Friends/ Supporters needed



  • My stats are similar to yours. I'm 5'8", started at 257 and now at 245. We can do this together.

    Anyone else can add me as well! Love to support and be supported. Friends only make this journey easier. :)

    Support is everything!! Thanks
  • me too! :) have been using this on my phone since nov but didnt even realise all this support was here on the net!
  • I was also logging now and again but from now on I am going to be really strict with my logging. :)
    I might only be 21 but I have done so much research on Training/nutrition/supplements and tried so many different diets/training plans that I feel I can help and motivate anyone who needs it :)
    Last year I managed to lose a stone in 4 weeks doing "Kris Gethins - DTP" training plan, which really changed my life, since then I have been playing around with different types of training but I would highly recommend that for anyone who wants to lose some weight fast.
    Feel free to add me people as I am currently a loner on "0" friends haha!
    Good luck on your journeys I hope you all achieve your goals:)
  • Any and all-- feel free to add me. Today is my new Day 1.