1 week plateau, really?!?!?!?

I am up and down by 5-10lbs constantly, but I've been between 120 and 130 for three years now! (I'm 5'2") I got up to 137 a few weeks ago, and immediately jumped back on the "healthy girl wagon".

I dropped 5lbs in a week just by returning to my normal weight loss plan (no sugar, no cheese, little fat mostly from olive oil, little complex carbs, lots of lean protein and veggies) I found MFP :love: in the middle of that week.

I weigh myself 2-3x a week. This week so far absolutely no change. Seriously??? I've never had a hard time getting back to 120 once I actually get back on plan. Starting is usually the hard part!

Anyone else have a similar experience?


  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    I don't drop pounds that quickly but I'm suffering from an every-other-week plateau too. After posting a topic today suggestions from other users were to drink more water, eat more, mix up my exercise, eat more frequently and eat more fruit. Hopefully some of those suggestions will apply to you, otherwise just hang on in there and use this site and other users as motivation. Good luck x
  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
    Not to be gross....but...how much fiber are you eating? Perhaps you should be more concerned with what may not be coming out of you....you're going pretty high protein it sounds like. You may consider adding activia yogurt to your high protein diet.
  • cb1039
    cb1039 Posts: 6
    i can totally relate. I am also constantly trying to lose 5-10 pounds. i am going on my second foot surgery this year and my weight has been fluctuating alot depending on if im able to work out and if im eating clean or not. im trying to loose 5 pounds ( again) and it seems like this time it is harder. sooo.... instead of weighing myself every week, i take pride in my slight work out improvements. like increasing weights or staying longer on the stupid stair master. i think eventually my body will respond and i will drop the weight. sometimes u just gotta stop weighing urself and just keep eating the right things and working out. best of luck to u !!
  • RominaSullivan
    I can totally relate. I'm your same height and have been between 120-130 for the past few years too. I got to 136 last Christmas and decided this time I had to make a permanent change because things were getting out of control.

    I had never had trouble losing the weight fast before because I was doing strict diets, but then became really unhappy, started eating unhealthy again and gained the weight right back. It's so annoying and this time I decided to do things the right way. Before MFP I decided to work out a lot and make better choices for food (cutting fast food from my life) but I was still eating a lot. It took me a while to start dropping the first few pounds but I felt tons better. Then when a friend told me about MFP things went much smoother. I'm becoming healthier and although the weight loss is slower than I'm used to (with the stupid, unhealthy diets), I can tell it is going to be a permanent change! No more up and down, up and down!!! This is it!

    So my advice is to stick with it and you'll see that it will be worth the wait!!! The time will go by much faster than you think!

    Good luck!!

    PS - I'm at 122 right now and for the first time I actually think I can get to a lower weight and finally look how I've always wanted to look.