Will my man boobs go away on their own?

Hi there,

Quick run down -- I am 5'9, 140 pounds and I am trying to gain weight. I am skinny fat, but i don't really have much fat.. but the little that i do is in my chest.. which makes it, "my boobs" haha.

I will start a 3000 calorie meal plan to gain weight.. so my question is.. without really having a "Fat shed" diet and being on a calories surplus, will my man boobs go away on their own with good eating and exercise?

I should note that I will not be eating the garbage that gave me the fat in the first place, like fried foods, packaged foods and so on. I will be eating fruits, vegetables and only clean sources of carbs and proteins.

Thanks for the responses.


  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Nope. Sorry.

    If you eat at a surplus your fat build up will not go away. There is no reason for your body to use it's fat storage if plenty of new food is coming in. You will need to eat at a deficit for that. I'm guessing you do not want to gain weight but gain muscles right? So do that for 3 months, then move on to a 6 weeks-3 months of eating at a deficit. After that go back to building muscles again.
  • rubenchitito
    rubenchitito Posts: 16 Member
    I will have to see for myself, because the fat is not a lot and i will be doing P90X (which is a extreme fitness program) so maybe the fat will go away on it's own. If it doesn't it's okay, it's not that big of a deal so I can deal with it.

    I will follow your advice of going into a calorie surplus for sometime then a deficit, then back to built muscle.. that sounds pretty good and in line with my goals and datelines.

  • Fivefeetjo
    Fivefeetjo Posts: 59 Member
    Weight lifting does help tone up the chest area. I've been doing chest presses and mid rows, among other stuff, and I've noticed the muscles. :)

    Yes, the boobs do get smaller.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    if you've got "man boobs" at a low bodyweight, maybe see a doctor because it could be a hormonal imbalance or something. 140lb is not heavy at all for 5'9".... also, do you really have man boobs, or are you over-focusing on a small thing that no-one else will notice? Or something that's not even there at all?

    if you are skinny fat, then lifting weight and gaining muscle should fix that. You will gain fat with the muscle, but you can do a cut after a while and lose it again. If you're underweight/skinny fat, then bulking up should improve how you look in spite of the excess fat.
  • rubenchitito
    rubenchitito Posts: 16 Member
    if you've got "man boobs" at a low bodyweight, maybe see a doctor because it could be a hormonal imbalance or something. 140lb is not heavy at all for 5'9".... also, do you really have man boobs, or are you over-focusing on a small thing that no-one else will notice? Or something that's not even there at all?

    if you are skinny fat, then lifting weight and gaining muscle should fix that. You will gain fat with the muscle, but you can do a cut after a while and lose it again. If you're underweight/skinny fat, then bulking up should improve how you look in spite of the excess fat.

    I know 140 is not heaving for 5'9.. that's why I believe i mentioned i am trying to GAIN weight. Also, it's not over-focusing, that's why i believed I mentioned that it is not that big of a deal... it's just a little fat, that's it, just like women gather fat in their tights, some men gather it in their chest.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    if you've got "man boobs" at a low bodyweight, maybe see a doctor because it could be a hormonal imbalance or something. 140lb is not heavy at all for 5'9".... also, do you really have man boobs, or are you over-focusing on a small thing that no-one else will notice? Or something that's not even there at all?

    if you are skinny fat, then lifting weight and gaining muscle should fix that. You will gain fat with the muscle, but you can do a cut after a while and lose it again. If you're underweight/skinny fat, then bulking up should improve how you look in spite of the excess fat.

    I know 140 is not heaving for 5'9.. that's why I believe i mentioned i am trying to GAIN weight. Also, it's not over-focusing, that's why i believed I mentioned that it is not that big of a deal... it's just a little fat, that's it, just like women gather fat in their tights, some men gather it in their chest.

    I didn't think you were trying to lose weight. I'm concerned because if you still have actual "man boobs" at such a low weight, it could be a medical issue. I can't tell from an internet forum post if you really do have "man boobs" or you just feel that you have too much fat in the chest area, hence the rest of the post.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    Had the same problem.... I started to eat clean and well...Did lots of cardio and weights.
    You need to mix cardio and chest exercise. STILL it's hard to target one part of the body but...... Cardio and weights melt fat and chest exercise tone and muscle this area so you need them all for it to work.

    I still have some but VERY VERY MILD...almost all gone...My wife don't see it, I do but we're hard on ourselves.

    Just Run, eat well and do chest press,chest fly and many many many push ups.....triangle,standard and wide at least....to work your inner,upper and lower chest.... On the chest press do basic and incline...Decline won't do much for you at the moment.

    Hope it helps...

    Good luck
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    how bout my stach? will it go away on it's own?
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Don't randomly just jump your calories up. Gradually add calories every day to boost your metabolism. Decline bench press target the pecs quite well, but I still do all of the other exercises like cable flys, upright bench, flat bench, dumb bell press.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    You will not lose body fat while in a calorie surplus. Too large of a surplus will only add more. If you increase the muscle size under the fat it may change the shape of your chest and diminish the man boob look but the fat will still be there.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
  • rubenchitito
    rubenchitito Posts: 16 Member
    Very helpful answer there, thanks.
  • rubenchitito
    rubenchitito Posts: 16 Member


    At your low weight if you have true man boobs it could be gyno or you could just be over critical of yourself at this moment and its not that bad. You should post a picture.

    At 5'9 140 I'm going to go out on a limb and say you have little lbm. Heavy compound movements with a slight caloric surplus of 2-300 cals daily will help you increase lbm while minimizing fat gain. You will still gain some fat but not as much as you would if you just wildly start eating 3k calories per day.

    I have researched on this matter and it's definitely not gyno or anything of that matter. I am skinny fat, it's nothing new, i just hold a little fat on my chest. Trust me guys, i know what it is, i'm not some naive guy who doesn't know what's going on :)
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    You're probably going to have to bulk and cut a couple of times, but you'll get the look you want. Eating a slight surplus with heavy lifting will help you gain muscle + a little fat, eating at a slight deficit afterwards while lifting heavy will maintain new muscle while cutting fat. Repeat until satisfied. Takes a while, but works great!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    If you have man boobs at that weight, I'd have a plastic surgeon see if it's gynocomastia.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    If you are at 10-12% ish BF already and still have 'man boobs' then I would say its gyno, hormonal imbalance etc. so it's quite hard to alter unless under the knife...

    But to answer your initial question, no! Calorie surplus will only add more fat/muscle(if you lift) to the whole body in general :angry: