lack of motivation.. help?



  • Thanks everyone! You've given me a few ideas for self-motivation and making exercise seem less dull! :-)
  • I have hit this wall many times in the past and what works for me is just reading motivational quotes, here's a few I have saved on my phone for when I am feeling lazy.

    "When you feel like quitting, think about why you started"
    "Suck it up and one day you wont have to suck it in"
    "The secret of getting ahead is getting started"
    "Fear is what stops you... courage is what keeps you going"
    "Energy and persistence conquer all things"
    "Do it because they said you couldn't"
    "Push yourself, no one is going to do it for you"
    "Take care of your body, its the only place you have to live in"
    "The body achieves what the mind believes"
    "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"
    "No matter how slow you go you are still lapping everyone on the couch"
    "Don't wish for it, work for it"

    And my personal favourite "Sweat + Sacrifice = Success"

    Hopefully they will give you that little extra push you need :)
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    The best advice I have been given is to find something you like to do, and it doesn't seem so much like exercise. Also, if you have a buddy to motivate you, it helps!! I have to put it on my calendar and make myself go on days I don't feel like it. I always feel so good when I'm done, it's just getting in the door is the hardest part. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I have hit this wall many times in the past and what works for me is just reading motivational quotes, here's a few I have saved on my phone for when I am feeling lazy.

    "When you feel like quitting, think about why you started"
    "Suck it up and one day you wont have to suck it in"
    "The secret of getting ahead is getting started"
    "Fear is what stops you... courage is what keeps you going"
    "Energy and persistence conquer all things"
    "Do it because they said you couldn't"
    "Push yourself, no one is going to do it for you"
    "Take care of your body, its the only place you have to live in"
    "The body achieves what the mind believes"
    "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"
    "No matter how slow you go you are still lapping everyone on the couch"
    "Don't wish for it, work for it"

    And my personal favourite "Sweat + Sacrifice = Success"

    Hopefully they will give you that little extra push you need :)

    Also, I love this, I am going to copy this and print it out :wink:
  • bmendi79
    bmendi79 Posts: 7
    I know I may seem a bit like a teenager but I've posted pictures of women from fitness magazines along with pictures of me before and during as I progress. When I see the changes it motivates me to keep going. I also keep my measurements posted and I work out early morning before my body figures out what's going on (lol). I also workout at night after work three days a week. Another motivation is having my friends to answer to as they're working out as well towards their own personal goals. I can't give up on them and in turn I don't give up on myself.
  • dmgelinas
    dmgelinas Posts: 36 Member
    Support check! Set up a group of people that support you and hold you accountable. Helps me!
    Feel free to add me! You can also follow me on facebook (Drop it With Danielle) and instagram (dmgelinas) for more motivation and support! (anyone)
    Open diary, and open book! You can do it!
  • i haved joined my friends on fb or ig on a fitness challenge and i write everything down so i can look back and be proud of myself lol silly yes but its effective
  • tameekag
    tameekag Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you, i'll try that! I don't really drink fizzy drinks nor eat fast food, it's just the lack of exercise! I've been trying to go to the gym for about 40-60 minutes a day but it gets boring! Having an exercise buddy is too distracting and I usually get no exercise done! :-(

    I used to get bored at the gym because I did the SAME thing every day....walk over to an elliptical or treadmill and walk/run.
    Can you say SNORE? I was not motivated to do that. I would always have to force myself and I hated every single second of it.

    So, I joined a different gym and I now do bootcamp classes and zumba. I know that isn't for everybody but my point is - I changed my approach and found something that I actually enjoyed. I got rid of the boredom. There were still many days that I didn't go to class because I was too sore, too this, or too that...but eventually I started meeting people and making plans to show up at the same class with them (I created an accountability partner). When they didn't want to go, I'd encourage them and they would encourage me.

    If your workout partners have been distracting...try a different partner - someone who has similar goals. I get plenty of joking around done with my fitness buds...but we all get in there and work our bodies way more than our mouths.
  • [/quote]

    Also, I love this, I am going to copy this and print it out :wink:

    I'm glad you like them, I have many more that I have came across over the past couple of years but these ones really helped me most on them bad days :)