How do you stop sweets craving?

Hi there :)
I was really active with soccer and cross country but four months later I gained more than 8 pounds :(
Don't know how to motivate myself to lose weight, I have a low self esteem because of my appearance now. I'm hoping that by joining my fitness pal you guys can all motivate me, and I'll do my best to do the same for you guys too :)

So my first question: How do I stop sugar and sweets cravings? I love chocolate and sweets <3 It's been a problem these past months /: Please help me!

Thank you [: <3


  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I truly believe that sugar cravings are an addicition, or at least for me. Sigh. But the trick is restriction and moderation. If you're craving something sweet, eat a piece of fruit. If you're craving something chocolatey, eat a small square of dark (or as dark as you like) chocolate. IMO, it's better to have a little bit of something rather than deny yourself completely, go crazy, and eat the whole pint of ice cream (cause I've never done that...).
  • So my first question: How do I stop sugar and sweets cravings? I love chocolate and sweets <3 It's been a problem these past months /: Please help me!

    Serving size and self control.
  • baja572
    baja572 Posts: 94
    Up proteins a little bit and use dark choc.( drizzle on fruit is good):drinker:
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    Everytime I try to restrict myself from sweets, I end up craving an entire bakery!! :) I usually have fruit during the day and a low calorie ice cream bar (Weight Watchers, Skinny Cow, etc) after dinner...not every night of course. That seems to help.
  • I have the same problem. I love anything sweet. Cravings for chocolate is awful somedays.
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    Lemon water helps
  • Mwaymire
    Mwaymire Posts: 1 Member
    Try Fiber One 90 Calorie snacks. I LOVE the brownie and chocolate chip cookie bars!:smile::smile:
  • runningbs
    runningbs Posts: 132 Member
    Just say no..:smokin:
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    You don't have to cut out the sweets. Just eat them in moderation. Plan your day out so you can fit desserts into your goals.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    U DONT
  • SexyDexie
    SexyDexie Posts: 48 Member
    Try something minty. That really helps me.
  • I find that the more sugar I eat, the more I want. I try to allow myself an ocassional treat because you can't be good all time but I have to be really careful with sugar. It's definitely my drug of choice.
  • WonTaunTaun
    WonTaunTaun Posts: 87 Member
    Well, there are sweets out there that are low calorie for just those cravings. If you're like me then the more you restrict yourself the more you want to rebel against yourself. When it boils down to it the key is mind over matter. If you have a 100 calorie pack of sweets and decide to go back for another then you're probably looking at sabotage. You just need to find a happy medium between the cravings and will power. You are your biggest critic, try not to be too hard on yourself.
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    I do not completely restrict my sweets but I limit them but when I have an intense craving (like when my daughter made two different kinds of high calorie cookies yesterday) I chew a piece of sugar free gum, I especially like the Dessert Delights. Works for me, didn't touch her darn cookies!
  • PaulaLumsden
    PaulaLumsden Posts: 2 Member
    Two is I remind myself how it wont make me feel better to eat something sweet. Infact, most of the tme it just makes me feel worse! Second, I bake better sweets. I recently found a recipe online for Quinoa Blondies. They are really great and with a couple of modifications (apple sauce instead of butter and half of the chocolate chips called for) I was able to get the blondies down to 61 calories each. They are tasty, give me sweet but not fat and chase away the feeling that I need something!

    If you really want or need straight chocolate, just go for the good stuff (over 72%) and savor it. Make it last, be in the moment and own it! Good luck!
  • Melodypharmon
    Melodypharmon Posts: 56 Member
    For me the only thing that has worked is putting Doterra's Slim and Sassy essential oil in my water. I am addicted to Coca Cola, and gummy candies. I don't crave them when I have started my day with the oil.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    I find eating a piece of fruit will quell a sweet craving pretty well. I often do something like unsweetened applesauce sprinkled with cinnamon or apple slices with almond butter.
  • elektradarling
    elektradarling Posts: 85 Member
    To help curb your evening cravings, usually after everythings done, you're sitting down doing nothing, and you want to eat for somethign to do....... clean your teeth after your evening meal. It works for alot of people. Also, straight after breakfast not before, that way you wont want to snack on anything.
  • I recently went through an online nutrition course and I learned a new way of looking at sweets (my personal kryptonite). You do not have to give up the things you love. You always have a choice whether or not to put it into your mouth. So, for this moment in time, is eating that sweet the best choice for you? Probably not since you are trying to lose some weight. Just look at it from moment to moment, minute to minute, and make the best choice for you. Eating that sweet will put you in your comfort zone ... a place we all want to be. But, in order to make changes, we have to step outside our comfort zone which will, in turn, expand it. Once you practice saying, "no, I will not eat that sweet at this moment," it gets easier and easier. (I know this from experience.) Remember, you are always one bite away from returning to old habits. Good luck on your journey!
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    Mens health suggests eating sweets right after your breakfast and you wont crave them through the day and you will have time to burn them off all day. I suggest brushing your teeth when you feel like you want sweets...