Help, I've fallen and can't get back up. Support needed.



  • I understand you so well. I started on January, I was super motivated...then everything faded out. I haven't logged for one month, but now I am back because I AM THE ONE who can change me, myself & I. No one else.
    I'm going to add you, it's great to see how other people could be supportive in this journey. Everyone here gives me hope and strength :)
  • armymom5
    armymom5 Posts: 115
    Hi, feel free to add me. I can totally relate to everything you said! And to everything everyone else has said. I think the support here at MFP is great and that's a big factor. We all have been there. All you can do is pick yourself up and start again :) Hang in there!
  • see_turtle
    see_turtle Posts: 19 Member
    I struggle with the same exact thing. Binges have gotten me to 265 lbs and I am ready to change and stop the cycle. Will be sending friend requests to you and some of the other responders on this thread. Togother we can do this.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    My binges have decreased in intensity since I joined MFP, because I log in every day. I make a commitment to myself to record everything.

    Stay accountable, forgive yourself when you binge, and just get back on the program again.

    Good luck!
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    Chin up. Success isn't measured by how often you fall off the horse but by how quickly you get back on. Weight loss is a long haul commitment and requires being honest with yourself. It really does help to see what others in your friends list are doing so take your encouragement and motivation from anywhere you can get it.

    I'm a good supporter and you can add me if you like.
  • chaasch
    chaasch Posts: 2
    Well, dearie, we all do that. And yes, you CAN get back up. (Remember what CAN'T stands for = Can Accomplish Next Time!) Every time you fall and get back up, you are stronger. So, each setback is really an opportunity -- to be better! Think about the fellow who sculpts in stone. Such a difficult medium! He strikes the stone over and over again, making no apparent difference. Then on the hundredth (or maybe even thousandth -- I'm no stone mason! I wouldn't really know!) the stone suddenly neatly splits, exactly upon the line he wanted. Losing weight (or any difficult endeavor) is a lot like that. You struggle, and struggle, and see no apparent difference. But the difference is there, building, slowly, underneath. The only difference between a champion and a loser? The champion got back up one, single, tiny, little, itty-bitty more time than the loser did. Just one more time! That's all. If you keep trying, you WILL lose the weight. Meanwhile, keep thinking about what brought the bingeing on -- BEFORE the binge. With me, I have discovered, fighting with my husband, even long after I think I am back in control, causes those episodic eating binges. The only safe strategy I have discovered for myself is to leave the house and go out into the yard, where food is simply not physically available, for SEVERAL hours, after every fight.
  • I'm fairly new to MFP, and I had a mini-binge yesterday. I was feeling really down, and was sure that some chocolate was needed. At 42, I am still an emotional eater, and for some reason my emotions recently turned to, "*kitten*, I simply cannot be THIS person for the rest of my life."

    I'm using my mid-life turning point as the reason I need to become healthier. You can do it too, and it sounds like you started off really well!

  • I've fallen too many times to count but today (like you) I am starting again. My thing is exercising. Up to now, I have found every excuse. No more. I have my fitness pal app on my iPod and my fitbit. Onward and Upward.
  • FinFoxPT
    FinFoxPT Posts: 106 Member
    Please don't be hard on yourself, asking for support shows your strength and i think you're really brave xxx Feel free to to add me xxx
  • I am reading this and I keep thinking I could have written many of these posts. I was doing really well and since Easter I have not been able to get a grasp. For a couple days, I do ok, then I relapse. I am so frustrated with myself, I keep saying stop, but I just keep looking for more food. You can get back up and so can I!! I love all this great advise. Thank you!! Anyone please feel free to add me.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 650 Member
    OMG...I totally could have written this post myself!!!

    yeah...I'm on daily. I'm committed to making changes one habit at a time.
    I have screwed up and backslid over 10 pounds.
    I am getting back on track.

    Feel free to add me.