Chicken breast - How to cook?



  • psych0kitty
    psych0kitty Posts: 313
    Get a meat thermometer. You should pull it out/off at 160° F and then let it rest a few minutes. The temp will rise a bit and it'll be perfect.

    I'm about to grill some chicken breasts that have been marinating in orange juice, soy sauce, vinegar, and spices. Gonna have them with some grilled peppers and onions, some black beans, avocado, and maybe a tortilla.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks for all the advice and suggestions :) I will attempt to bake chicken tonight. I swear this is the first time I've ever have, kind of pathetic lol.

    I think I will go for low temp and longer cooking. I hate dry chicken. I'm so worried I won't cook it long enough though, and one bite into undercooked meat and I'm done eating. I can't get past it.

    I boil my chicken breasts using this method: Also, I checked the web and my meat thermometer and they said to cook it to an internal temp of 17-180 degrees F. I hope that helps you!

    Thank you! Maybe I will do it this way, seems fool proof.

    I would keep between 160-170-- I used to work in a kitchen in a nursing home. Health department says 160-165. My experience is cooking to 180 makes the meat a bit dry.

    Good to know. 180 was the temp from on my meat thermometer.

    I understand. I used to think 180 to be safe, until someone informed me that I was overcooking the meat. Be sure to always check the middle of a breast in the middle of the pan to make sure there is no pink in the middle (in case the thermometer is inaccurate and needs adjusting. This can be checked by sticking the thermometer in icewater with lots of ice. It should read 32 degrees
  • texaslonghorn42
    texaslonghorn42 Posts: 34 Member
    If anyone can burn something it is me.... yet I can always manage to cook chicken breasts well! I put tin foil on the bottom of a baking sheet. Pre-heat oven to 350. Once it is ready in it goes. If it is thicker I do 30 mins. If it is a thin sliced one I cook for 22 mins. I usually marinate it in lemon and lime juice with some pepper. Easy and hard to ruin! I don't flip it while cooking either. Just in, then out and then in my tummy. :)
  • mssunshine_7
    mssunshine_7 Posts: 30 Member
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas :)

    maybe I will invest in a meat thermometer later on. I am still not sure I want to start eating meat again. I'd rather get a food scale first anyway!

    I ended up baking it on low and put BBQ sauce and provolone cheese on top of it. It came out okay, probably a little over cooked but not bad!
  • mamabear204
    mamabear204 Posts: 28 Member
    bumping cuz I like these ideas :)
  • Bejede
    Bejede Posts: 191 Member