Truck Driver, MUST get in better health.

Hi there,

I joined because of my wife, she wants to get in better health, and she convinced me to give this a try. I am a trucker for a living, I am gone for four days and nights, and in the past 5 years we have had 6 drivers die from heart related conditions. So I think if I keep track of my food and exercise, I hope to get in better health by awareness.

So feel free to add me as a friend. I need all the support I can get.


  • jennontheroad
    jennontheroad Posts: 142 Member
    welcome! you can do it! logging food is a great way to realise how much you are eating. You will probably be shocked!!!
    You will probably have more of a challenge because of the nature of your work, but you will soon find healthy tasty options for food you can eat while trucking. It will just take some preparation.
  • Falyesai
    Falyesai Posts: 41
    Thanks Jennontheroad. I am just happy he decided to do this with me. (I'm his wife) I try to meet him on his way back to pick up another load and bring him a good supper. I agree it is so hard to prep his food so that it can still be ate three days into a run, but he is starting to make healthier choices instead of cheeseburgers. It terrifies me that he has lost so many coworkers, and he has already had a stress attack three years ago. I taught him how to use the mobile version of the site, so hopefully he will continue to scan in his food. =D

    Plus, we have a friendly challenge going on. If he loses 50 lbs by august, I won't be able to dress up for dragoncon. BUT if I lose it before he does, he has to dress up with me!! =D (We are doing this for our daughter, she loves Dragoncon)
  • Jami_A
    Jami_A Posts: 19
    Just wanted to say Good Luck on your journey! Even though your line of work can make it a little more complicated- it can be done. And it helps having such a great support system as you do with your wife :)

    BTW: When she mentioned DragonCon, I knew one thing- you guys live in Georgia ;)
  • skdaeffler
    skdaeffler Posts: 19 Member
    My husband and I just started too. He was completely amazed when he logged in his meals and realized how much he was putting in his body. We both like having the overall information of carbs, sugars, fats, sodium etc that you can access both on the PC and the app. Even keeping track of that can motivate you. And although you are not able to exercise while you are working, you can always do a few sit ups, leg lifts, walking in place or anything like that to get something before you tuck in for the night. Any kind of exercise is better than nothing. You'll do just great. It'll be slow, but stick with it. You'll start feeling better and enjoying life more every day. Best of luck to you and your wife.