what ya think?

Precious_Nissa Posts: 416
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
ok so i get all down in the dumps if i weigh in and its the same and then 2 days after my regular weigh in date, i get on the scale and see i'm a lb down...i didnt think my body held that much fluid so i went 3 days with no fluid pill and then took the pill and my body holds 6 lbs of fluid when i dont take my fluid pill...smh...i dont know if i should change my weigh in day or just weigh in 2 times a week instead of 1.


  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I'd say keep it at once/wk, and if you still aren't seeing results, maybe weigh in every other week.
    Good Luck!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    My suggestions to you would be, select one day to weigh in each week and weigh in early o'clock as soon as you get up, but after a bathroom visit. Then don't step on the scales again until the following week. I think you gain a better picture of your overall weight by doing that rather than stepping on the scales each day and fretting over the range that all of our bodies succomb too. ALSO, I would ditch the fluid pills unless recommended by your doctor and instead, drink LOTS of water and/or green tea. Don't get bummed out over the 1-3 pound differences as all of our bodies fluctuate quite a bit throughout each day.
  • SCiccone
    SCiccone Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh every morning first thing. I know that I probably shouldn't do that but it keeps me accountable. My scale broke back in November and it took me a month to replace it.....boy was I in for a surprise when I weighed myself....I had gained 5 pounds! So I do it to keep it in check. I also know that I will fluctuate between 2-3 pounds from one day to the next
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Why are you taking a fluid pill?? It is a normal course of weight loss to have a variation in your weight. There are so many factors that come into play. How much salt you eat, how much water you drink. Hormonal variations based on TOM... Tell yourself it isn't about the number and more about how you feel.

    If you are taking a fluid pill based on doctors orders keep doing it.

    If you are taking an over the counter one to help you lose weight, I would suggest that you start going a more natural route. Drinking water actually helps you lose water weight. It is a crazy thing, but if you don't drink enough the body thinks it needs more and so holds onto more, where if you are drinking enough it will let go.

    Weigh in once a week--for me Fridays are better than Mondays. The scale is kinder.:wink: If you go off the fluid pill. Don't weigh in for a month. Allow your body to adjust to the difference. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and watch your sodium intake. (less than 2500/day)

    I hope you don't take this the wrong way, I am just concerned for you. Take care! :flowerforyou:
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I say do whatever you have to to get rid of the "down in the dumps" feeling. I strive to keep this process 100% positive - no guilt, no frustration etc.

    For me, this is a POSITIVE life change and I intend on keeping it that way :)

    That said, if I were in your position, I would continue to weigh in once a week however I would eliminate all other weigh ins. Our bodies are wacky from day to day! It's a lot less stressful (for me anyway) to weigh in once a week at the same time/place. If you are making positive lifestyle changes, you will be guaranteed results - eventually. It does take time!

    GL :)
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :flowerforyou: You might want to change your site tracking to show you your sodium intake so when you fill out your diary it will alert you as to see how much you are taking in... sodium is my enemy as well. Fluid pills... yes, I have my prescription for Lasik but I do not like to take it. JMO.Good luck on your journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    Theres no harm in weighing in twice a week!
  • oh no i havent taken it wrong...No i'm not taking it for weight loss....I have a heart disease and recently had a full hysterectomy...i had PCOS and also had another female hormone condition which led me to a hysterectomy.....The reason I take fluid pills is because I have blockage in my superficial arteries in my legs....i do not have high blood pressure but I am diabetic....this is why i started taking my weight loss serious....I have not been big my entire life, but I did let go once i got comfortable in life and just didnt care anymore....

    My legs swell up to the point of pain in walking...mostly because my job is a sit down 9 hour a day job and due to the blockage, i have alot of swelling in that area....dr says i have edema so the fluid pills are prescribed....I refuse to take any pill or shot for weight loss...i want to do it all natural and give myself reason to be proud of myself.
  • I drink 8 sometimes 10 glasses of water a day....i dont have a sodium issue either, nor is it high blood pressure...they did an ultrasound on my legs and found that most of the swelling is from the superficial arteries being blocked...since the surgery is a 50/50, i refuse to have it, so its time to lose weight and hopefully it will help....
  • you should stop focusing on NUMBERS and focus on lifestyle changes...like taking all your meds, that should be priority above other things in life, eating small portions, keeping calories, working out...things YOU know you will do for life. and the benefits will fall into place. :) Love you
    AND with diabetes (which you have) comes the fluid etc...
    and with certain foods you carry more fluids
    and nothing wrong with weighing in as much as you want
    but if you're going to fret over numbers and make it worse
    toss weighing and go with how you feel and your clothes feel
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I drink upwards of 12 glasses of water/day (sometimes 16) and if I have too much sodium, it still causes an issue in my weigh-ins. It can take me 4-5 days to get rid of a day or two of too much sodium.
    Not saying that's your issue, but 8-10 glasses/day isn't gonna cut it when it comes to sodium.

    Weighing yourself twice/week isn't a bad thing. I was weighing myself on Mondays until I realized that Thursday was my lowest weight of the week, so now I do it on Thursdays.

    I also don't weigh-in unless I've lost weight that way I don't discourage myself.
  • I weight myself on mondays too but i do think i may just need to change my days because maybe mondays arent a good day since i do eat different on weekends as compared to my eating during the week....
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