I Strongly Dislike Exercise!



  • deanjou59
    deanjou59 Posts: 737 Member
    Hang with it for a few months consistently and I really think that your strong dislike will change! :) You got this!
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Running ..nice and simple?..You're in for a surprise.

    Nice and simple, I know what she means by this. Its a good excersize for starters... but don't underestimate what it takes!
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Do you like brushing your teeth?
    Do you like cleaning the toilet?
    Do you like getting up at 6am to go to work?

    So why would you need to like exercise? It's just one of those things that are part of life.

    And like brushing your teeth, you like being able to smile and chew..
    And you probably also like a clean toilet that you're not afraid to sit on..
    And you probably also like the pay check coming in..

    And with exercise you might not like doing it, but you will (after months of not liking it) start to feel more energized, stronger, better looking, less tired, less often sick, less pains from doing stuff. Ow, and life years longer in good health.

    If that's not good enough for you I'd also stop cleaning the toilet and brushing your teeth.
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    I agree that C25K is a great place to start to get to like running... although it's the runners high at the end that I enjoy rather than actually doing the running. I tend to complain for the whole run and then the high at the end and the success of finishing makes me forget how bad it was when I was doing it. And for some reason, I always look forward to going out again.

    Sounds like giving birth--all the work and pain but then the prize at the end.
  • bill323
    bill323 Posts: 100
    I never liked to jog or run so when I tried hitting the treadmill it was easy to give up. Then someone recommended just walking on an incline which I was able to do no problem. Eventually I got to the point where I got anxious watching the calories burned go up so slowly that I started to jog for a bit then go back to walking. Now I just set a calorie goal and its up to me how fast I want to get there.
  • GiveTheGeniusACookie
    I want to refrain from saying I hate exercise but do strongly dislike it. I'm not sure if it's because I'm heavy and it takes a lot of energy or if I'm just lazy. I don't like the gym. I don't like lifting weights. The thing is I would love to be a runner. Walking and running. Nice and simple. Has anyone gone from hating exercise to loving it? What changed and why?

    I loved running,walking and playing sports. Then I got selfish, lazy, lost all respect for my body and mind, and lost that luster for life.
    Somehow losing all those things made me gain a S*** ton of fat! So now that I have recollected my senses and self respect I am trying to lose the fat so I can run again and do all that other stuff. This time around though I am going to lift weight....I dont mind being weight heavy if its pure muscle.
    I am very lazy as well, but failure is not an option.
  • GiveTheGeniusACookie
    Do you like brushing your teeth?
    Do you like cleaning the toilet?
    Do you like getting up at 6am to go to work?

    So why would you need to like exercise? It's just one of those things that are part of life.

    And like brushing your teeth, you like being able to smile and chew..
    And you probably also like a clean toilet that you're not afraid to sit on..
    And you probably also like the pay check coming in..

    And with exercise you might not like doing it, but you will (after months of not liking it) start to feel more energized, stronger, better looking, less tired, less often sick, less pains from doing stuff. Ow, and life years longer in good health.

    If that's not good enough for you I'd also stop cleaning the toilet and brushing your teeth.

    Love this! :drinker:
  • alexapatel
    alexapatel Posts: 87 Member
    I hated running until c25k. (well still kind of dislike that I can't get past week5 day 3-the 20 minute straight of running) The app has helped me get into it and I have never been a runner. Having a plan to stick to helps me push myself and with some good music going on my ipod the time starts to fly by. I also signed myself up for a 5k, so I know it'll be an epic failure if I don't get myself into running.

    As far as working out, I don't necessarily love it, but it has become a routine. I feel guilty if I don't go and I realized after working out 3 days a week since Jan 1st. if I skip out on a week I feel really lazy tired and blah. Working out doesn't really make me SO happy but the way I feel when I do does.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Runners high. . . . from running

    Lifting, because I enable beast mode

    Of course its hard, Its really hard. No excuses, not ever.

    couch 25k. google it.

    You mean business!
  • idaholawchick
    idaholawchick Posts: 16 Member
    I found a cardio exercise that I enjoy but I still pretty much hate my boot camp class. However, it's as fun as weight training is going to get for me and I love the results. I just view it like a job and made the commitment. I gave up on trying to find something I liked, and picked something I could tolerate!
  • durshley
    durshley Posts: 73 Member
    I hate exercise too, the only type I kinda like is swimming but that's so expensive for a student D: I know a few people who've really gotten into it but I've tried the gym and just couldn't stay with it.
    I'm doing 30 day shred tomorrow, and I'm going to keep at it no matter what, even if I have to force myself every day!
  • tracyschreier
    tracyschreier Posts: 81 Member
    I hate traditional exercise as well. Walking, running, blech. But I've found that gardening is a wonderful way to exercise! Digging, planting, mulching, composting...you exercise without knowing it. Find something you enjoy, like the others have said, or do something until you enjoy doing it, or plant a garden. It's all good.
  • soundtrack
    soundtrack Posts: 57 Member
    You have to find something you LIKE. And it might change... for years I loved yoga. I like PP idea of couch to 5K. Can you imagine how proud you'd be? You can loose weight eating right but exercise really speeds things up! I have a couple DVD's that are 15 mins for days I am tight on time. Its great you're starting the conversation with yourself -and US!! We'll help YOU :)
  • DesignerJojo
    DesignerJojo Posts: 17 Member
    I run indoors and out, elliptical, recumbent bike, and have just completed my first week of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred...she's kicking my *kitten*, but it is only for 20-25 minutes so it is tolerable...and it's working, having said all that...I do not like exercise but I like how I feel when I have exercised. My body hurts less, my headaches disappear, I sleep better, I have more energy...so while I hate exercising I love what it does for me and so I do it.
    I hope you find what works for you. Good luck in your journey!
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I used to hate exercise, but I love it now! It will take some time :smile:
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I want to refrain from saying I hate exercise but do strongly dislike it. I'm not sure if it's because I'm heavy and it takes a lot of energy or if I'm just lazy. I don't like the gym. I don't like lifting weights. The thing is I would love to be a runner. Walking and running. Nice and simple. Has anyone gone from hating exercise to loving it? What changed and why?

    I will exercise if what I'm doing is "fun" for me. I enjoy Zumba and have stuck with it for almost two years now. I have always loved to dance and Zumba gives me a full body work out, high calorie burn, through dancing. I also like the recumbent bike, because it's easy on my old lady bones.

    The point I am trying to make is that, you haven't found the exercise you enjoy doing. Yet. Try a variety of things and see which one makes you want to do again and again. THAT is what you should be doing.

    Many, many people never start exercising because they believe it has to be hard, boring and repetitive. I say it should be engaging, fun and seemly effortless. OR it will suck. (FOR ME, running is the absolute LAST exercise I would ever, ever do.)
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Why do you have to love it to do it? I've have jobs that I didn't like but I showed up every day. I've taken classes that I hated but passed with great grades.

    Don't make excuses

    Because, it has been proven that people who are engaged in an activity that they consider fun will continue to do that activity. And, people who are engaged in an activity they hate, will stop doing it, no matter the reward.

    We all have to work to get money, study to get good grades. These are not options, they are requirements. Exercise is an option, a choice. So, if I'm going to invest my time and energy into exercise, it had BETTER be one I enjoy doing, or I will not do it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Why do you have to love it to do it? I've have jobs that I didn't like but I showed up every day. I've taken classes that I hated but passed with great grades.

    Don't make excuses

    Because, it has been proven that people who are engaged in an activity that they consider fun will continue to do that activity. And, people who are engaged in an activity they hate, will stop doing it, no matter the reward.

    We all have to work to get money, study to get good grades. These are not options, they are requirements. Exercise is an option, a choice. So, if I'm going to invest my time and energy into exercise, it had BETTER be one I enjoy doing, or I will not do it.

    that presumes you can find one you like. for the most part i only do exercises that i enjoy. but the OP says she hates ALL exercise. so until that changes, she needs to suck it up and get it done, you know, like a job.

    that or just quit.
  • DenverGirl93
    DenverGirl93 Posts: 32 Member
    I will say it...i HATE exercise. I love the way it makes me feel, love how it has transformed my body but I still hate it. So you are not the only one. I have done everything that others have suggested..find something you like, do it for 30 days straight (suppose to become a habit after that) but nothing has changed. So I have accepted it, come to terms with it..and I JUST DO IT!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Why do you have to love it to do it? I've have jobs that I didn't like but I showed up every day. I've taken classes that I hated but passed with great grades.

    Don't make excuses

    Because, it has been proven that people who are engaged in an activity that they consider fun will continue to do that activity. And, people who are engaged in an activity they hate, will stop doing it, no matter the reward.

    We all have to work to get money, study to get good grades. These are not options, they are requirements. Exercise is an option, a choice. So, if I'm going to invest my time and energy into exercise, it had BETTER be one I enjoy doing, or I will not do it.

    that presumes you can find one you like. for the most part i only do exercises that i enjoy. but the OP says she hates ALL exercise. so until that changes, she needs to suck it up and get it done, you know, like a job.

    that or just quit.

    All the ones she's tried. But not ALL of them. She hasn't perservered or looked hard enough.