Skinny *****?

Has anyone on MFP read that "Skinny B!tch" book by ex-models Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin?

What did you think of this sassy book? :laugh:

Is anyone currently or planning to follow their vegan plan?

It sounds really tempting especially after reading how meat is prepared, and their comparison to dairy and "your mother's tits".

Is it really worth giving up meat, dairy and eggs even if they are organic, kosher, fat free and all that jazz?

Please share your opinions and possible experiences.
:love: ? :drinker: ? :cry: ? :noway: ?

Here is a sample of the reading provided by Google:


  • bayaderka
    bayaderka Posts: 53
    Has anyone on MFP read that "Skinny B!tch" book by ex-models Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin?

    What did you think of this sassy book? :laugh:

    Is anyone currently or planning to follow their vegan plan?

    It sounds really tempting especially after reading how meat is prepared, and their comparison to dairy and "your mother's tits".

    Is it really worth giving up meat, dairy and eggs even if they are organic, kosher, fat free and all that jazz?

    Please share your opinions and possible experiences.
    :love: ? :drinker: ? :cry: ? :noway: ?

    Here is a sample of the reading provided by Google:
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    I have only read part of the book. But i have two friends (one of whom is a man) that are both vegetarian because of that book. Which is a great choice for them.

    I feel that there are problems across the board with the food industry in this country. I feel that the USDA can not monitor slaughter houses properly or canning plants as well. What I mean is people get freaked out by meat not properly being slaughterd and packaged. But we just had a salimonia (sp) outbreak of tomatos, because of it not being properly handled.

    I think we have gotten way of course, we need to go back to locally grown, organic if possible. There is an epidemic of obeseity in this country and all people eat is processed crap. If we were to eat more whole foods, locally grown, organic, I think you would see a lot of health issues decline.

    Anyhow, that's my two cents. I could go on and on, lol!:ohwell:
  • Lifeisgood2008
    Lifeisgood2008 Posts: 66 Member
    haha, yes I did read that book, it's sitting beside me on the bookshelf right now. It's not quite what I thought it was going to be, but sassy is a great way to describe it. My 21 daughter thought it was a weird book and also not quite what she thought it was.My 19 year old son has been a non meat eater for almost his whole life, the thought just makes him literally gag, has done since he was a toddler. Feeding him was always a challenge.
    I did take some bits and pieces of the book to heart and have really been cutting back on my meat or at least going more organic.. I tend to eat a lot more veggie/soy based products.

    I think I really got off topic haha. How did you enjoy the book?
  • Lifeisgood2008
    Lifeisgood2008 Posts: 66 Member
    That also made me think about something I had heard about fruits (strawberries in particular) but as a fertilizer they are sprayed with watered down fecal matter..has anyone else heard of this? gag:sick:
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I honestly say its a personal choice. with the vegan/veggie alternatives out there you get quality protien and health fats, I personally would LOVE to go veggie, just cause that idea of fresh meals all the time is wonderful, but I can incorporate that into my own lifestyle which I do. I am what is considered to be a semi-vegetarian, meaning no red meat whoch works for me!!!
  • bayaderka
    bayaderka Posts: 53
    Yah I think I am officially going to go vegan! I have only got 5 more lbs to lose so this will be probably the most efficient way. Theoretically speaking, if I start to eat what my body was designed to eat, my body will shed the unnecessary garbage and return to its natural state- which means skinnier!

    The only problem is that my dad doesn't approve. My mom even has to cook a separate pot of white pasta for him while she cooks the rest of the family brown rice. Oh well- guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks. At least by nature he is as thin as a pencil (he hates any sort of dessert! White pasta and refried beans are his only vice to his body I guess :laugh: ).
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Yah I think I am officially going to go vegan! I have only got 5 more lbs to lose so this will be probably the most efficient way. Theoretically speaking, if I start to eat what my body was designed to eat, my body will shed the unnecessary garbage and return to its natural state- which means skinnier!

    The only problem is that my dad doesn't approve. My mom even has to cook a separate pot of white pasta for him while she cooks the rest of the family brown rice. Oh well- guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks. At least by nature he is as thin as a pencil (he hates any sort of dessert! White pasta and refried beans are his only vice to his body I guess :laugh: ).

    We see a Naturopathic Doctor (who is also a vegan) for wellness, and she says that if you control quality, the quantity will take care of itself (no one ever over-ate steamed broccoli, brown rice, and broiled salmon!!!). :tongue:

    My family significantly changed our eating habits because of my children's severe allergies, and the staples of our diets are whole foods, with no dairy, no eggs, and very little meat (fish 5 nights a week though).

    It's funny that you mentioned about dairy cows being likened to lactating women. When I started reading about whole foods / vegan diets, I read that all dairy cows develop mastitis (infected milk ducts), hence the reason they are pumped full of antibiotics. I was hospitalized with mastitis while breastfeeding my son, and it was so horrible, that I felt great empathy for the cows! I sort of felt that we violate animals in so many ways, and then to read this about dairy cows (cows who are lactating - to feed their babies - are held captive for as many years as they will produce milk, and then "destroyed" when they stop lactacting (hit menopause) made me feel terrible.

    Anyway, it's definitely something to think about! Thanks for sharing!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Really not a fan of this book, not at all. They focus on a few negative examples and try to state that the entire meat and dairy farming community is like that. Yes, some places aren't clean, and yes, some are cruel. Most of them also get shut down almost overnight by the FDA and USDA for breaking the law.

    I have no problem with veganism or vegetarianism, but zealotry just kinda turns me off.