

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Good evening to all! Thank you for the well wishes...I am feeling and doing MUCH better today. Managed to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes and kept my calories in line today. In depth journalling such as I did this morning so helps me get things into their proper perspectives. Identifying what I'm feeling sad, scared, or overwhelmed about and facing them head on really helps.

    On the topic of roasted veggies...I love to cube up some sweet and white potatoes, chop onion, dice green and red peppers, slice mushrooms. I give the potatoes and onion a head start...then add the peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli florets. Seasoned up with crushed or minced garlic, basil, rosemary, salt and pepper...it's delicious!!! Tonight I had steamed broccoli and a salmon burger on a bun...it was delicious, also.

    Vicki, sorry about the pool...Barbie, take care of the knee...Jackie, the SS folks sound about as wacked out as ours do...Barb, I met an adorable shi*-zu today that a friend would love to have someone adopt, I love dogs but travel quite a bit and can't handle boarding a pet...we had my mini-dachsund for 17 years and he never did see the inside of a kennel except at the vets when there for surgery one time! With a son in Germany and a grandson in England...I have a few more international flights to take before I settle down to the RV and doggie I have planned for the future!!

    Hope everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow. Thanks for being here!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: Rode my bike to and from work today. 20K each way. I am quite tired now. Had killer hills. But what a great workout! Also did well in the food department. I have been aiming for high fiber content foods. Dinner was fish with sweet potato, carrots and onions. Also drank lots of water. :bigsmile: which of course is much easier when you work up a sweat.

    :flowerforyou: Reading all the posts makes me happy. Such a connection between all of us, and such caring. I treasure it. :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Goodnight :heart:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    On the topic of veggies - I'm into putting them on a stick and on the grill. I am amazed at what you can actually grill. Our new thing is grilled mushrooms with some sort of marinade on them. They seem to mix well with peppers, onions and tomatoes. I'm sure it is just my imagination, but I think grilling them is faster. Kabobing everything seems to help with the portion control too when it comes to meat.

    In reality I think it is just that I like to cook out.

    PlantLady - I am so glad to hear from you. I can't imagine how much you have to go through everyday. I understand on the siblings too.

    I did well today and was under my calories, but I did have a regular soda for the first time in almost a year. I had an ICB (or is it IBC?) root beer today. It was wonderful and I'm glad I bought it out and there aren't any more around.

    Well, it is late and my eyes are closing.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    On the topic of veggies - I'm into putting them on a stick and on the grill. I am amazed at what you can actually grill. Our new thing is grilled mushrooms with some sort of marinade on them. They seem to mix well with peppers, onions and tomatoes. I'm sure it is just my imagination, but I think grilling them is faster. Kabobing everything seems to help with the portion control too when it comes to meat.

    In reality I think it is just that I like to cook out.

    PlantLady - I am so glad to hear from you. I can't imagine how much you have to go through everyday. I understand on the siblings too.

    I did well today and was under my calories, but I did have a regular soda for the first time in almost a year. I had an ICB (or is it IBC?) root beer today. It was wonderful and I'm glad I bought it out and there aren't any more around.

    Well, it is late and my eyes are closing.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    If I ever have a toothache, now I know who to call!!:bigsmile:

    Too bad you are so far away from me. Maybe there is room for another doggy here:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: -- oh excuse me, I have to go answer the door, there are some men in little white coats who say they need to talk to me--:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Actually, my friend probably would have me committed if i got another dog. My problem is I have a soft spot for Shih tzus. Oh heck, I have a soft spot for just about any small dog.:blushing:

    Your veggie recipe sounds yummy. I will have to try it.

    Glad you are feeling better. In about 9 days, you will be heading in my direction.

    Congrats on the round trip bike ride. I hope you don't "feel" it tomorrow. That is quite an accomplishment.

    Well, I am going to try and get to bed early tonight, so I can get an earlier start on tomorrow.

  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    good morning ladies . had better day yesterday doing the pain med suggestion , did all my exersise and loved it . going to get me loads veggies to to roast in oven , never thought about putting sprouts in there i love them.

    cant fit any exersise in at the gym today :sad: but walking to work and back

    have great day every one weigh in day tommorw for me keep fingers crossed ladies
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning Ladies.

    Well, I've just had a wasted couple of hours! I walked to the hospital for my glaucoma appointment, only to be told that they have had to cancel it and rebook it for tomorrow afternoon. Grrr. They could have let me know before I walked for forty-five minutes in the pouring rain! Never mind, the walk was pleasant enough and the walk back was a little drier.

    I was looking for a raincoat to put on this morning and the only one that I could find was at least five sizes too big! I wore it, but it did flap about a bit. Hmm, do I buy another one now or do I wait until I've lost another forty pounds?

    Once I've had some late breakfast, I'm going to pick my dad up from his church group and take him shopping. I also want to get some bits and bobs to take up to York with me. It's Aunt-in-law's birthday and I'm going to get her a selection of exotic chutneys from a local farm shop. They are extremely good and I know she will enjoy them. She's extremely partial to beetroots and they do a beetroot chutney she will love.

    DH and I have definitely got out of the habit of watching television. Last night we sat and played card (I absolutely wiped the floor with him too!) Tonight we are planning on a couple of hours of backgammon. We also love playing mahjong, but that is better with more people. Unfortunately, very few people play it these days.

    I read an article this morning called 'More weight may equal less brainpower' - take a look and see what you think. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. http://www.lifescript.com/Health/News/Reuters/2010/07/14/More_weight_may_equal_less_brainpower_study_finds.aspx

    I'm going to go and do an hour in my gym now, but will drop by again later.

    Everyone have as good a day as possible please.

    Amanda x

    P.S. Forgot to mention that I'm another pound down!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Well, I have made it here two days in a row!. Thanks so much for all your comments. It does help. I really think about all of you often. But, this is it. After I log off I'm busy until 9:00 pm. Caring for two houses just is so hard. But, I do manage to keep busy enough to keep my weight down. Not that I'm happy about being 168 but it sure is better then 210.

    I'm a fighter and will continue.

    Thinking of all and have a great day. It is summer I do believe lol

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Congratulations to those who are loosing and dropping pounds! I know there are a few of you on this forum that are doing great. Apologies for not taking notes with names.

    We are getting company from out of state next week. I am excited, but stressed. With my hubby and kids home all day the place does look more like a tornado went through the house than a house from Home & Garden. I only get stressed about the mess when company comes over. I've learned to accept the fact that I can't control my 3 little piggies from work. So this weekend I will be the cleaning monster Mom that makes everyone do what they have put off all week.

    The kitchen is so cluttered and dirty I insisted we eat out the last 2 nights as I was not going to clean up their mess when I got home. Hubby hates eating out, so many that will motivate him during the day to get things done.

    Enough griping. It doesn't change anything, but it does make me feel better getting it off my chest.

    Have a great day all,

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Well, my jogging's out of the way for today. I keep adding a few minutes more each time!

    I found a new nutrition calculator website when I was logging in my Subway sandwich last night. eddieoneverything.com I was able to "start from scratch" with my bread and build the sandwich just as I ate it. Then I clicked on the "more calculators" link and found quite a few other fast food and sit down restaurant calculators!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Jeannie: You are very clever and i don't blame you for wanting to come home to a neater kitchen. It is my pet peeve too...! I think you are on to a great strategy instead of nagging and much more effective too, it seems! I love your suggestion to put the veggies on sticks on the grill. I used to grill veggies in a grill basket but that sounds like a better way to get them done evenly. Yum!

    SuzzyQ: How is DH doing with his MFP? Hope all is going well for him with the changing work schedule.

    Barbie: Sorry you had to miss your line dance but glad to hear you are not too, too sore to move about some. I am sure you will bounce back soon.

    Lots of doctors visits for DH and me this week. I spent the day yesterday coming and going 2 hours each way for an appointment and I am going with DH today to do the same. Difficult to get much exercise in on those kinds of days but I am doing shorter more intense workouts on these days. That's the plan anyway!

    Mimi: the breakfast recipe sounds great. Can't wait to try it!

    Amanda: Way to go on your continued progress with all you are juggling!

    Monkymoo: Hope the weigh in is rewarding!

    Everyone have a great day and here's to good choices!:drinker: Kackie
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Hi you fantastic Ladies !

    Trying week so far. I am working to lose the 2.5 lbs I gained on vacation but this week is turning out to be way too stressful. For one, Mom is not well, and moving back in with me. We'll hire part time help during the day, any words of wisdom from you who have hired personal assistants?

    Did you see the article on the 2010 fattest states? The rate of obesity in this country is just tragic. http://health.msn.com/health-topics/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100261061&GT1=31036

    I scanned the topic and sorry can't reply to everyone but here goes for a few....

    :smile: Exermom: Trader Joe's Chocolaty Cat Cookies - very low calorie and satisfy my chocolate urge. That, and if I'm really in "need", a diet hot chocolate.
    :happy: Wizzywig: Blond moment very funny! Reminds me of leaving the room to go get something from another room and forgetting what I needed before I arrive!.
    :heart: Mimi: Congrats to your son Mark taking the next step. And, I bet his fiancee always treasures the plumbing ferrule - sentimental memory ! And the recipe for veggie-egg breakfast looks great, I do something similar and often top with a spoonful of plain yoghurt and a spoonful of salsa for a Mexican feel.
    :ohwell: Jackie (and others): My mom will be moving in with me and my sister/brother and I will be hiring a part time personal assistant. Any wisdom you can give me?
    :smile: Heartrw: Bad eating days are a good reason to have good days. Remember when every day was a bad eating day? Your body is so much healthier now.
    :happy: Rjadams: Resting heart rate of 62 !! You sound like a long distance runner. Way to hit 50, sister.
    :ohwell: Rebel and Rj: As for the colonoscopy, I had the flexible sigmoidoscopy and my husband had colonoscopy, neither of us had any problem, it was easy. The procedure was easier than the preparation, drinking that noxious fluid. But you don't eat so you'll notice a good result on the scale!!! Don't be grossed out but I even enjoyed watching the procedure on the video monitor.
    Have a great THURSDAY. :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Mimi, I forgot to say earlier, your breakfast is what I call an Enthusiasm meal .... I put everything I've got into it (ha ha). Sounds good though!

    Amanda x
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    SuzyQ: How is DH doing with his MFP? Hope all is going well for him with the changing work schedule.


    He is doing great ! In two weeks, he's down 8 pounds, something that took me almost 2 MONTHS to do. Now that he's made up his mind to make better choices he hasn't cheated even once. He's replaced all his soda drinking with iced tea and lemon. He's discovered he like sandwiches made with Orrowheat Multigrain thins and Laughing Cow cheese. He's yet to see the need for exercise, but I'm confident that will come in time. I dream of one day taking long walks together. He's asleep now as he goes back on call at 7 tonight.

    I just finished weeding my succulent garden and am planning a siesta so I can begin deep cleaning tonight when he goes to work. I volunteered to have a birthday tea for my SiL here the first of next week. Its amazing how the prospect of company makes things long neglected come into sharp focus.

    We are still awaiting a response from the bank on the short sale. Guess the realtor wasn't kidding when she told us they are often long drawn out affairs. Honestly I don't care how long it takes, just so long as it happens in time to celebrate Christmas there.
  • robstella
    robstella Posts: 6
    wow 72 lbs that is great. I just joined this month and i am very excited about the site. I have not yet lost any weight because i just started to post my food intake and i love it it keeps me on track of how much i eat.
    Very excited and i hope i can keep it up. I have 25 lbs to loose
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    wow 72 lbs that is great. I just joined this month and i am very excited about the site. I have not yet lost any weight because i just started to post my food intake and i love it it keeps me on track of how much i eat.
    Very excited and i hope i can keep it up. I have 25 lbs to loose

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Welcome to the most supportive group of women......when I started I was amazed at the weight the others had lost and they encouraged me to log my food one day at a time and stick to my plan.....gradually I added more exercise to my day and learned new things a little bit at a time.......never, never, never give up......read the posts every day and post something as often as you can so we can get to know you.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome robstella!!

    Looks like we have two from Texas now--Suzzeque is another. You will find the support and encouragement you need in this thread, and the tools on MFP will make the whole process seem almost easy!! Good luck.

    I read everything since my last post, but for some reason don't have much to say today. More room for everyone else, I guess.

    Have a good day.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Thursday!

    Jackie- what in the world is the Social Services Manager thinking:noway: ....I would agree ... letting your Mum fall out of the chair flat on her face would be abuse...the seat belt is for safety reasons. Hope he gets his act together soon! Hare Spray wouldn't match your color I'm sure:wink:

    Erica - i graduated in 1972, but only did my first two years there (1968-1970) did the last two years at Gahr High in Cerritos, yep it is a small world.

    Terri - glad you are feeling better:flowerforyou:

    Rebel - I admire you being able to ride your bike to and from work.

    Jeannie - how did you handle all of that sugar in that ICB rootbeer? I'm not sure I could drink the whole thing because of how sweet it is. Don't forget to enjoy the company once they arrive:wink:

    Barbie - glad your knee seems to be healing.

    Amanda -:drinker: Here's to another pound down! Great job!

    Kathy - You are doing a good job, keep on being busy it helps when two houses become too much:wink:

    Kackie- hope those Dr appts are just routine stuff.:smile:

    Randy - When I had to hire in help for my Mom in Oregon I used a company called "Home InStead". They are nation wide so you might check their web site to see if they have one where you are. I found the women that took care of Mom very professional and personal. They all loved Mom & Dad (even though they were there mainly for Mom) and I know she misses them now that she is in a Foster Home.

    SuzyQ- Isn't it frustrating that our hubby's can lose weight so much easier and at a rapid pace:grumble: compared to our gentle sex:wink: We work and work for each 2/10 to leave us and it just seems to fall off those men!


    Spent last night making new sheets for Eli's cradle, so I was up later than I like to be on a work night, but Mickey, Buzz & Thomas the Train were a big hit with GS#1(noah) he loved them.

    So today the scale moved and it usually doesn't move this early in the week (I know it's Thursday not that early) but my official weigh in day is Saturday . Now for the dilemma...Tomorrow when I get off work we are going to meet Son & DIL#2 and her parents to spend the afternoon together for lunch, dinner and some light walk/hiking...do I keep my weigh in as Saturday because I will be out of my routine and not sure about what I will be eating and where.:ohwell: I'd really like to keep what I weighed this morning because it will get me below "overweight" into "healthy" for my BMI.....it's been a serious goal since I started in january...I so want to meet a goal this month...even a small one.

    Everyone have a good afternoon and evening and let's keep up this battle because we all want to win:drinker:


    :flowerforyou: Welcome Robstella This is the best forum on MFP!
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Eli William joined us yesterday at 4:58pm MST weighing in at 7.4 and 19 1/4" long. I was put in charge of getting the computer set up to Skype my son in to the birth and it took us 3 hrs working over the phone with me going everywhere possible to get it to hook up...finally did with 45 min left before Eli was born. He was supposed to be born in a water birth...he was born bath tub! Really cool birth.

    More later...I have to get to work.


    There are more pictures on my profile!:wink:
    Congrats/ Eli is one of my all time favorite boy's names. He is beautiful. Nothing better in the world than sitting and rocking a new baby. I oftern thought if the brought people from the heart floor to the nursery you would see BP falling.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening to everyone ...including our "Newbie"!! ...you'll love the company and help, advice and tips along your weight loss journey.

    :heart: Thanks guys for all your commiseration ....sorry to burden you with my trials and tribulations. It's great to know you're rooting for me!

    :drinker: Well ....the scales this morning said ...wait for it ...I'd lost a whole.... 4....ounces! It was good to see a 10 on the scales instead of an 11 but ...4oz ..I ask you!!! I'm not changing the weigh in total though because with my luck i'll have put on 2lb overnight!

    Housework, cooking and a bit of weight lifting (You know who) is the exercise for today ....food and exercise duly logged.
    I do wish I could get into the frame of mind to start the latino tone DVD again. Maybe once we know we have the respite care sorted I'll feel more like it. Maybe the Salsa DVD too ...the shoulder's much better . I think the Zumba exercise is helping that too.

    To all of you with babies in the family .....:heart: don't you just love them! I'm looking forward to #2 GS - Ewan now 10 mnths old coming up for my birthday in a few weeks time. We saw him in June for the Christening and I''ve spoken to him on the phone (you know what I mean ) He's got the loveliest chuckle! .#1 GS - Ryan, came for tea today...he's such a polite and caring lad ...his mum and dad have done a great job there! My mum couldn't get who he was and who my son was when he came to pick him up. Sadly he can't stay too long in our house without getting an allergic reaction to the cats.

    Speaking of which .....Chaz must get to the vets tomorrow. He's not a happy chappy. I know it's summer ...sort of ...and he's moulting but his fur's really clumpy and he's got bald patches. a very raggedy...ragdoll burman. Not his happy self. Maybe the vet can shed some light on the situation ...no doubt we'll have the proverbial jab and antibiotics? ....anti inflammatories? who knows.He's getting old ...the cat ,not the vet! ...possibly about 12 so it might be an age thing.

    And ......to end with ..........
    An elderly man went to the doctors and said that he hadn"t been feeling too well. after examining him the doctor produced three different types of pill "take the green pill with a big glass of water first thing in the morning, take the blue pill with a big glass of water after lunch, and take the red pill with a big glass of water just before you go to bed at night, he told his patient. startled to be on so much medicine, the old man stammered "what exactly is wrong with me doctor? ...... "you"re not drinking enough water,!

    :bigsmile: Seeing as I've admitted to not drinking enough water ...I thought you'd like that snippet!

    :heart: Jackie