Shakeology anyone?



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    A lot of people make money pushing shakeology. You could support them by purchasing though a coach instead of saving money by making your own as was stated. Would you rather be fit and have those fet extra bucks, or know that you made a financial difference in a shakeology coaches life? I think the choice is clear cut.

    Lets be real. People just love to put a negative spin on certain products-but lets face it with EVERY purchase we make, whether it be from a "coach", grocery store or otherwise-we are all making SOMEONE else money by doing so.

    if you don't agree with using these types of supplements-why respond at all. Seems counter-productive.

    I think you misunderstand what I am trying to say. If shakeology is a good product or not is not really a concern of mine. I think we need to have priorities in life and purchasing from a coach seems like it would be a better use of money than on other things.
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    I just had a 400 cal breakfast - extra lean ground beef, (last night's taco night leftovers) an egg, some avo, spinach and tomato,cheese and a slice of whole grain bread....and a multivitamin with minerals....I think I prefer that to drinking some sludgy and very expensive magic potion...:flowerforyou:

    Aaaand . . . this.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    If you are missing nutrients have a bowl of Total cereal and a boiled egg.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member

    There ya go laddie! Shake and lifting in one!
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    400 calories? What do you put in it???

    I was making mine with milk or almond milk, and it kept me full about 2 hours.

    Sorry, actually about 350 cals- 1 1/4 vanilla almond milk and 1/2 frozen banana. I'm just trying this for a week to see if I see any difference. I tend to eat a really healthy breakfast planned out- egg whites, peppermint tea, some chicken, but then ruin it by snacking on my kids' cereal while I'm getting them breakfast!!
  • heyyoudontgiveup
    heyyoudontgiveup Posts: 64 Member


    I can get organic breakfast everything and a multivitamin for less money.
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    I wish I could afford it. It taste better than what I drink now. But its so darn expensive that its a shame.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    There are a million ways to make a protein shake that is just as good and costs a whole lot less.
    There are even companies that sell them as meal replacements and they are cheaper too.
    I can't think of any reason to pay the money for it -- but to each their own.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Ok, I KNOW that it's expensive, and I KNOW that it's not just going to make me magically lose weight. However, I think that having a 400 calorie shake in the am will help keep me full and give me some extra nutrients I may be missing. I've had a shake for breakfast for the past 2 days. They are yummy! I'm going to see if having a Shake for breakfast helps me at all for 1 week. Anyone else??

  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I make my own, using a meal replacement powder called RAW Protein. I prefer that because it's loaded with completely raw vegan nutrition and it's MUCH cheaper than Shakeology.
  • snowmanluv
    snowmanluv Posts: 200 Member
    I like the taste and felt better in general just drinking because of all the added nutrients. The time I was doing I did lose more and felt better. You can buy it off of Amazon instead of from a coach. Expensive $$$$. I made mine last twice as long since I used half a scoop of that and 1/2 scoop of whey protein. Becareful if buying other protein because some have higher sugar, carbs and fat than others. Also, try to buy made in USA if at possible. Scooby workout/workshop (google this). He has list of good protein drinks that don't have all the metals in it.
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    Two things mystify me about Shakeology.

    First, all Beachbody programs stress the importance of eating fresh, unprocessed foods and getting your nutrients from said food, rather than from artificial means. Then, on the heels of this, they endorse (dare I say "push") Shakeology as the way to ensure proper nutrition. Interesting.

    Now, I'm personally not afraid of a bit of processed food in my diet. I'm just highlighting a touch of hypocrisy in the MLM tactics of Beachbody. That said, there is nothing that I've seen that convinces me that Shakeology is so much better than the cheap stuff I can buy at the grocery store. I'm not saying it might not be a little better. But 120 bucks a month better?

    I think that given my level of fitness, a bit more walking, running, lifting, garden-tending, or house cleaning is gonna make a bigger difference than the difference between MegaMart Whey and Shakeology.

    You mileage may vary. This post was written by a professional cynic, and should not be attempted by amateurs.
  • ctinawilson
    ctinawilson Posts: 127 Member
    You can get a great protein powder for less than $30.00 at GNC, WalMart, etc.

    I tried Shakeology samples. I didn't like the taste of either chocolate (Vegan or regular) and I did enjoy the tropical strawberry. However, I didn't feel like it did anything special for me at all. In fact, my protein powder actually makes me fuller longer, and mixes much better. (no chalk in the teeth feeling)

    ETA: $130.00 a month is waaay too much for a shake. The reason the coaches push it is because it's the main way they make money. It is not magic, and who knows what's REALLY in it. IF they can get you to believe in the "magic" and sign on for direct ship (home ship or whatever) then they've got that income guaranteed.

    Bake some sweet potato cubes, top with a sunny side up egg or two and EAT. :)

    Plus LOVE your breakfast idea, Yuuuuuummmmmm!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    no way
    Why it May Not Work for You

    If losing excess pounds is your primary goal for using the shake, there are several things to be aware of:

    It is not a magic solution - It is a tool that can aid you in your health and fitness goals. When used as recommended, your chances of success are much greater.

    You must eat better - Just because you're replacing one meal does not give you a free pass to eat an unhealthy diet. Weight loss is based on at least 80% of what you eat. Keep your snacks and meals healthy and you will notice a big difference.

    You should stay active - Again, do not use the shake as a reason not to exercise. It works best when some form of physical activity is performed on a regular basis. That is why you'll often see Shakeology bundled with fitness programs such as P90X or Insanity. Physical activity only increases its benefits.

    Why So Many Others Have Success
  • brieski24
    brieski24 Posts: 22
    I use shakeology. and I LOVE IT. And I have since become a beachbody coach after seeing great results with TurboFire and Shakeology- recently started Insanity.

    I love shakeology because it is all natural, contains all the necessary vitamins and nutrients I need (I got rid of all the vites I used to take everyday because I dont need them anymore)... it also has increased my energy- I simply feel better! My hair and nails even look better. I've lost weight by pairing it with fitness and eating better. Plus, it tastes good!

    I don't push it on people and it was not pushed on me by my sponsor BB coach. I truly believe in this product. It is the whole package, the real deal.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I use shakeology. and I LOVE IT. And I have since become a beachbody coach after seeing great results with TurboFire and Shakeology- recently started Insanity.

    I love shakeology because it is all natural, contains all the necessary vitamins and nutrients I need (I got rid of all the vites I used to take everyday because I dont need them anymore)... it also has increased my energy- I simply feel better! My hair and nails even look better. I've lost weight by pairing it with fitness and eating better. Plus, it tastes good!

    I don't push it on people and it was not pushed on me by my sponsor BB coach. I truly believe in this product. It is the whole package, the real deal.

    Spoken as a dedicated coach, I'm sure.
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 156 Member
    I just started using Shakeology this week and I absolutely LOVE it!! For breakfast I put it in a blender with a tablespoon of peanut butter and its like a chocolate peanut butter shake! I started having this for breakfast on Monday and have been eating better and having healthy snacks and I've already lost 3 pounds. I attribute all of it to Shakeology because I lost weight last year using MFP and eating better and it did not come off that quickly and I feel great after drinking it!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I just started using Shakeology this week and I absolutely LOVE it!! For breakfast I put it in a blender with a tablespoon of peanut butter and its like a chocolate peanut butter shake! I started having this for breakfast on Monday and have been eating better and having healthy snacks and I've already lost 3 pounds. I attribute all of it to Shakeology because I lost weight last year using MFP and eating better and it did not come off that quickly and I feel great after drinking it!

  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member