A question re skinny people



  • StephanieCo3
    StephanieCo3 Posts: 122 Member
    My bf is Welsh and weighs 9 stone. I think he does have a high metabolism but I have noticed he more or less follows the 5:2 diet without meaning to- eating a lot most of the time, but then some days just not being hungry and barely eating.
  • sunshineblue1
    sunshineblue1 Posts: 60 Member
    public opinion doesnt help.....when we go out together, i look like the one who eats all the pies and he is the one who is starving.

    even at family events, my darling MIL asks if i have been to the gym lately and comments her DS has lost weight.

    such is the way of the world......it still doesnt seem fair, i will be thinking about this on my run tommorrow :)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Your husband eats at a level equal to his TDEE.

    You do not (or did not in the past) which is why you now consider yourself overweight.

    ^ This is your answer. It sounds though that you're just here to complain. If you want to change then change. The tools are here.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    public opinion doesnt help.....when we go out together, i look like the one who eats all the pies and he is the one who is starving.

    even at family events, my darling MIL asks if i have been to the gym lately and comments her DS has lost weight.

    such is the way of the world......it still doesnt seem fair, i will be thinking about this on my run tommorrow :)

    Some rude family member once made the comment that my husband was skinny because I ate all the food. If they saw how much he ate and how little I ate they would be shocked. There is a lot more than genetics or as one rude posted has said that someone is here just to complain... Medications, hormone problems, disabilities, genetics etc etc. Once my disease went into remission and I was able to discontinue all meds and didn't need steroids anymore I was finally able to lose weight.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    It just happens to some people. My flatmate is an inch shorter than me (I'm 5' 11.5"), does zero exercise ever (ten minutes of walking as part of his commute five days a week, never anything at weekends), and I live with him so know exactly what he gets through, his idea of a 'snack' can be a full pack of biscuits, a 200g chocolate bar or a family size bag of Doritos. He can quite comfortably get through 5,000 cals in a day. But his weight has stuck solidly between 10 and 10.5 stone for the last 10 years, body fat around 9-10%. His body just seems to be locked, he can eat everything or nothing and it never changes. He's not particularly fit or healthy, but he seems physically unable to get fat. Yes it's irritating that he can stuff his face with nice things and I can't partake and have to track everything and work out all the time to not balloon, which happens very quickly unless I'm strict, but he has his genes and I have mine, nothing I can do about it, I just have to focus on me and do the best I can with what I was given.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    My biological family has always been chunky. One of my older brothers is adopted and the dude has always, ALWAYS been thin, no matter what he puts in his mouth. I lived with him, so I know he ate like nobody's business. Plus, he lived with US and therefore ate what we ate. The effects on him were obviously different than they were on us. I recently saw his biological mother for the first time and it all made sense. She's tall and thin like him. He will likely always be thin. I will likely always have to fight like a dog just to be "not fat." People who say genetics plays a negligible role in weight loss are idiots. Or liars. Or both.
  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    I'm one of those guys that can eat anything and not gain weight. Everyone in my family is tall, I'm 6'5 myself. I've had an awful diet most of my life full of takeaways, sweets, biscuits and fizzy drinks. I have no clue why I never really put on weight, having that diet did make me feel lethargic most of the time. It made me lazy with no energy. My sisters eat a lot less and constantly struggle with their weight fluctuating.

    I've changed my diet completely now and I've noticed a real spike in energy levels.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    My sister is like that. Growing up she was a stick, but all she ate was loads of crap. No veggies, no fruit, hated anything green (she's anemic now, go figure) and ate lots of sugar. Then after high school she got really chubby, which I will admit made me quite happy! She has learned to eat better and is right back to her slim figure, but she eats a lot better now! Makes me a little less jealous of the fact she's so thin, but we have different fathers so different genes.

    Also, have you tried getting him to at least eat healthier food? He sounds terribly unhealthy.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Genetics? Partially, though both of my parents are obese and my brothers are both stick thin. I always joke and say I am the short fat kid in my family. My older brother is 6'2" and worked out to "bulk" and was happy to be 170lbs! My younger brother is 6' 160lbs, maybe 165lbs. Older brother is 31 and still has flat abs and doesn't work out as much he eats what he wants, as does baby bro.

    I am 5'8" 135 to 145 and have watched what I ate, and worked out to have less body fat and a lower weight since the age of 15.

    My SO is 6'2" 190lbs and very lean. He eats whatever he wants and if I ate like him I'd look like my parents. His mother is tall and pretty thin (5'10" 150lbs) but his father was slightly over weight in his older years. I could see my SO's food choices catching up with him eventually. I think he just has a high metabolism and he is active at work. I think if he did a desk job he'd gain weight. My brothers however... they just have mad fast metabolisms.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Just wanted to say that just because someone isn't gaining weight, doesn't mean they're healthy.

    My fiance has similar eating habits (stressful job). He's thin, but he is by no means healthy.

    Along these lines I would also point out a positive about gaining weight easily. It forces us to think about our health, sort of a warning. The thin people that eat junk and don't exercise are also in a high risk catagory but if you can't see a manifestation on the outside you really have no idea if what you are doing is harming you, especially if you are disconnected to your body. I am also one that gains weight really easy if I do not watch what I do. I see it as abetter way to keep me connected to my body through exercise and feeding it right. I really listen to what it needs now which is huge for me. Comparing ourselves to others is pointless, as we all have our own unique journies and challenges.
  • Healthy_fresh_start
    Healthy_fresh_start Posts: 183 Member
    is there anyone on here who is married/with such a person?

    not married but have lived with for the last 5 years lol
    it makes me sick! he eats soo much! 3 fat filled cooked meals a day and does not gain a thing!!
    A typical weekend breakfast is 4 hash browns, 4 pieces of toast, inch thick butter. 4 rashers of bacon. 4 sausages, black pudding, 3 fried eggs. followed by 2 meals of similar portions.
    even more annoyingly he never works out at all! every now and then he looks at me struggling with a workout dvd and has a go, i sware you can almost see an instant tone!!!

    drives me effing nuts haha
  • Lizziebenz7
    I feel you. My partner looks skinny and lean however he eats fried chicken, pizza, takeaways, everything and yet he still looks slimmer than me. I eat vegtables, fruits, and yet my belly looks like iv had a baby! I am young in my 20's and yet finding it so hard to loose weight! In a way I am jealous because my sister eats just cards, pizzas chocolate and yet I am still big! Someone hep!