Could you share your experiences as I feel like a FAILURE!!



  • averytds
    averytds Posts: 64 Member
    I started out with an injury. Basically chair bound, but losing by staying within my calories. When the doctor cleared me for walking, I decided to tackle the house stairs. I was incredibly slow and it was painful. I went 3 minutes twice a day and thought I was going to die. Gradually I upped it to 5 minutes, 3 times a day. I'm still slow compared to most people, but more than double time to my original and I can now do 5 minutes just fine.

    I've since added walking. I'm slow, but every week I gain speed and distance. I'm walking 4-6miles every day now. A few weeks ago, I decided to try the 30 day shred. I'm still not cleared for jumping around and had to modify more than 2/3 of the video. In other words, I didn't really DO the workout. I quickly realized, unless I did them in a pool, just about every workout DVD is out of my league for now.

    Instead, as a compliment to my daily walks, I've added strength training 3 times a week and I'm loving it. I started with body weight, soup cans and milk jugs. I've since added in resistance bands. Did you know you can do push-ups against a wall and a lot of floor work on a bed? I didn't! I can't get on and off the floor yet, but those modifications have really broadened my exercise horizons. I struggled with 10 wall-pushups and body weight alone . Now I'm up to 3 sets of 12 with a resistance band across my back to make it harder. lol

    I'm expecting the strength training to help with both the weight loss (eventually) and the loose skin/toning problems with losing so much weight, at least to some extent. I will caution if you try strength training though, to take your measurements. My scale didn't budge downward, even went up a bit for a couple weeks. I knew it would, so I didn't panic. I can't wait to see my measurements at the end of the month. I can see a difference now that I hadn't seen yet with just weight loss alone so far.

    By the time I'm able to do all that bouncing around, I expect to be down quite a bit weight wise and in far better overall health. I may decide I'm happier doing other things for exercise. I was never a fan of aerobics anyways. :P
  • Oblivion_100
    Feel much the same !
  • Oblivion_100
    Let's help each other. I too get depressed very quick when I see no results after days of hard work.
  • inkmonster
    i had no experience before i started 30ds. it took me a couple times to do the video u just have to push
  • MicroHez
    MicroHez Posts: 125 Member
    I have tried 2 separate times to do Jillian's Ripped in 30. Both times, I did 3-4 days of week 1 and QUIT! Despite being down almost 40 lbs, I am still getting my butt kicked! Keep your chin up and keep trying :smile: Once I am down 50 lbs, I will TRY AGAIN! Maybe, someday, I will manage to get to week 2 :wink:
  • Manarelle
    Manarelle Posts: 33 Member
    If you're not used to exercise, try the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home workout. It's low impact, has a warm-up and cool-down, and as you get used to it, there are longer and longer workouts. And it's free on Youtube.

    When I started, I had basically been sitting in front of my computer for a couple years. I wanted to take it slow, because I know I have a tendency to get super excited about something, overdo it, and psych myself out. The Walk at Home was a good way to start, and once I got used to it, I could move on to other things (yay biking!).

    Take it easy, get used to the changes- you're going to be doing this for the rest of your life, you have time! And congrats on starting that journey, you are not a failure!
    ^Walk at Home starting video.
  • hezrock
    hezrock Posts: 2 Member
    Believe me, Jillian Michael's is hard the first time no matter WHAT shape you're in! The first time I did 30 day shred, I mostly stared at the TV saying "You want me to do WHAT?"

    I've done 30 day Shred, Ripped in 30 and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism now. My best suggestion is not to worry if you can do all the moves the first time. Just try your best, and don't stop moving, even if you're just walking on the spot or swinging your arms. Keeping your heart rate up will help you get used to it.

    Keep at it, it can only get better!
  • samspencer1966
    samspencer1966 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5ft 1 and started out weighing in at 237 pounds. Hated exercise and did the least amount I could get away with. Love food and was always taught to clear everything from my plate. That was my big problem. Then, when my husband became a police officer he had to exercise and stay fit. The day I discovered he weighed less than me was my wake up day! I have been using MFP for over a year and lost and gained again. 10 weeks ago I started the Shred Revolutionary Diet along with using the MFP as my back up to see what I was eating. In those 10 weeks I now weigh in at 215 pounds. I still have a long way to go. I still struggle with exercise. But I am working it slowing and getting better with the distance I can walk on the treadmill (I can't run yet). I started circuit training at the gym...again slowly. Don't push the exercise beyond what you can do. Start slowly and take each day at a time. And remember, you are not a failure unless you decide to give up trying.
  • persistantone
    persistantone Posts: 59 Member
    Start slow. You are not a failure. Take a walk and enjoy the sunshine. I've suffered from severe depression on and off for years. A walk, just 30 minutes each day, will serve as a great introduction to exercise. Soon you will find that you have more energy and an increased desire to move around.

    And with the Jillian Michaels DVDs, they are tough! But they get easier with each try! Good luck and be proud of yourself for every step you are taking towards better health!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Sure yes! I'm sure many are familiar with your experience when first wanting to get in shape!

    Me too ~ I was depressed and lazy and I'd lumber up the stairs with laundry as if I was 100 years old with a broken ankle!

    Give it time ~ 10 minutes of an excercise DVD is great!, give yourself credit where credit is due :)
  • mrslosser
    mrslosser Posts: 54 Member
    You are not a failure! I was like this myself. You will be amazed at how quickly your body will adjust to working out and being more active! My first day of working out after a long stretch of doing nothing was HARD and the gym I was at has a treadmill that you hang onto the heart rate sensors and it will increase or lower your speed to keep your heart rate at the optimum rate for weight loss. I put 3.5 mph in for desired speed and it SLOWED me down to under 3 mph--how embarrassing! BUT.... by the next week (going 3x a week) the treadmill was increasing both my speed AND incline! Yes!

    Just keep going and you will feel GREAT! It will help with depresssion also. I know personally. You can do this!:smile:
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    I did 10 mins (with a break!)
    You lasted nine more minutes than I would have. Give yourself permission to suck at it. Then give yourself time to get better at it.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    That was exactly how I was in the beginning. I'm not running any marathons, but I'm able to do the entire workouts now without modifying the moves, for the most part. Today I did Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism which is about 50 minutes.

    The best advice I have is to just stick with it and do what you can. Modify the moves where you have to, but my rule has always been to at least *try* the "hard" version. You might be surprised at what you can actually do, and over time you'll see yourself improve! :)
  • RRRogers1979
    You can totally do this, find a partner. An it doesn't have to be someone that lives right there if there isn't anyone. My fitness pal is 2000 miles away courtesy of our lives as spouses in the military. But we made a choice, and it helps. I use bodymedia, and MFP it encourages you. An trust me, we all feel like were going to fail. Heck I got so excited over running a half a mile without stopping I tripped myself and splatted right there on the pavement. (gravity is not my friend)

    Find Joy in the little accomplishments, and those Jillian videos are intense my army husband sat down said she was crazy lol.

    Hang in there, stay positive.

    Oh yeah and remember if you walk 1/2 a mile today that's further then you did in the past and that's improvement !!!

    Give yourself credit for effort.
  • 2horsestoride
    2horsestoride Posts: 37 Member
    I didn't start exercising until this past February. When I started, 15 minutes on my elliptical at the lowest resistance setting left me tired and breathless. Now, only two months later, I can easily do 45 minutes on the HIGHEST resistance setting. :) Baby steps. Just like you didn't put on all of your weight in one day, you didn't become unfit in one day and you can't lose the weight and become fit in one day! Just keep at it and you will be surprised at how quickly you improve. Good luck on your journey. :)
  • innerninja3035
    innerninja3035 Posts: 10 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race!

    I've been all over the map in my life weight-wise, from size 4 all the way up to 190 lbs at my highest. I'm starting to see that small changes and ones that are sustainable over the long term have worked best for me.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I started my new healthy living on wednesday so it's only been a few days. Before I did nothing. I suffered from severe depression and spent my time eating and sleeping so my weight is 205 lbs (5ft 2) and my exercise levels are none. Even walking up the stairs causes me to be out of breath :( But today I attempted 10 minutes of a jillian michaels dvd and I couldn't even do all of the exercise and the ones I could do felt like they were killing me. It actually hurt to jump around. I know it's because all my lack of fitness but I feel like a failure for it. I did 10 mins (with a break!) and here I am sweating and purple in the face unable to move. Was anyone else like this?

    You make your fastest improvements when when you're a beginner. Do an easier version of the exercises. Just move and don't jump if it hurts. Or find a different exercise - you don't have to go from zero to maximum effort. If you're starting from an exercise level of none, all you have to do is keep moving for 10 minutes or longer a few times a day.
  • danglarity
    danglarity Posts: 31 Member
    Start off by just walking. You'd be surprised how much weight you can walk off. As you lose pounds and feel better, then you can 'graduate' to those other activities. I weigh less than you and I don't like all that jumping around either. No one says it has to be done that way. :)
  • DottieNewton
    DottieNewton Posts: 112 Member
    I am 64 yo and was at my highest weight when I started back on a healthy eating plan. I cannot exercise or do anything outside without having an asthma attack. It is very frustrating.. I am managing to walk around .6 miles now without too much effort, now. I can ride a recumbent bike (recumbent because of lower back injury). I tend to want to quit because I can't do more faster. But, as it has already been said "the only way to FAIL is to not try". So, keep on doing the little you can do and it will get better as the weight comes off and your endurance gets stronger.
  • innerninja3035
    innerninja3035 Posts: 10 Member
    Oh, and I agree wholeheartedly with the posts about walking.

    When I was at 190 lbs, I started by watching my portion sizes and walking. I gradually over six months or so got into the jog-walking, and ran so slowly that people were basically walking right by me and it was kind of embarrassing, but I persisted.

    Eventually I signed up for some races, and ended up running 11 marathons and coming 7 minutes short of qualifying for Boston, and I was 62 lbs lighter than when I started. Throughout my training and weight loss, I just kept telling myself slow and steady wins the race.

    I eventually went back to school, and slowed down with the running, and gained back 30 lbs, and then felt so guilty as I now thought of myself as a runner. Now though I am at the point where I think there are different ways to stay in shape, and it doesn't always have to be the extreme of running marathons and being in a size 4, or being 200 lbs.

    I am now focusing on lifelong health and fitness, and I am a-okay with simply walking 3 miles a day and eating healthy if that's what I can fit in my schedule. Life balance is my goal now and we all have to start somewhere and find our own groove.