Didn't lose even an ounce. So frustrating!!!

So last week I weighed in on a Sunday for the first time and was 166 lbs. Then I weighed in again on Friday and was 162. I'd lost 4 pounds and I was so motivated. Unfortunately I was at a college accepted students day last weekend so I couldn't eat the best but I walked all over campus so I didn't think much of it. I exercised every day all this week and didn't eat anything that I didn't last week when I had my weight loss but I got on the scale today and I'm still 162. I didn't lose even one pound! After a whole week of running everyday and cutting out sugar! I'm so frustrated. I watch the Biggest Loser so I know it's common for people to have big weight loss then no weight loss but still this is making me want to give up. I just need results! And I have prom tonight and now I feel like I can't go out to eat with my friends because I won't lose anything again this week. God, the last thing I need is to develop an eating disorder.

Is anyone else having these same frustrations?


  • meagank28
    meagank28 Posts: 52
    we all have that problem. go enjoy your prom and eat with your friends! maybe try to watch your portions? or order something like a chicken salad?
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Remember water weight can vary easily 4-6 #, depends upon how hydrated you are and how much salt you have consumed.
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    Yes, almost everyone who tries to lose weight has the same frustrations. Be patient, be determined, stay with the plan and you will reach your goals. This is a long process, stick with it.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    It happens, and it will probably happen more as you get down to a lower weight. Don't let it get to you. And DON'T let it ruin your prom! You should enjoy the night and not worry about counting calories tonight! Start again tomorrow (or Monday, if you want to do the "fresh week, fresh start" thing).

    I've been losing weight for almost two years now, off and on, and I take breaks sometimes when I just get burned out from it. Sometimes I gain a few back, sometimes I just maintain, but I always start again where I left off and I always make progress... I think it's because I'm not killing myself trying to get there. I'm just taking life as it comes and doing what feels good.

    Good luck and have fun tonight!
  • 2horsestoride
    2horsestoride Posts: 37 Member
    So last week I weighed in on a Sunday for the first time and was 166 lbs. Then I weighed in again on Friday and was 162. I'd lost 4 pounds and I was so motivated. Unfortunately I was at a college accepted students day last weekend so I couldn't eat the best but I walked all over campus so I didn't think much of it. I exercised every day all this week and didn't eat anything that I didn't last week when I had my weight loss but I got on the scale today and I'm still 162. I didn't lose even one pound! After a whole week of running everyday and cutting out sugar! I'm so frustrated. I watch the Biggest Loser so I know it's common for people to have big weight loss then no weight loss but still this is making me want to give up. I just need results! And I have prom tonight and now I feel like I can't go out to eat with my friends because I won't lose anything again this week. God, the last thing I need is to develop an eating disorder.

    Is anyone else having these same frustrations?

    Go to dinner and your prom and enjoy! This night is only going to come around once; don't let a silly number govern your life. Tomorrow get back on your weight loss journey.

    BTW - on a week that I've eaten more than I should or eaten things that I might not should have, I consider a no-gain a victory!
  • hollybugs
    hollybugs Posts: 15 Member
    Yes, I lost 4 pounds the first week, gained one pound the second week and now that it is the 3 week coming up I have finally had another good loss. I kept telling myself that I have seen them say on the Biggest Loser that week 2 is known for being bad on the scale. For me it was just that! Hang in there :)
  • nytweetie
    You're young :-) Are you drinking enough water? Try putting lemon in the water. How much salt are you eating? That can make you retain water. Try eating the standard meal that a nutritionist would recommend which is 4 carbs, 4 fats, at least 6-8 servings of veggies, 2 fruit, 2 milk servings and 8-10 proteins. Make sure you are eating every 3-4 hours especially if you are working out so much. Hang in there kid!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I have done everything right and gained four pounds. I can gain four pounds just by doing my exercise and eating breakfast. Trust me on this, not gaining is losing. Weight loss is difficult, tedious work that is demotivating at times. The most important thing you can do is to keep on your plan, no matter what the scale says today. There is a tomorrow to look forward to.
  • jontay81
    jontay81 Posts: 39 Member
    You'll be fine. Keep at it, and you'll lose weight. Also know that the biggest loser is faked for television and the contestants are treated like scum, so don't base your expectations on it.
  • chillmcgren
    chillmcgren Posts: 31 Member
    Another thing they don't seem to talk about on the biggest loser is hormones. Personally I swing up to 10 lbs a month just based on hormones. Keep eating healthy and being active and focus on a monthly weigh-in. If you keep it up you might get used to your swings and know when you are going to drop. It's hard not to see the number move, but when you know it's going to drop 5 lbs next week it's easier.
  • Pyskova
    Pyskova Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, go and enjoy your prom! You can not eat so much to change your weight - maybe a kilo or so...if you really eat and frink whatever you like. Do not feel guilty. Tomorrow have more vegggies, rice, go for a walk...and go on with your effort. Soon you will see the changes. Be happy at the prom and you will look more beautiful! And you will dance, I suppose? You will burn hundreds of calories
  • Oblivion_100
    Happens to me most of the times...Trying to loose for the last 3 months. But have been staying off and on pretty much on the same. 73 kgs- 161 pounds.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    The Biggest Loser is a bad influence imo, in terms of expectations. You're not going to see big losses all the time. Not even most of the time. In the beginning people will often lose more because they drop some water weight but after that it's slow going. Weight fluctuates, and it sounds like you may be dealing with some water retention. Just keep doing what you're doing and be patient.

    As for prom, eat reasonably but enjoy yourself.
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    Go to prom and enjoy yourself! Seriously! I’m a freshman in college and I struggle all the time with eating out but treating yourself every once in a while is fine! Some weeks I lose weight and other I maintain or even gain. It’s just the way weight loss is unfortunately. I feel like I do everything right and then I still don’t lose anything. Since I started at college, I have lost 20 pounds but I lost an additional 20 before that and now I’m about 5 pounds away from my goal. You can do it! If you want, send me a friend request and we can help keep each other motivated!