Only 1 stone to lose but cannot get motivated. Help needed

I am 5 ft 2 female 46 years old and have 10-14 lbs to lose. The problem is I can disguise the weight quite well. I am still getting away with wearing the same clothes. I put on weight evenly over my body. Boobies are definitely bigger. I talk a great diet. I know what I need to do but I just can't seem to stick at it. I see on here lots of people with a lot of weight to lose and how they manage to do it. It's fab. So why is it that I can't get myself motivated enough. I know I will feel better with the weight off. I will definitely look better.
I have been on medication since Nov and one of the side effects is weight gain. So I have an excuse. Haha. I am telling myself that anyway.
My biggest problem is that I graze. All day in and out of the kitchen. Crisps, biscuits, sweets and the big one is BREAD.
Any ideas, tips, advice would be greatly received. I need my butt kicking.

I have my Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 DVD in the player ready to start in the morning. I did intend to do it today.........yawn yawn


  • sonisoni
    sonisoni Posts: 8 Member
    My problem is starting, once I have started I do stick to it. It takes me a good 30 mins to burn around 250 calories. So when I have a craving of crisps, a bag of crisps is equal to 20-30 mins of exercise. Start with exercising and you will soon keep the munching at bay to begin with. Then slowly get into the healthy eating routine, once you are on the bandwagon of losing weight you wont want to come off it till you are into healthy eating and exercising. I also find using MFP is great to stay motivated.
  • Yvesigg
    Yvesigg Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you