
  • sherryjohnson2012
    sherryjohnson2012 Posts: 102 Member
    Feel free to add me! Im a young 52! :) My diary is open all the time. Right now im doing a 24 day challenge using Advocare products. Im on day 6 :) Im on daily and try my best to be a good supporter :)
    MRSHHJONES Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there! I'm a 54 year old wife and mother and would love to support and encourage you on your weight loss journey. I joined about a month ago and really enjoy the program and friendship of my fitness pal friends. I feel so much better than I did just a month ago, thank the Lord:) Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.:flowerforyou:
  • healthyformeanMona
    healthyformeanMona Posts: 143 Member
    add me if you like! I am 53, and on every day! MFP is a great community for supporting healthy lifestyles!
  • udamom
    udamom Posts: 65 Member
    Feel free to add me (any all on this thread) I will be 50 in July and am trying to lose 20lbs before then. Need to lose about 35total and it has been real slow going for me! I think the support of others on here is great!
  • josarahm
    josarahm Posts: 48
    I am not 50 yet but close. Looking to lose 80 pounds and just started. So far down 11 woohoo! I would be happy to be your buddy. I have no friends yet :(
  • Fabulous to find so many women over 50 who are doing such amazing things! My head doesn't think I'm that old, but my body thinks I'm older! It's time to do something! I didn't used to be afraid of getting older until I kept getting fatter. Now, everything hurts, my knees hurt, my back hurts; I have sleep apnea, etc. I'm tired of my own excuses. I'm strongly considering gastric bypass, but I realize I've got to start making positive changes, now -- before commiting to what seems like a life-altering surgery. I feel good that I've at least started -- lost 10 lbs. with 130 more to go! I'm walking more; I'm feeling better. I think its helping to read what others are doing on MFP. I don't feel so alone and hopeless because ya'll are doing it -- so can I!
  • Welcome. The journey always seems to be easier when there's someone there to keep you company!:wink:
  • Everyone friend me :) I am 48, mom to nine, SAHM, and been fighting the weight battle for 25 years. I need to get my act together with the food thing. I have no problem exercising, I just overeat. I am beginning to ACTUALLY read my Beck deck everyday. That is helping. I am adding juicing and green smoothies. I would love diet buddies. TIA
  • If you like you can add me. I just turned 53 and need to lose 15-20 pounds. I have never found it as hard as I do now to lose weight. It is so frustrating I drink a smoothie, spinach, berries, apple, and banana, daily. One slice of gluten free bread for breakfast sprinkled with cinnamon. For snacks have healthy nuts and a salad for lunch then a healthy supper. But the weight just does not want to budge. Help, so frustrated cannot get rid of the middle age spread.
  • what is ACE.
  • Hi, I am relatively new to mfp and I love it. I have battled weight my whole life. This is the first time that I feel it really might work. Add me if you would like. I would love to connect with some ladies that are in the same boat as I am.... let's row together! Hehe...
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. There are a lot of women over 50 on this site. There are groups also for people that are over 50, 60.
  • Hi I'm 54. Would love anyone to add me to their friend list. I have some trouble with motivation and I cannot exercise as I would like as I need 2 new hips.
    I lost over 50 pounds before I came here and have been stuck in a vigorous cycle of up and down. I would like to lose 50 more pounds.
  • farmerinthedell
    farmerinthedell Posts: 3 Member

    i think i'm the oldest (64) sure would like some new ideas about wieght loss. I read a lot of info on this subject but i need some dicipline
  • melwangerin
    melwangerin Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm also in my 50's and on the same journey as a lot of you. I live in Wisconsin and I sure do wish winter would lossen her grip so that I can get outside and be active. I'm bored walking on my treadmill, I'm not a huge fan of exercise which explains why I"m overweight!! I've lost 38 lbs. following weight watchers and now I have the confidence to try this on my own. What a blessing MFP is. Slowly but surely, I will lose this weight. Feel free to add me as a friend...any and all are welcome!
  • booksgiver
    booksgiver Posts: 149 Member
    Curious, but what's ACE?
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    yes, what is ACE? and I would be your friend! I am 58.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Soon to be 50 and trying to shake these last 10 stubborn lbs to get me to the "healthy" range for the first time that I can remember! Always looking for more friends to interact with.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I'm 55; feel free to add me. We should start an "Over 50 group"....just a thought. I'm not sure how to go about doing it, though!
  • sef218
    sef218 Posts: 9
    well I would love to try to help. I just turned 50 and I just keep seem to be gaining I am trying but the will power seems to have left me