why do guys hate being picked-up?



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    It's an instinctive response - - being off of the ground means I can't use any leverage or control my spatial orientation, my mass, or my inertia, which means that I can't control my body. That makes me want to physically injure the person in a brutal way, until I'm back in control of my body. If it's someone I care about picking me up, I don't like being put in the position of wanting to seriously hurt them, so I would ask that they refrain.

    He gets it.
    Its called testosterone. All goes back to the caveman we haven't evolved

    Pull my hair and drag me back to your cave please and thank you.

    If you insist...

    double swoon

    Love you miss J :)
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Torture rack...

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    It's an instinctive response - - being off of the ground means I can't use any leverage or control my spatial orientation, my mass, or my inertia, which means that I can't control my body. That makes me want to physically injure the person in a brutal way, until I'm back in control of my body. If it's someone I care about picking me up, I don't like being put in the position of wanting to seriously hurt them, so I would ask that they refrain.

    yeah, I get that...

    guess i was thinking that if it was a relationship of trust, then it could just be treated as a bit of fun... sort of the way I was expected to take it all in fun when my brothers or boyfriend did it to me

    It isn't about trust. If they don't like it, any amount of trust doesn't change that.
  • _ting_
    _ting_ Posts: 45
    I don't think male culture of the past few decades has allowed for this type of encounter as a general rule.

    The "rules" are changing.

    Surprise! Women can be strong, women can be aggressive, women are not dainty things, etc, etc, etc.

    Not sure the average man who grew up in the 20th century knows how to deal with that.

    My sister is on par with my own level of strength (She is a NCAA division I athlete, thus she is ridiculously strong for a woman, considering her size), faster, and a lot smarter than me.

    In the Bahamas, where I originate from, 'Sweethearting' is apart of the post-colonial male dominated cheating culture. There is a sense that a man, is not a REAL HE-MAN unless he has multiple women (wife, mistresses, etc)

    But there, women are generally regarded as supposed to be frilly, dainty, almost reluctant creatures in the ways of carnal knowledge. It's complete bunk, but that's what the men I recall from my youth there espoused.

    Now that's changing in some parts of the world... nothing wrong with that, but men, from the past century are probably just unprepared for it.

    I gave a bit of thought to responding to your post.

    Congratulations to your sister! sounds like she may have had an uphill battle to get where she is now.

    I was also raised in a fairly conservative small town environment... the women could only show strength when necessary, otherwise had to pretend frailty..

    I like to experiment with/challenge pre-conceived notions, showing physical strength is one of the ways I do this
  • _ting_
    _ting_ Posts: 45
    It's an instinctive response - - being off of the ground means I can't use any leverage or control my spatial orientation, my mass, or my inertia, which means that I can't control my body. That makes me want to physically injure the person in a brutal way, until I'm back in control of my body. If it's someone I care about picking me up, I don't like being put in the position of wanting to seriously hurt them, so I would ask that they refrain.

    yeah, I get that...

    guess i was thinking that if it was a relationship of trust, then it could just be treated as a bit of fun... sort of the way I was expected to take it all in fun when my brothers or boyfriend did it to me

    It isn't about trust. If they don't like it, any amount of trust doesn't change that.

    but checkout football or soccer, guys are aways picking up other guys. I think this actually has more to do with me being a female showing strength (domination?) over a male
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    It's an instinctive response - - being off of the ground means I can't use any leverage or control my spatial orientation, my mass, or my inertia, which means that I can't control my body. That makes me want to physically injure the person in a brutal way, until I'm back in control of my body. If it's someone I care about picking me up, I don't like being put in the position of wanting to seriously hurt them, so I would ask that they refrain.

    yeah, I get that...

    guess i was thinking that if it was a relationship of trust, then it could just be treated as a bit of fun... sort of the way I was expected to take it all in fun when my brothers or boyfriend did it to me

    It isn't about trust. If they don't like it, any amount of trust doesn't change that.

    but checkout football or soccer, guys are aways picking up other guys. I think this actually has more to do with me being a female showing strength (domination?) over a male

    Maybe for some men.
  • _ting_
    _ting_ Posts: 45
    It's an instinctive response - - being off of the ground means I can't use any leverage or control my spatial orientation, my mass, or my inertia, which means that I can't control my body. That makes me want to physically injure the person in a brutal way, until I'm back in control of my body. If it's someone I care about picking me up, I don't like being put in the position of wanting to seriously hurt them, so I would ask that they refrain.

    yeah, I get that...

    guess i was thinking that if it was a relationship of trust, then it could just be treated as a bit of fun... sort of the way I was expected to take it all in fun when my brothers or boyfriend did it to me

    It isn't about trust. If they don't like it, any amount of trust doesn't change that.

    but checkout football or soccer, guys are aways picking up other guys. I think this actually has more to do with me being a female showing strength (domination?) over a male

    Maybe for some men.

    ooo... so tempted to flirt, but my husband is watching...
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    bahaha... awesome pic!
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    i thought it was funny as hell lol i don't mind being picked up its the showing off that would bug me. for example if she wants to pick me up carry me some where just to have a laugh i don't mind. the showing off would be picking me up all the time to every person she meets that would bug me. girl power all the way
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'd be pretty impressed at a woman that could pick me up and throw me over her shoulder. Seriously impressed. . . It's never happened so I can't say how I'd react ... but I can't picture hating it.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Because I'm 6'2" of a solid 268lbs and I WILL throw your back out. I'm going to need that back to remain good for "extracurricular activities."
  • _ting_
    _ting_ Posts: 45
    i thought it was funny as hell lol i don't mind being picked up its the showing off that would bug me. for example if she wants to pick me up carry me some where just to have a laugh i don't mind. the showing off would be picking me up all the time to every person she meets that would bug me. girl power all the way

    Glad you got a laugh!
    yeah I did pick-up my husband once to show off to friends, but I asked him nicely first and we did the cross the threshhold lift... we were newly wed

    I'm kinda sad that I lost strength over the last decade, to much time behind a desk. Trying to get back to lifting heavy.
  • _ting_
    _ting_ Posts: 45
    I'd be pretty impressed at a woman that could pick me up and throw me over her shoulder. Seriously impressed. . . It's never happened so I can't say how I'd react ... but I can't picture hating it.

    Maybe you should starting asking random women to pick u up? say its for an experiment...
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I've got control issues and don't like people physically picking me up even as a woman. Maybe that's why guys hate it. IDK....

    This. I don't like people even standing too close to me, let alone trying to pick me up. Plus, there's the whole "omg, am I gonna strain them because I'm too big?" thing. I don't even sit in people's laps due to that.

    I imagine some of that might be the same for men.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I can barely pick up my SO, actually I am just guessing by his weight I could lift him from the ground but since he is 6" taller than me and 50lbs heavier.... it would be awkward.

    Besides I don't want to lift and get bulky! :)
  • _ting_
    _ting_ Posts: 45
    I've got control issues and don't like people physically picking me up even as a woman. Maybe that's why guys hate it. IDK....

    This. I don't like people even standing too close to me, let alone trying to pick me up. Plus, there's the whole "omg, am I gonna strain them because I'm too big?" thing. I don't even sit in people's laps due to that.

    I imagine some of that might be the same for men.
    Well, since I gained the weight, no one has tried to pick me up. The weight also helped for creating a greater personal space around me.
    kinda concerned about what will happen when I lose the weight...

    what about the other meaning of pick up? Have you ever picked a guy up?
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    The "other meaning" is what I assumed this would be about

    I think men enjoy being picked up (on a dating level) by girls, as long as they are interested in the girl. :drinker:
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    I know that I've had to pick up some of my chick friends (and they all weren't skinny) and throw them over my shoulder and carry them places because they were just being defiant, and I know they hated every second of it...
  • diolpah
    diolpah Posts: 134 Member
    I think men enjoy being picked up (on a dating level) by girls, as long as they are interested in the girl. :drinker:

    Even if we're not interested. It's an ego boosting event that never-to-rarely happens in a man's lifetime.
  • danholden4006
    danholden4006 Posts: 66 Member
    I think men enjoy being picked up (on a dating level) by girls, as long as they are interested in the girl. :drinker:

    I know I would like it. Take some of the guess work and fear of rejection from me for once.