I need HElp!!! Feeling Defeated!

Hello Guys,

I have been dieting strong and working out for about 7 weeks now and ive only lost 12 pounds. I know it takes time but I been busting my butt at the gym and carefully watching what i eat. The scale is very discouraging as well, in the morning I'll be at a certain weight then in the evening after the gym i will always be 1-2 pounds heavier (what's up with that???? )

I'm trying to lose overall 100 pounds but my goal for my birthday which is November 2, 2010 is 200 pounds currently i weigh 248. I just need some advice, tips, inspiration, success stories, diet plans, etc. Please help im a bit sad now.


Diary of a Mad Fat Woman


  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    Hello..............sorry that you are sad:( Open up your food diary and lets have a peek.............it may help...
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    First off your doing great! Remember thats 17 pounds that are gone that were there before! I am always 2 pounds heavier after about 4pm. Your body changes threw the day. Maybe you can put your food diary on public so we can see how your eating and offer some changes if you need them to help!

    What kind of exercise are you doing? How long? How often?
  • labreemike
    labreemike Posts: 91 Member
    weigh once a week. take measurements you may be losing inches with out losing weight. try a high protein diet like that beach one. and i weigh in the morning when i'm at my lightest. plus your probaly gaining muscle from working out
  • degausser234
    degausser234 Posts: 157 Member
    You shouldn't weigh yourself more than twice a day. Our bodies fluctuate in weight a lot in just one day!
    Best of Luck! :D
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    only weigh first thing in the morning--never look back and give your enemy the scale a chance to bum you out! your weight fluctuates throughout the day. 12 pounds is great--how much water are you drinking and did you cut back on sodium? how many calories do you eat each day?

    i think it's awesome how you're going for it!!
  • caylalanier
    I weigh myself every morning, first thing in the morning, without any clothes on, and use that number for tracking. I think it's natural to gain a few pounds throughout the day as you eat, and your body processes it overnight while you sleep so the pounds even out. I've also noticed that being *ahem* "regular" and knowing when you go helps to keep track of the number.

    It's natural to hit a plateau when dieting and working out. Try mixing up your workouts. Add swimming, yoga or pilates, an aerobics class to your routine and you will work new muscles and may burn more calories than you think.

    Focus on how you feel rather than the number on the scale and keep your attitude positive. You are NOT a number. Keep your chin up!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    First of all, 12 pounds is great!!! :smile: Remember that your weight fluctuates daily. At the end of the day you have food and water in your body that you didn't when you stepped on the scale that morning - that adds up. How often do you weigh yourself? I used to weigh in every day but I got way to discouraged when the numbers changed every day so I cut back to once a week. Don't give up, it's a long process but if you stick with it you will see results. Remember, the longer it takes to come off the better chance you have of keeping it off. Best of luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Hello Guys,

    I have been dieting strong and working out for about 7 weeks now and ive only lost 12 pounds. I know it takes time but I been busting my butt at the gym and carefully watching what i eat. The scale is very discouraging as well, in the morning I'll be at a certain weight then in the evening after the gym i will always be 1-2 pounds heavier (what's up with that???? )

    I'm trying to lose overall 100 pounds but my goal for my birthday which is November 2, 2010 is 200 pounds currently i weigh 248. I just need some advice, tips, inspiration, success stories, diet plans, etc. Please help im a bit sad now.


    Diary of a Mad Fat Woman

    1) never weigh your self daily let alone twice a day--- if you just MUST have a peak do it first thing after you wake up BEFORE you eat anything

    2) you body weight fluctuates daily as you take in food and your body process it, it is NORMAL and EXPECTED to be approx 2pounds heavier in the afternoon

    3) 1-2 pounds weight loss a week is what is considered healthy weight loss so 7X2 = 14 and your at 12 RIGHT ON TARGET!! Keep it up GREAT JOB!!!

    4) Your goal of approx 50 pounds in 4 months....is a hard one....could be possible, but if you don't make it you will certainly be VERY close, if you stick with this site, log EVERYTHING that passes your lips, work out consistently, and NEVER EVER give up!!

    feel free to add me if you want :D
  • brownislovely
    brownislovely Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry guys here ya go i think u can access my food diary now. LIke i said im new to all this blog stuff forgive me.

    <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com"><img src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/badges/show/42/2196/422196.weight-lost-sm.gif&quot; border="0" alt="Calorie Counter"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:226px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Free Calorie Counter</a></small></p>
  • sissytx
    sissytx Posts: 50
    I have not lost much weight either. Been working out about the same amount of time as you have but I have lost inches and am toning up. Don't give up!!!
  • brownislovely
    brownislovely Posts: 8 Member
    still not sure how to add that on there
  • jusniq
    jusniq Posts: 49
    12lbs is good start.

    If I weighed myself twice a week, I would be so discouraged. I weigh weekly, and even that can be discouraging sometimes. So i guess I'd say, dont weight yourself so often, you'll drive yourself crazy. And don't be so hard on yourself, 12lbs is really good.
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    It is not wrong to weigh everyday. The scale is a tool that can be very helpful. However, just weigh once a day at the same time everyday. The morning is the best time.

    If you KNOW you are doing everything right then keep doing it. If the pounds aren't coming off the inches are. Try on some clothes you haven't been able to wear for a while! That is how I keep motivated because the scale isn't that friendly to me either.
  • summersk
    summersk Posts: 59
    Try thinking about it this way, how long did it take you to put on 100lbs? It will take you about that long (if not longer) to take it back off. I know it's not the must exciting advice, but it's realistic. Believe you me I'm in the same boat as you. I started out needing to lose 100lbs, and so far I've lost around 19lbs, I by the way have been doing this since April this year. I know how discouraging it can be to get on that scale and see either no change or even worse an increase! But remember working out builds muscle, muscle weighs more than fat, about 5 times more! So while you may not be seeing a move in the scale you should definitely be noticing a difference in the way your clothes are fitting. Measuring made my life better, because even when I didn't see a change in the scale I almost always see a change in the measuring tape! Something else to think about is that when you put on a lot of extra weight your metabolism can slow down tremendously and it takes a while to rev it back up again. And as someone else mentioned, be sure to change your workouts up every now and again. Your body gets used to the same exercises after awhile and you wight lose slows down and can even stop, but changing up your routine will throw your body a curve ball, so to speak, and cause you to start losing weight again. You're doing great! Just stick with it and don't let a number on the scale rule your life, after all it's just a piece of plastic and it only has the power you give it over your life! Don't be discouraged, life's too short for all that! :happy:

  • NanaAtaa
    NanaAtaa Posts: 10 Member
    Hello Guys,

    I have been dieting strong and working out for about 7 weeks now and ive only lost 12 pounds. I know it takes time but I been busting my butt at the gym and carefully watching what i eat. The scale is very discouraging as well, in the morning I'll be at a certain weight then in the evening after the gym i will always be 1-2 pounds heavier (what's up with that???? )

    I'm trying to lose overall 100 pounds but my goal for my birthday which is November 2, 2010 is 200 pounds currently i weigh 248. I just need some advice, tips, inspiration, success stories, diet plans, etc. Please help im a bit sad now.


    Diary of a Mad Fat Woman

    I'm a dietitian who is also trying to lose some weight, and I'll be the first to tell you - DIETS (in the old-fashioned sense of the word) DON'T WORK. Eating good wholesome, well-balanced foods in smaller portions, getting enough water, getting enough rest, and being as physically active as possible every single day - WORKS. It works for weight loss, it works to keep you healthy and to prevent disease, and in some cases - may even work to heal you from disease.

    1. You have to be patient with your self and with the process. If you are consistent in using MFP.com, if you share ideas and best practices with the community here - you'll be at your goal in no time.
    2. You are right - the scale can be discouraging. Get a measuring tape and record all of your measurements. That may be a more accurate way to monitor your success.
    3. Don't use negative terminology to describe yourself. It hurts me to hear you call your Self 'fat'. I am certainly not skinny by any stretch of the imagination - but I do not use the 'fat' to describe my physique - no matter how heavy I have been. The negative words you use will keep you in the mindset of defeat. Your weight will then never appear to come off as quickly as it should if you continue to describe yourself as 'fat'.
    4. Your body is changing. And sometimes that change is happening in amazing ways internally. These changes may not be visible yet, but have you checked / compared your cholesterol levels? Have you checked / compared your blood pressure? Are you increasing your endurance and stamina and flexibility in the gym or throughout the day? These are the things you should celebrate and give your self a pat on the back for - every day.
    5. Again - really use this website as a resource - all day, every day. I don't have an iPhone, so I have it on my desktop at work and on my desktop at home. The more you are in tune with how much you are eating, portion sizes, factoring in daily exercise, trying new foods, or sticking to foods you like but are healthier - your body has no choice but to succeed.
    6. Re-evaluate your weight loss and exercise goals - honestly. A short-term goal of 10% of your current body weight (which is about 25 pounds for you in this case) is a lot more realistic than a short-term goal of 48 pounds lost by your birthday. November is right around the corner!! If you factor in that you've lost almost 1/2 of the weight (12 pounds out of 25 pounds) to reach your short-term goal - YOU ARE A CHAMPION! If you happen to lose more than 25 pounds by your birthday - well then - that's just icing on your cake.
  • EightDMB
    EightDMB Posts: 155 Member
    Don't give up on yourself. Don't give up! Look at this way, say you don't lose the entire 100 lbs until next April. Next April is going to come: where do you want to be when it arrives? I'm not saying that it will take 10 months to lose 100 pounds, but it could. Where will you be next May if you do give up? If you throw in the towel because it's taking twice as long as you expected, you are cheating your future self of the ability to walk in a room and feel confident, to state your mind in meetings, to stand up for yourself. You will cheat yourself of the ability to stop feeling invisible around attractive women.

    If it takes longer than 4-5 months to lose 100 lbs, that's okay. By November you will feel better. Some back fat will be gone. You won't feel the need to put on elastic waist pants. You will be able to wear some cute things tucked in your closet. Also, the workouts will be easier and more fun.

    Either way, your future birthday goal date is going to arrive. Even if you don't make your entire goal at that time, you will feel so unbelievably gorgeous being close to it!

    Also, trust your body. It knows what it's doing. If you lose too much weight, you could end up with a lot of loose skin and lack of muscle firmness. Your body is losing the perfect amount for you to look and feel great.

    PS.... you probably gained some muscle and that might impede some of the sheer pounds that you want to lose.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    still not sure how to add that on there

    In order for people to see your diary, you need to go to home> settings> diary settings. At the bottom of the page on the left side you will find the options for opening your diary. If you are asking for feedback from everyone, you want to choose the public option. If you want to limit it to friends, or to people you give a keycode to in order to open it, follow the instructions on the page and select one of those options.

    You can change it back to private, ANYTIME, by going into that page again, and changing the setting.