Tired of Messing Around, Need Friends

Hello. I'm a 36 year old husband and father, and I'm tired of messing around when it comes to losing the last of the weight I need to. It's time to do this! NOW!!

Send me a friend request if you, too, are ready to finish the job once and for all. I will do my best to be a supportive pal for you as you are for me!


  • flywithabowtie
    flywithabowtie Posts: 71 Member
    Congrats on the starting your journey. I'm on the same one. 37 trying to keep up with 2 active kids is hard when all I want to do is sit in the recliner.
  • ednurse18
    Grats on the weight lost so far! I have 2 teen aged sons and am 51 so I feel your pain. Send me an invite and I will help as I can I plan on posting a couple of pictures next week when i find a beginning photo on one of my old laptops.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I'm halfway to my goal. Got tired of messing around at Christmas. I'm 38, married, mother, full time job... Add me if you'd like.
  • SupernovaLeon
    I'm just at the beginning of my progress, my advice would be to try a new fitness activity to shock your body in burning those extras pounds. Try using some fat burning aids too available on the market.
  • dga226
    dga226 Posts: 224 Member
    i am 36 and very active kid trying to lose weight i set little goals for my self feel free to add me
  • OldCrow125
    Thanks everyone! I'm trying to keep up with the requests and advice!
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    You can do it! We can help. :smile:
  • Foxtrot2N
    Foxtrot2N Posts: 184 Member
    I hear you. I'm 41 and chasing my kids around as best I can. I'm here so I can do it a whole lot better. LOL
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    33 wife and mother of a 10 month old here. I'm on everyday, so feel free to add me. You can do it!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Feel free to add me, too. I am a 53 yr. old married mom of three - youngest is only 13. I am halfway to my goal and hitting one helluva roadblock plateau! Grrr...:mad: