Losing because I can barely walk without Pain.



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    149 at your height is bordering too thin... You'll definitely be underweight if you lose 19 more.

    Benefit of the doubt: maybe she has a small build, maybe she has consulted her doctor. It's her body.
  • rreiki
    rreiki Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me to your list. I understand what you are going through. Even though I did not have knee surgery, I do have other health issues that make walking quite difficult. Do you belong to a gym? If so, you can try doing non-weight bearing exercises (this is what I initially did) such as working on machines such as the leg curl machine and any other ones that will help strengthen your quads, hamstrings and calf muscles so that your knees have some more support. I also lie in bed and do some stretches and little bitty leg legs. I think that it is true that every little bit helps. It might not feel like it helps in the beginning, but eventually it will. I am now able to do the treadmill. I can't go long and I can't go fast but a few months ago, all I could do was look at the treadmill.
  • cawbygirl
    cawbygirl Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I also struggle with painful knees. Three years ago I lost weight on mfp but through the stress of life picked back up old habits and now need to lose 100 pounds!
    Much success to you.
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    149 at your height is bordering too thin... You'll definitely be underweight if you lose 19 more.

    My weight-loss and treatment are monitored by my physician of ten years. At 130 pounds I am within my healthy weight range, and being that I have a small frame that weight is perfectly appropriate. In addition to that, being at that weight may help stave off painful fluid injections into my knees.

    How about you get the eduction required to make the decision, and examine years worth of my medical history before commenting on something that you don't know a thing about.
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    149 at your height is bordering too thin... You'll definitely be underweight if you lose 19 more.

    Benefit of the doubt: maybe she has a small build, maybe she has consulted her doctor. It's her body.

    Yes. See above. My physical condition is monitored monthly by my physician, and I am following his recommendations.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    It's crazy what you think couldn't be an issue related to another one. It's fantastic that you are doing this for your health, such a wonderful reason to do it!

    I am not as active as I was two months ago but I am always a very supportive person and definitely someone to talk to if you need it so feel free to add me :)
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    149 at your height is bordering too thin... You'll definitely be underweight if you lose 19 more.

    My weight-loss and treatment are monitored by my physician of ten years. At 130 pounds I am within my healthy weight range, and being that I have a small frame that weight is perfectly appropriate. In addition to that, being at that weight may help stave off painful fluid injections into my knees.

    How about you get the eduction required to make the decision, and examine years worth of my medical history before commenting on something that you don't know a thing about.
    I'm 5'9" and I have a friend who is my height. She has a small frame and looks good ad 135. I have a larger frame, and could never pull off 130 something without looking anorexic.
  • aries7298
    aries7298 Posts: 225 Member
    Feel free to add me too!!! I've had 4 knee surgeries on my left knee (including a cartilage transplant)... the only thing left is to have both of my knees replaced. YIKES!!! anywho, I have had to modify some of my exercises over the years because of my knees.... but, I am going to do this!!!! SO CAN YOU!!!! :happy:
  • Momster1277
    Momster1277 Posts: 13 Member
    YOU CAN DEFINATELY ADD ME! Oh how I feel your pain! Literally! Started off at 438 - down to 214, I have severe arthritis in both knees and ankles and I have found that jumping on my Gazelle (low/no impact on knees) keeps me happy and pain free. I do 30 minutes three times a week. This has been a very long journey for me - I take it slow and I have had setbacks along the way, however, I continue to press forward. I have more reasons that I can count for not giving up! LOL

    Would be nice to have someone to talk to on here - If that is you in the picture you are a beautiful young lady! Being confident and true to yourself is an absolute plus on the life style change game plan! Would love to go along for the ride! :)
  • Laney2r
    Laney2r Posts: 30 Member
    You can add me. I don't have knee problems but I started loosing because my shoulder and back ached horribly. I joined with several friends and most of them don't log on much/at all anymore so I need some new friends too and I love your attitude of getting healthy for health not for vanity.

    Good luck you can do it!
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks for all the positivity!

    And the negativity -- really?

    Anyway - Don't forget to add me if you'd like to! and thanks for all the encouragement!
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    One bit of advice I can give you right off the bat is to push yourself through some of the pain.

    That's been the big difference between my husband and me. We both started this year with pain in our knees and ankles when we walked. I pushed through it, and exercised anyway. The weight has been coming off slowly, but reasonably. He continues to gain weight, because "it hurts to walk" is still a valid excuse in his mind.

    If it's so bad you can't breathe, then by all means slow down. But do NOT tell yourself you CAN'T just because it hurts. More often than not, it hurts because those joints are stiff from not moving.

    My father in law had both knees replaced and was walking in less than a month. He has lost a lot of weight, and is doing just fine.

    Don't allow yourself to keep making excuses. Yes, it hurts. So what? MOVE. You CAN do it!
  • Nicolecopperboom
    Hello there, I am new to MFP. Your post caught my attention, but I have different pain, had actually just posted a blog about it right before seeing this post. I hope you get better and meet your goals!!! And maybe your doctor can give you some ideas on strengthening your knee? Worth a shot to ask, and possibly keep it braced while walking and other things. I wish you all the best!!

    Feel free to add me

    Nicole :smile:
  • NeverTooLateForChange
    NeverTooLateForChange Posts: 131 Member
    Please feel free to add me. Iam on here everyday and I encourage along the way. You can do this ! (See, I started already).
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    One bit of advice I can give you right off the bat is to push yourself through some of the pain.

    That's been the big difference between my husband and me. We both started this year with pain in our knees and ankles when we walked. I pushed through it, and exercised anyway. The weight has been coming off slowly, but reasonably. He continues to gain weight, because "it hurts to walk" is still a valid excuse in his mind.

    If it's so bad you can't breathe, then by all means slow down. But do NOT tell yourself you CAN'T just because it hurts. More often than not, it hurts because those joints are stiff from not moving.

    My father in law had both knees replaced and was walking in less than a month. He has lost a lot of weight, and is doing just fine.

    Don't allow yourself to keep making excuses. Yes, it hurts. So what? MOVE. You CAN do it!

    Not making excuses, and definitely never said I couldn't, by any means. And I know the difference in a good pain and bad pain. Under the advice of my doctor, I am doing what he says.
  • primal7
    primal7 Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome back!
    Your post caught my eye, because I have the same issue.
    I have pain in both knees and was told to by my doctor they both needed to be replaced 5 years ago.
    Still have not done the surgery.
    I can not stand for long periods of time nor walk, so I go swimming around 3X's a week. Great exercise and easy on the joints.
    I will send you an invite.:flowerforyou:
  • earvizu92
    earvizu92 Posts: 320 Member
    Feel free to add me! I joined MFP in OCT 2012, three months later after visiting the ER for some unusual lower back pain I was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer, totally crushed me!!!!! Two weeks after being diagnosed I was in OR having my entire right kidney removed, I was a mess!!!!!!!!!! Luckily the cancer did not spread but I gained all the weight back that i had worked so hard to lose, and I had to start all over again, but this time I am even stronger!!!!!!!!!!!! You can do this, Im here to support you!!! :)
  • smacmillan86
    smacmillan86 Posts: 153 Member
    I added you. :-)

    I have a significant amount of weight to rid myself of, so I will definitely be your cheerleader! I have a genetic condition that causes severe pain all through my neck and shoulders, but found that therapeutic yoga has been so beneficial. May be worth checking out classes in your area. :-)
  • janeann58
    janeann58 Posts: 14 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I am 54 years old and have had arthritis since age 12. I have had my right knee replaced twice because the first one came loose. I recently tore the meniscus in my left knee and per the orthopedic surgeon I need the left knee replaced as well, however he will not do the surgery until I get my BMI down to 38%. It felt so humiliating to have him look me right in the eye and tell me this. At this point, that will require 35 more pounds of weight loss. My weight is coming off very slowly as well because walking and standing hurt very bad. I have joined the local Y and try to get there 2-3 times per week to swim laps. It feels so good to swim, that I often end up overdoing it and am in such pain for days that I can barely move. At my age I am still struggling with learning moderation in all things. :embarassed: Please feel free to add me. If anyone understands knee, ankle, hip and/or back pain, it me. :smile:
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I understand how terrible it is to barely be able to walk without pain. At the beginning of the year, I spent most of my time sitting around. I'd broken my ankle in two places the previous January and pretty much resigned myself to not ever really recovering (largely because that's what my doctor kept suggesting). I also had bad knees, a bad foot (not even the same one as my ankle injury), a weak back, and frequent shoulder pain.

    I'm about a 1000 times better today, so hang in there. Keep working. You're more than welcome to add me, as I have a stronger appreciation for people overcoming physical ailments these days.