30 Day Shred, who's with me ?????

malco76 Posts: 15
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
:flowerforyou: Hey, i just did my first workout with the 30 day shred dvd, my arms and legs are killing me, but they say no pain no gain, lol. Just wanted to know if anybody knows what a 20 minute workout would be classed as for my exercise diary. And anybody feeling fit enough to join me, then please do, because after today i know i am going to struggle :blushing:


  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Love that work out. I'm on level two. There are a bunch of threads about this. Might be easier to join them.
    If your arms hurt today - wait until tommorrow
    <insert evil laugh>
    But keep at it. It's worth it!
  • malco76
    malco76 Posts: 15
    How long did you wait before you went on to level two ? I don't know whether to do 10 days on level one, 10 days on level two, then the last ten days on level three, i'm a complete novice with all this exercise malarkey, lol, any tips ??? :sad:
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    i did the whole 30 day shred, and it gets hard but its worth the results. i put it as circuit training
  • brwneyes71
    brwneyes71 Posts: 89 Member
    You log it in under circuit training genral for 25 mins. I hope that helps. I am on day three of my 30 day shred.. and i will do level 1 until i feel it is to easy so i am thinking about 10 days will be good enough for me. then on to the next level.
  • malco76
    malco76 Posts: 15
    Cool, thanks guys, thats what i thought brwneyes, the hardest thing in the whole workout was the push ups because i've got no upper body strength, 10, 10, 10 it is then :flowerforyou:
  • Lorimichewicz
    Lorimichewicz Posts: 17 Member
    I am 180 lbs. and very active, and did Level 1 for the first time two days ago. My foot was hurting a bit, so took it a bit easy on jumping jacks. But, my Body Bugg said I burned 140 Calories. I have a friend that did Level 1, second time and her heart monitor said she burned 180 calories. She is around 130 lbs. Hope this helps.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    What is this shred business you're all talking about? Please excuse my ignorance, but I am tres curious! Is this some kind of program that you follow through DVDs? What kind of exercise it it, exactly? Thanks to anyone who doesn't mind explaining to a clueless member!! :glasses:
    PS: Do you need any special equipment to participate?
  • SCrates
    SCrates Posts: 1
    I am going to try this. It is only $8 at walmart...so let's see!
  • malco76
    malco76 Posts: 15
    Hey Tanya, i'm new to this whole shred exercise too, i only did my first one today and i am knackered, lol, it's a fitness dvd with three levels of 20 minute workouts. I found the dvd on amazon for just over £6 if you're in th uk, like i said before the hardest thign for me was the push ups.
    Basically you do the 20 minute workouts every day for 30 days, and it claims you can lose up to 20lbs in those 30 days, if i do it will be a sizeable chunk of my 71lb goal, try it out, there are lots of people on here that would reccomend it too :drinker:
    The best thing is all you need is a floor and a couple of weights (or in my case tonight a couple of tins of peas, lol) and lots of will power :laugh:
  • brwneyes71
    brwneyes71 Posts: 89 Member
    What is this shred business you're all talking about? Please excuse my ignorance, but I am tres curious! Is this some kind of program that you follow through DVDs? What kind of exercise it it, exactly? Thanks to anyone who doesn't mind explaining to a clueless member!! :glasses:
    PS: Do you need any special equipment to participate?

    You will start out with a warm up. there are lots of jumping jacks, you will do push ups, strength training, ab workouts... so you do 2 mins of cardio, 2 mins of strength training and 1 min of abs for 20 mins and then a 5 min cool. down... only thing you need to have is 3 or 5 lb weights. It is a circuit training dvd. I hope this helps.
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I've done the level one workout 6 times since last Wednesday. I'm getting ready to switch to level 2 probably on Saturday. The part that kicks my butt the most is the cardio set where you do jumping jacks, jump rope and then repeat. By the time I get to the second jump rope, I'm dying, but other than that, level one is awesome so far. I already feel a difference in stamina after a week. Good luck! Add me and we can check in daily and groan and moan about our aches and pains. ;)
  • sarwood1
    sarwood1 Posts: 48 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey, i just did my first workout with the 30 day shred dvd, my arms and legs are killing me, but they say no pain no gain, lol. Just wanted to know if anybody knows what a 20 minute workout would be classed as for my exercise diary. And anybody feeling fit enough to join me, then please do, because after today i know i am going to struggle :blushing:

    I just started the 30 Day Shred today too... No pain, No gain. The push ups are going to be the hardest for me.
    And I put it under circuit general 20 minutes in my exercise journal.
    We can do it!!!!

  • Beastmilk
    Beastmilk Posts: 14 Member
    I just started today too! I have never had my *kitten* handed to me so quickly. I was sweatin! I really want to try and commit to finish this to work on my discipline! Can't wait to see the results.
  • russ1220
    russ1220 Posts: 58
    I did one 30min shred on Wed. and that workout kicks butt. I am so sore (mostly my legs) to the fifth power, I gave it a rest yesterday and i'm going to try it again today. If you stick with it from the feel of it you can only have success.
  • sarwood1
    sarwood1 Posts: 48 Member
    Just completed D2 of 30DS. I think it was harder than the first!!! My legs are so sore, but I am not going to rest. I am just going to push on...Hope everyone else is doing good.:flowerforyou:
  • malco76
    malco76 Posts: 15
    Day 2, and boy am i feeling it in my arms, the jump rope gets me the most, my calfs absolutely kill on that part of cardio, but b y time i get to the warm down i am sweating buckets, hope everyone else is doing great :flowerforyou:
  • sarwood1
    sarwood1 Posts: 48 Member
    Day 3 done!!! My thighs are hurting! :noway: And I agree!! Sweating buckets by the end.
    Today I did more stretching at the end and my thighs feel much better.:bigsmile:
    Got to go to work now. I work night shift 12 hour shifts... and that is not helping my weight.
  • malco76
    malco76 Posts: 15
    Had a very very busy day waiting on family members coming over from Ireland, so i haven't been able to do day 3 today, gutted, but i will count tomorrow as my day 3, bring it on Jillian, give me your worst, lol x
  • malco76
    malco76 Posts: 15
    Day 3 down, it's getting easier, but the sweat is still pouring off me, lol, the jump ropes are still hard but i suppose they'll get easier as the days go on, how's everyone else doing ?? xx
  • missq1989
    missq1989 Posts: 18 Member
    I've just bought this DVD from Amazon...... can't wait to start it (as soon as my pennies can stretch to fix my DVD player or get a new one) .

    Reading this thread about it has really got me looking forward to starting in.. Bring on Jillian *I imagine I won't be saying that half way through the DVD*

    Danielle x
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