Any New Jersians?



  • amariecruz89
    amariecruz89 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi! My Name is Carolina...and I'm a Jersian...but I live in Texas now! :cry: We can still be friends though! :smile:

    Me too!
  • LadyThanata
    LadyThanata Posts: 91 Member
    I had to leave NJ because of my job! (Princeton).
    But Ive been pining for it ever since I landed two feet in Michigan. I will probably always plot and plan to come back, NJ is where my heart is. There is too much missing out here:

    Taylor ham (they don't even know what it IS!)
    Tastykake (nobody out here has ever heard of a krimpet. That is just so wrong).
    You CANNOT get a decent pickle out here
    You can also not find good Chinese.
    The provolone tastes like wax. You can't find a good sharp one to save your life.
    The people who work at the DMV are polite. It's weird.
    The best pizza one can find out here is Little Caesar's. (I know, I know).

    LOL DMV people... nice???

    I bet people over there don't ride bumpers, there probably not in a rush either?
    Everytime I leave this state, it seems like the highways slowwwww down.....

    Horrible food choices out there!