Hello!! I want to go from 2X to a 2 piece healthy!

So today is the day that I begin on this journey, I know it will have its good moments and bad, but as long as i can push through the bad and stay focus on my goal I will be happy!! I am from sunny california and this time of year I love because everything is fresh and perty (yes i know pretty but perty fit). So I figured why not start fresh myself. I hope we can encourage and motivate each other :-)


  • dvankuiken
    dvankuiken Posts: 67 Member
    Hi there! I'm in the same boat as you.
    I need a big change in my life - and I'm sick of being 2X/3X.
    Think we could be motivational buddies? Feel free to add me.
  • LinFlemmer331
    LinFlemmer331 Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome to the beginning of a new life. I was up to 3x and now they are starting to get baggy, well some of them. I have lost 25 lbs since January. Add me if you'd like. ;) congrats and good luck!
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Congrats to all of you. I was a 5x on my way to a 6x. Due to medical issues it has greatly slowed my loss but I am now a 0X in the specialty stores, like the Avenue.

    You can do this!!!!