Get it off your mind..



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I live in Boston, and after all the stress that went on this week, last night after we were allowed out of our homes I decided to have 2 pieces of pizza and fries and 3 glasses of wine and a piece of strawberry cake. *sigh* I don't necessarily regret it, but this morning I am up 3 pounds, and I have already gained a few pounds back and I am kind of mad at myself right now...

    I can assure you it's not fat, it's probably water weight from sodium. Drink lots of water and eat high potassium foods like bananas and that will shift the water weight. The amount of food you ate wasn't anywhere near enough to put on even 1lb of fat, you need to eat 3500 cals over and above your TDEE to put on just 1lb of fat. To do that overnight, if your TDEE is 2000 cals, you'd need to eat 5500 cals in one day to put on 1lb of fat in a day. The food you ate isn't even close to that, so the weight gain must be from sodium (which causes water weight gains)
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    that time of the month, feeling sick and in pain and feel fat lol. My confession is I ate a quarter of a box of crackers last night and about 2 or 3 tbls of chocolate chips. I stayed within my caloric intake (even with the mcd's and chocolate) until last night and went over by about 5 or 600 lol.
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    Today is a quiet day. I slept in and waiting for the hubby to wake up. Kid is on vacation with the grandparents. I should get up, get moving, eat breakfast to calm my rumbling belly, and get to planting flowers in the garden.

    BUT I AM BEING LAZY! And I want something sweet for breakfast, like pancakes, or oh, those cream cheese stuffed french toast thingies.
  • MzCaligirl
    MzCaligirl Posts: 10 Member
    I finally figured out that I cannot eat pizza and lose weight
  • 1980karen
    1980karen Posts: 92 Member
    I have been totally awful for the last 3 days :-( for some reason (think its being stuck in the house with two small children who are being naughty/twisty) I'm blaming my bad eating on them (sounds awful I no and I feel guilty) but I no that its me eating it so the blame lies with me! Just can't seem to pull myself up.
  • Superrhi
    Superrhi Posts: 84
    I fell off the healthy wagon for 5 weeks and gained 6lbs :( Damned Easter eggs!
    Determined to be even healthier and fitter than before!
  • Abi_bug04
    Abi_bug04 Posts: 220
    I had to go to a party last night, and in preparation for it, I ate a protein bar and a boiled egg so that I wasn't tempted. And just in case I was, I packed another protein bar and egg to snack on if I felt the need. I got there, and immediately went to the snack table...consuming almost 1500 calories in junk. I felt awful, especially since I have been down on myself for the past two weeks that I haven't been losing much at all. Turns out I am my on saboteur. Ouch.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    I ate two candy bars almost every time went to the grocery store this past two weeks...... :embarassed:

    which candy bars??
    I feel like Snickers still count as a good snack... xD

    Not trying to hijack the thread, but I found a very yummy protein bar that's a Snickers bar. It's a Marathon Snickers protein bar, crunchy dark chocolate. It's only 150 cals and 9 grams of fat plus 11 grams of protein. I didn't think it would taste very good, but was happy to find that it was especially since I really love snickers.
    BTW the serving size is the entire bar and it's a decent size. If you come across them, try one. You may never go back to a real snickers bar :laugh:

    what is it called?
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    i want to express how i feel today...i decided to take a pic of myself and compare...i didnt really see a BIG difference in my first pic i took in Feb... i felt disappointed in myself...i dont see a difference in my body...yeah i see the scale moving and ive been working out 6 days a week...but when i look at myself i look the disappointed that in three months i only lost 13.6 pounds...i kept getting off my diet and eating bad and then i would gain i should be at 25 pounds now as much as i have gained and lost and gained and lost (please dont judge me)...i know this is my fault...and i want to fix it...looking at my pic today made me realize i need to get my butt in using this as a PUSH!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Anything you want to confess to. No judging!

    I'll start.

    I feel like I did something wrong everytime I feel full, I don't like the feeling of being full.

    I had a small slice of cake last night. Had a lick of icing off my finger and I gave in lol

    Anyone else wanna go? :P

    I feel the same way about being full. Don't like the feeling. I just walked several miles, burned off a ton of calories, had a large cappuccino with a friend, and feel totally bloated.