Has anyone done the"Insanity DVD'S"Whats your thoughts?



  • TerrXL
    TerrXL Posts: 9 Member
    Well LLL, it is well and truly an insane workout.

    I have never done the 6 day a week whole insanity workout but have used it as the cardio part of various workout routines before and it's a butt kicker. Done right you can lose like 700 calories per workout!

    It definitely helps that Sean T is so upbeat from start to finish.
  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    I watched one session and daydreamed of being there
  • taciturnity
    taciturnity Posts: 69 Member
    I am on day 31 today. Halfway through the program. I have a love/hate relationship. It's hard, of course (you would expect that), but it also keeps me motivated. I was sore a lot during the first week, but now it's toned down a lot. You really notice your endurance getting better during it, and I think that it's an awesome way to whip yourself into shape no matter what size you are.
  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    I LOVED it =)
  • sclaibo
    sclaibo Posts: 136 Member
    I also just finished the workout! I hit my goal of losing 20lbs with program. I also started at 215. I didn't follow the diet and exercise plan. For example, I didn't do the fit tests because I don't need know how much I've improved in the fitness, just care about how much weight/inches I've lost. it was also rare that I did the cardio abs on the same day as pure cardio or max cardio conditioning. I don't believe in doing another workout right after I finished one. I also agree with other people that it is not a program for people who have bad knees. I don't have bad knees but in the last week, I really felt the pain in my knees. Bottom line, DO IT! Oh and don't get discouraged in the first couple weeks. You will really start to see results in week 3 or 4.
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    I've done it last year and managed to lose 20 lbs. When I did the fit test on the first day, dude my whole body was sore for 3 days and I was even close to give it up but my boyfriend encouraged me as he lost 30 lbs with it and now he's ripped :love:

    I would highly recommend it but you have to be committed to achieve amazing results and eat 5-6 small meals a day. I had a cheat meal once a day per week but it didn't affect my results. So good luck :happy:
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I had ACL/PCL Meniscus surgery on my knee a few years ago and I just did the first month of Insanity and all but the last week of month 2 and haven't had a problem. I absolutely love Insanity and can't wait to restart it!!!
  • Smamfa
    Smamfa Posts: 139 Member
    I've started it today! Actually looking forward to tomorrow. I like Shaun Ts motivating attitude and the fact that the two doing it with him actually stopped a couple times, made me feel 'normal'!! I think I'm going to be sore but you've got to expect that when your giving 100% I want after photos like the ones on Beach Body's website!! That's my motivation....I want to feel happy on the beach this year and not self conscious and fat!!
  • castelluzzo99
    castelluzzo99 Posts: 313 Member
    It truly kicks your butt. I did the fit test and was sore for 4 days then did the cardio and was out for another 2 days, it is not worth that to me. I knew that I should have bought the p90x.

    I bought P90X a year and a half ago. I didn't finish it because I got pregnant and morning sickness pretty much put paid to exercise in general. But I was sore for a MONTH with that one, and I had worked hard to get in shape enough to start it, so I was more in shape when I started than I was normally. P90X has a different exercise every day, so my muscles never had a chance to adapt those first few weeks. By the second month, I felt terrific and was only mildly sore now and then.

    The point is, any extreme workout like Insanity or P90X is going to make you sore. There are less intense workouts for those who don't want to do that. I'm not ready for either one yet, but I'm working on it. I figure I should be ready by fall, if I keep at it! Being able to do a full-length pushup would help!