How often do you get on the scale?

I was getting on the scale every morining but my personal trainer told me not to do that. It did mess with my head when my weight would go up and down during the week. What should you do?


  • lilbitofber
    I cant wait to see what people respond to this because I have no clue how often to do this. I get on every couple weeks and check my weight.
  • worththeweight
    I personally do better when I step on the scale everyday. I used to weigh myself once a week, calling it my official weigh in day, but it would sometimes come with disappointments. I would work hard all week, step on the scale on Friday and see no loss sometimes and would be so disappointed. Now that I weigh myself everyday (with the understanding that your weight can fluctuate daily up to 4 lbs!) and I see a loss on different days, I don't feel like a slave to the scale. I know that my hard work did pay off...even if the next day it shows a gain.

    But to each his own. some people get obsessed with the scale and let it rule them. that's why I said you have to understand the fluctuation! this is just what works for me. :)
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    he past when trying to lose, I'd get on the scale every chance I got. :blushing:

    This time I am trying to to stress about it. I get on about twice a week.:flowerforyou:
  • rmeenen
    rmeenen Posts: 23
    I used to get on everyday too but it just becomes too much when you eat right and work your butt off one day and either stay the same or "gain" when you know its probably not true. I am weighing myself once a week and it seems to be working a lot better for me motivation wise because I work hard and stay on track all week. It messed with me a lot too when I would weigh everyday, especially if the scale would move up. Maybe try doing every other day until you can get to once a week or so.
  • gingerra19800
    i check once a week..cuz ur body does have lil' changes through out the i do it every saturday!! :)P
  • eeelastic9
    eeelastic9 Posts: 24
    I weigh myself every morning, but I tell myself it doesn't "count" until my weigh-in day. If I notice that my weight is up the couple of days before my weigh-in, it makes me work harder to try to get the number down for my "official" weigh-in.
    It really depends on how you feel though. What works for one may not work for another. Most people recommend that you weigh-in once a week because of the fluctuation issue, but if you are okay with that, then it may be okay to weigh every day.
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    Once a week(Mondays) sometimes twice(Friday & Monday).
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    I get on the scale every morning and record it in this app I have that's called True Weight. It averages out your weight so that the little fluctuations we all have from day to day, and even week to week, aren't as disheartening! I love it!
    However, I weigh in for MFP on Fridays only.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I weigh every day and record more or less every day.....
  • cktb4him
    cktb4him Posts: 56
    I get on everyday and yes it's annoying and does mess with my head when I get bloated and retain water from a hard workout or if I had too much salt or hormones. But I feel that I can catch it quicker if I mess up and I see 1 or 2 pounds immediately and think ok I;ve got to really watch it today or work harder today. I get down when I go a week without weighing and I see I've gained 3-4 pounds. It's a big deal to me to weigh everyday but most people (especially trainers) say not too because you become obsessed or discouraged if your not losing. When I was just starting and had 70 lbs to lose I only did it 1 time per week. Twice max. I just became miserable and depressed NOT motivated. You know how you feel and which motivates you and what just gets you discouraged. Do what's best for you even if it's not what your trainer suggests.:flowerforyou:
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    Im a scaled addict. I get on it everytime I walk past the thing!
  • BetterVersion
    I get on every morning, but my weight actually does NOT fluctuate daily for no reason like most ppl claim theirs does. It's rare that I don't see some kind of loss, even if it's tiny. It has always been the main thing to keep me honest and make me push harder every single day. Now that I'm so far into it, I don't need that push as I feel I have made a lifestyle change, but now it's just habit and the thought of facing it in the morning does still stop me from giving into the occasional craving.
  • Precious_Nissa
    I have chosen to weigh once a week....yes daily it will mess with your head because weight fluctuates, so i've chosen to weigh every monday to get accuracy, i do it the same time (try to) and with no clothes on...
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, but I tell myself it doesn't "count" until my weigh-in day. If I notice that my weight is up the couple of days before my weigh-in, it makes me work harder to try to get the number down for my "official" weigh-in.
    It really depends on how you feel though. What works for one may not work for another. Most people recommend that you weigh-in once a week because of the fluctuation issue, but if you are okay with that, then it may be okay to weigh every day.

    I am with you on this. My thoughts and feelings about this issue is exactly as yours. I do weigh every morning but like you officially it counts on Sunday morning. To each his or her own. Do what works best for you but yes remember scales only a tool not to obess over. God Bless, Brenda
  • strongbodyhealthyhome
    I know that they say that you're not suppose to...but I weigh myself every morning. It motivates me and starts my day focused on nutrition and taking care of my body. I also remind myself that I am doing this FOR my body and therefore always keep it positive!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Once a week.
    Same bat time.
    Same bat channel.
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    I'm on the scale everyday. Sometimes twice a day. But only officially weigh in Sunday mornings...

  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    I weight once a day, naked, before I get in the shower. I find that it's easier to catch a trend. And yes, my weight does fluctuate from day to day but as long as it doesn't stay up, it doesn't mess with my head. There is a school of thought that you should weigh daily. If you know you don't have to weigh until Friday, it's really easy to mess up on Monday by deluding yourself that you will work it all off before the weigh in. If we had the amount of discipline that takes, we wouldn't be heavy in the first place.
    Also, as another poster on another similar thread said, if you happen to have your weekly weigh-in on a day when you are fluctuating up, it's enough to make you want to hit something.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I've been on this weight loss journey since November. I weigh myself every other day in the morning. Most people go years without weighing themselves and are TOTALLY shocked when they find that they weight 350 pounds. No thank you! I am watching my calories, my calories burned, my sodium (keeping under 2500 mg per day), and weighing frequently.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I usually weigh myself everyday...sometimes more than once time a day.But, I only have 1 official weigh in day. I think its good to have the same official weigh in day---same time, same amount of clothes, same routine! I think thats the best way to get accurate results! :)