight category by a little, but I figure as long as I am free of comorbidities and can maintain easier, I'm good, and my surgeon agrees.
  • joemygawd
    joemygawd Posts: 1 Member
    VSG April 30th 2013. POD#6 clear liquids suck! Looking forward to full liquids and protein shakes.
  • birdgal
    birdgal Posts: 17
    Vsg August 2010. I have been maintaining a hundred pound weight loss for two years. I weight train and exercise 4-6 times per week . I continue to weigh, measure, and log my food on a daily basis, which are tools for maintaining the weight loss. I try to eat clean food and minimize process food. Feel free to add me.
  • KayStewart28
    KayStewart28 Posts: 4 Member
    I am almost 6 weeks post op VSG! I had my surgery February 26 and I'm down 42 pounds so far. You can add me!
  • KayStewart28
    KayStewart28 Posts: 4 Member
    LOL! I'm like 10 weeks post op, not 6 weeks! Sorry!
  • JillyDJ
    JillyDJ Posts: 6
    I was sleeved on April 25th so far I am down 18lbs. I feel like my weightloss is sooooo slow. I was hoping to be down 30 pounds at month one. Please add me as a friend I need support.
  • sparker78
    sparker78 Posts: 9
    Hi , your weight loss seems quite normal to me. I was sleeved on March 15th and have lost 40lbs since.
  • mama2sands
    mama2sands Posts: 1
    Hi, I am on the path to gastric bypass surgery, but am now seriously considering the VSG instead. The malabsorption issues with gastric bypass frighten me. Are there any others who were in my same situation. Would love to hear your reasons for getting the VSG versus other procedures. I have another appointment with my surgeon on Thursday to discuss my change of mind, so any input from those who've actually had the procedure would be most helpful. Thanks!
  • chopz108
    chopz108 Posts: 3 Member
    1 days post op from VSG surgery... this has all been a peice of cake... NOT LITERALLY... but im back at work today... currently eating.. just small portions.. soft foods only.. any questions you have just ask... Im here
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    I had the sleeve done 30th June 2012 so nearly a year out now. I have lost over 10 stone so far approx 142 pounds and have around 14 pounds to go for my own goal. The weight loss has seriously slowed but excersise helps so bring on the nice warm summer we need to have!!
  • aStrongerSteph
    aStrongerSteph Posts: 161 Member
    Hi and you are welcome to add me. I was sleeved just over a year ago. It took me 10 months to be ready to tell anyone besides, my husband, oldest daughter and my mom about my procedure. Then I came out in a big way on fb, my blog, a letter to my church and on mfp :) It was freeing but, scary at the same time.

    I wish you so much luck and good health in your journey!

  • Sherryp50
    Sherryp50 Posts: 4
    Am i seeing that correctly? You are ONE day post op and back to work and eating soft foods? I am being sleeved on July 17th and will be in the hopital three days and no soft foods till week three.
  • Sherryp50
    Sherryp50 Posts: 4
    My name is Sherry and I am being sleeved on July 17th. I need to lose about 144 lbs. Im anxious to meet new people who understand and can share my journey!
  • Amber0924
    Amber0924 Posts: 7
    I had mine done dec 6 th of this year.best decision I've ever made!
  • Amber0924
    Amber0924 Posts: 7
    Wow I was in the hospital 3 days. Liquids for 2 weeks