I'm feeling sad :(

Ellem86 Posts: 204
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I've worked pretty hard this week and thought I would maybe see a loss but I haven't. I am still at 138.8 lbs and I haven't lost a single pound. It just feels like I will be battling with this last 13 lbs for forever. Can someone please take a look at my food diary and suggest where I am going wrong? I am very meticulous about recording everything so it is a true account. I do have treats but only when they fit in to my calorie allowance. Any suggestions you have will be more than welcome.


  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    You need to make your food diary public before people can view it. :smile:

    Go to 'Settings', then 'Diary Settings', and towards the bottom of the next screen is the visibility settings.
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Hi! Make your food diary public so we are able to look at it and help you. :smile:
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    Amateur mistake - I have made my diary public now. Thanks for letting me know x
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    From what I can see, you are not eating often enough. Your metabolism will run more efficiently if you eat every 3-4 hours. I myself eat 6-7 times per day.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I know know a lot of people don't track their water intake but if your water intake is accurate you need to drink a lot more water. Good luck.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    You are not eating enough food and you are not eating often enough.

    You should be eating every 3-4 hours. Presently you only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. You need to throw snacks in between those meals. Have something after breakfast and then after lunch. You can make them fruits, because if memory serves correctly I didnt see any fruits on your menu. Fruits and vegetables are ideal in your weightloss

    Also, you are not eating enough calories. You are either at 1200 calories or less.....You should never be below 1200 calories. Even more so, I think you need to increase you calories to atleast 1400. You are so close to your goal, I really think 1200 calories are too little...and the days you go below 1200 calories are not healthy

    Also ensure you are drinking alot of water, you need atleast 64 oz per day, some people may disagree, but I completely think 64 oz is ideal

  • menjivas
    menjivas Posts: 124 Member
    I agree with Erickirb that you need to eat more and more nutrient dense food that don't have that many carbs. If you cut down on your carbs, add more protein, and eat more, you'll see a difference. I try to always over eat in protein and less in carbs. Hope that helps!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    My good friend's hubby is a personal trainer. He said that increasing the amount of protein you eat will help you lose those last 10.
  • KimChinle
    KimChinle Posts: 1
    If you get to a point where weight loss seems to really stall, sometimes the best thing you can do is change your workout routine. Your muscles get lazy (even if they are in shape) when they do the same routine over and over again. Changing it up helps them work harder and you'll get more calorie burn.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    also, are you taking measurements???? how are your cloths fitting?

    I agree with eating frequently and protien. The last 10lbs are harder cause there is less fat depoists for the body to use, there was a post up about this today. i'll see if i can find it agian and send yout he link.

    edited to add link-- ok i read it today it wasn't posted today, this answers more than the question you have but focus on the last part for your answer and it also gives some good insight to the last 10 lbs

  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    Thanks everyone for all of your suggestions. That is my accurate water intake so I will increase it. I definitely don't eat enough fruit, although I eat a lot of salad. At the moment I don't snack before lunch because I'm not hungry, but I will give it a go and add in fruit as a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. I did try a diet higher in protein but I just found it difficult to stick to as I generally prefer carbs.

    As for eating more, I will make sure I eat all my 1,200 all of the time. I'm quite short (5 ft 3) and with the exception of going to the gym, I sit behind a desk all day so I think MFP is pretty accurate with my 1,200 calorie goal.

    Thanks again for all of your help, here's to putting your suggestions into practice next week!!!
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    Hi Sassy - I'll check out that link, thanks. Everyone seems to be saying to eat more frequently and more protein so I can't ignore it anymore it!

    I do measure myself and I'm the same as last week!
  • jac2lyn
    jac2lyn Posts: 90
    I was at the same point you are a few weeks ago. I couldnt get the last 10 pounds to budge. I started eating a little differently - more salads with chicken or fish for protein and added more fruits and veggies to my diet, especially as snacks. I also make srue most of my dinner is protein and veggies. I actually enjoy eating like this because I feel healthier and lighter. No massive amounts of oil and stuff. I made sure I had all of my water consumption plus some, which is easy for me. I keep a bottle of water at my desk and refill it at least 3 times throughout my day. It is a 20oz bottle. This really helps, I do not drink anything else.
    What do you drink during the day, soda, juice or coffeebecause that can add empty calories you dont account for. Also, make small changes in your workout. Try new things, otherwise your body will adapt and stay where it is.

    Good Luck!!
  • Look at your watch/clock each morning when eating breakfast. Plan snacks & meals every 2 hours. Be sure the snacks are high protien, low fat. I am just starting out but my sister started about a year ago, did this, and has lost 60lbs & kept it all off between eating and exercising regularly. (2 days off. 3 cardio for 45 min, 2 strength training) Best of luck to you!
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