cutting crust off bread to save calories?



  • GinGinSweden
    GinGinSweden Posts: 36 Member
    The only advantage to this I can think of is your eating less so of course there is less calories in it and usually the crust is baste in butter to make it shine so prob has more calories right there than the bread inside? But I do not eat soft breads so do not have to worry about it :)
  • wilkyway
    wilkyway Posts: 151
    I like my breadcrust o.O
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Trying to limit my bread. I could eat a loaf of crusty bread with a hunk of sharp cheddar cheese all by myself. YUm Yum
  • akf2000
    akf2000 Posts: 278 Member
    When I have a sesame seed bun, I take off all of the seeds. Saves me 5 calories! Great job on the dedication!

    wow, you're taking the piss out of someone on a diet forum for asking a question about dieting. You really are winning at the internet.
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    Aren't you cutting out some of your nutrients when you do that? I am speculating. I am not a bread expert, LOL. But if I get whole wheat bread for the purpose of putting more fiber in my diet, I imagine a nice portion of that fiber is in the crust and not the heart of the bread.

    And if you must cut crust off to save calories, I suggest finding a new carb. =]

  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    Sorry, my Mom would whack me on the back of the head for not eating the end crust in the loaf, or for cutting the crust off a perfectly good piece of bread.

    Eat one slice and donate the equivalent of one slice to your food bank. Win, win.
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    Sandwich Thins Sister.....or only one slice of bread, make a half sandwich....those things would save you the same calories as cutting off your crust with out the work.

    The hubby and I often make a whole sandwich between the two of us and cut it in half. Way easier and less calories....
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    When I have a sesame seed bun, I take off all of the seeds. Saves me 5 calories! Great job on the dedication!

    wow, you're taking the piss out of someone on a diet forum for asking a question about dieting. You really are winning at the internet.
    to me, theres a big difference between dieting, and being obsessive.
    cutting crust off to save calories seems obsessive to me.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Mail me ALL of your crusts!

    I will eat them all! <3
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I think you need a better bread. I eat Pumpernickel and one slice = 40 cal 1g fat 2g protein 1g fiber. The whole slice. Remove the crust and all you get are empty calories.

    This is another, sterling example of the inaccuracies of the editor-free content that's too common on the web.

    Yes, one of the subheads reads "If you cut the bread crusts off your bread, you miss out on the nutrients." but that assertion is not supported by the article that it accompanies.

    The only mention of the non-crust portion is "Through analyzing the bread crust, bread crumbs from the paler inside of the bread and flour, researchers discovered that pronyl-lysine, an antixodant, was eight times more plentiful in the bread crust than in the other components of the bread. Pronyl-lysine was not at all present in the flour"

    As I read it, that para states how much pronyl-lysine is in the crust. It sheds zero light on the nutritional value of the non-crust portion (other than as it deals with pronyl-lysine, of course).

    Insofar as "empty calories" - I think some bread might fall under that category but even "Wonder Bread", which I have the impression is the lowest in nutritional content, has vitamins and minerals in it.

    I bake my own bread from whole wheat flours because bread is an important part of my diet. I need calories and I need carbs and it's difficult for me to get all of the carbs that I need without eating bread.

    Whole grain bread is a medium glycemic index food which means it can be important in controlling appetite and providing complex carbs which my body needs for energy (I add peanut butter to lower the GI). Further, whole grain has antioxidants (lord help me, I sound like a "whole foodie"!) which some people believe play a role in the aging process.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Is that what I count for calories?

    Would it be accurate to say the crust has more calories in it since it weighs more?

    Probably, yes.

    I would say go easy on yourself. Calorie counting is an inexact science. With the best will in the world you will never get your calorie counting spot on. Even with food labelling manufacturers are given a margin of error for the calorie information they provide.

    Pretty much everything is a guideline which you work towards. Worrying about 80 calories or so here and there won't matter very much if you are running a largeish deficit (say over 350 or so less than TDEE.) Obviously if your deficit is small you need to be more careful but I doubt that applies to most people on here.

    Dieting doesn't have to be a chore or overwhelming.

    Relax, be happy and enjoy the ride.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    wow, I doubt anyone considered it, but I actually just don't like the taste of the crust on this bread. Generally I do eat the crust. Just trying to get an accurate calorie count.

    Oh, well if you would have said, "I don't like the taste of bread crust, how could I go about calculating those calories?" I would have had a totally different answer for you. If you don't like bread crust, you don't have to use the calories as an excuse to cut them off!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Hey folks, Google is your friend! :-)

    Don't know how credible this source is but…

    In testing the caloric value of white bread, the "slice thin, crust not eaten" value is 9 grams for 24 calories while the ""slice thin" is 20 grams and 53 calories.

    The crust is 11 grams and contributes 29 calories = 2.6363 cals/gram
    The non-crust is 9 grams and contributes 24 calories = 2.6666 cals/gram

    That's a 0.01% difference which means that, in the case of white bread, they're "the same".

    Now, what about whole wheat baked with a firm crust? ;-)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I said this on another thread but my grandfather always said that the nutrition was in the crust. Don't know how accurate that is but if you don't like crust maybe you should try some other kinds of bread. It might be fun to experiment.
  • For the few calories you're going to save, why bother cutting off the crusts? Seriously, why make the process more difficult than it already is? Just eat the bread intact and take the stairs in to the office to make up for it.

    love it!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    wow, I doubt anyone considered it, but I actually just don't like the taste of the crust on this bread. Generally I do eat the crust. Just trying to get an accurate calorie count.
    yea, since the title of the thread is "cutting crust of bread to save calories" it never actually entered my mind that you might not like them. if you had said so, i doubt youd have gotten half as much crap as you did.
    that said - personally, id just log a whole slice of bread even if i cut the crust off.
  • j_yates
    j_yates Posts: 3 Member
    So nice to see that I'm not the only one wondering the same thing, haha! I try to cut the calories every way I can b/c I am only allowed 1200/day too. Realized yesterday that 1 packet of ketchup has 20 calories!!!!! Which doesn't sound like a lot, but it does add up quickly!
  • im pretty sure you'll cut down on a few calories.. just not alot :)