Is it ok to eat under 1200 calories?



  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Just eat high calorie foods. 2 medjool dates have 140 cals, half of an avocado has 140. Almonds and dried fruit too.
  • pennelope515
    I know for me, I drank my calories with alcohol and pop... (soda)...or whatever other people call it :)
    And was lazy so was eating a lot of frozen food!
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    How many times are people going to post this?
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member

    My sentiment exactly.

    In Place Of A Road Map 3.0. Look it up. Live it. Calories in < Calories out.

  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    I know several people who have had success doing it. Look up impatient Diater and Alex Cubby's Videos, Really U can eat more or less its just what works for you!
  • Logical_Integrity
    Has anyone had hard time consuming 1200 calories in a day? Should I change this habit? Should I munch on snacks through out the day to reach 1200 calorie intake even if I am already full?

    No. Eat when you are hungry, find go to snacks that are very small and not so filling that you can have with dinner or after (like sunflower seeds or dark chocolate) that will boost you to the higher calories you need. There are plenty of calorie booster you could eat that.
  • KristysLosing
    I wish I had a hard time getting enough calories. Certainly not the weekend I had!
  • ozonenrhia1
    I have been trying to eat a clean diet. Which means I have cut out almost all processed foods including those yummy "health" bars that I so love and would eat like 2 or 3 of them. My diet mostly contains, fruits,veggies lean meat some dairy and on occasion a slimfast shake and some pita chips.. unless its a cheat day then I may have a slice of pizza:) i feel a lot better and even though im new im loosing weight and feel great. my target is around 1400 cals i normally eat between 1000-1200. It isnt so much about the number of cals but making sure you are getting enough macros such as protein, fat and carbs.. I also pay attention to my vitamins such as calcium and iron. Not all calories are made the same and you could eat 1200 worth of junk or 1000 of nutrient dense foods and the 1000 cal diet is healthier than the other one. Its all about what you eat..Just my thoughts
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    You need to eat more. My 9 month old eats around 900 calories a day, you're an adult eating less than that. Eat some peanut butter, saute a whole bunch of veggies in a couple tablespoons of olive or sesame oil, and don't eat low-fat/reduced fat stuff.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I don't eat less than 1200 calories a day...I eat between 1200 and 1300. I don't think its a good idea to go below on a regular basis.

    There are healthy foods you can eat to get yourself up to the minimum. Its probably even easier for you because I have to limit my carb probably don't. If I had to get my calories up, I would have a cup of yogurt with fruit or some pistachios. You CAN do it. Don't eat too little. can be just as bad as eating too much.
  • Logical_Integrity
    I have been trying to eat a clean diet. Which means I have cut out almost all processed foods including those yummy "health" bars that I so love and would eat like 2 or 3 of them. My diet mostly contains, fruits,veggies lean meat some dairy and on occasion a slimfast shake and some pita chips.. unless its a cheat day then I may have a slice of pizza:) i feel a lot better and even though im new im loosing weight and feel great. my target is around 1400 cals i normally eat between 1000-1200. It isnt so much about the number of cals but making sure you are getting enough macros such as protein, fat and carbs.. I also pay attention to my vitamins such as calcium and iron. Not all calories are made the same and you could eat 1200 worth of junk or 1000 of nutrient dense foods and the 1000 cal diet is healthier than the other one. Its all about what you eat..Just my thoughts

  • swtpotatolove
    If you need help filling your calories at the end of the day consider adding a glass or two of full fat milk to make up for the extra calories

    That is a good idea... Too bad I am lactose intolerant :( Thanks for the input
  • calroz2
    calroz2 Posts: 2
    problem with eating a very restricted amount of calories is that body can go into starvation mode and then you don't lose weight. Also, protein helps you build muscle and keeps youfull--but usually has more calories.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    OP, just live up to your username. A medium sized sweet potato has around 300-350 calories, raw. Slice that baby up, coat it with some olive oil and salt, roast until crispy. Bam, 400-500 calories right there.

    I love sweet potatoes, but they don't have that many calories ;)

    About 180 calories for a cup of the flesh. Still, with some butter and brown sugar splenda (mmm), about 300 for a large one. Delicious!!!

    OP, it seems to me that the hunger has subsides because you're eating low. As others have said, hunger's not a good measure.
  • swtpotatolove
    Same problem here. Just add more raw fruits and veggies to your diet. You won't get more calories but you will atleast get plenty of vitamins or make sure your getting nutrition. Remember you are what you eat.

    Thank you for the "nice" comment. I am going to start packing snacks and eat them between meals. I will definitely reach 1200 calories. Since fruit... like apple is already 59ish calories. Also, I will have to start tracking my food more strictly. I don't know why some people are so mean on here, I am just asking for a advice. I don't know about those people, but eating healthy can be very challenging for some people.
  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 112 Member

    Low calorie and healthy are not the same thing. Not all healthy foods are low calorie. Not all low calorie foods are healthy. The human body needs protein and fats to function properly. There's no way those two needs are being met on a 700-800 calorie per day diet.

    ^this. You don't necessarily have to eat "diet" foods to loose weight. I watch protein and fiber more than anything else and it all falls into place. Eat your meat, potatoes, pasta, and of course plenty of fruits and veggies. You'll fill up 1200 in no time. And you don't need to eat junk to do so, either.
  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 112 Member
    And I've never understood the mean people on advice boards, either. LOL
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    not unless u are under 120 pounds. NO
  • swtpotatolove
    OP, just live up to your username. A medium sized sweet potato has around 300-350 calories, raw. Slice that baby up, coat it with some olive oil and salt, roast until crispy. Bam, 400-500 calories right there.

    I love sweet potatoes, but they don't have that many calories ;)

    About 180 calories for a cup of the flesh. Still, with some butter and brown sugar splenda (mmm), about 300 for a large one. Delicious!!!

    OP, it seems to me that the hunger has subsides because you're eating low. As others have said, hunger's not a good measure.

    I love sweet potatoes! :) Hmm yeah I should pack some sweet potatoes with apples for snack. yum. I just want to say that I don't purposely eat lower than 1200 calories... nor I eat under 1200 calories everyday. I just wanted some advice.. I thought maybe there might be someone who probably went through the same thing.....

    Anyway after reading some useful comments, I've decided to try to eat at least 1200 calories (of course more when I workout) and track my food more strictly.

    Thanks Michelle.
  • swtpotatolove

    Low calorie and healthy are not the same thing. Not all healthy foods are low calorie. Not all low calorie foods are healthy. The human body needs protein and fats to function properly. There's no way those two needs are being met on a 700-800 calorie per day diet.

    ^this. You don't necessarily have to eat "diet" foods to loose weight. I watch protein and fiber more than anything else and it all falls into place. Eat your meat, potatoes, pasta, and of course plenty of fruits and veggies. You'll fill up 1200 in no time. And you don't need to eat junk to do so, either.

    I absolutely agree with you. Yeah I don't think I am getting all the nutrients with only 700 - 800 calories. I have been eating healthier... but not enough. I don't know .. sometimes I feel that it's hard to feel 1200 calories, and other days I can fill up 1200 calories no time.. and sometimes I get hungry again. And so, I just wanted to ask myfitnesspal community.. what I should do.. :)

    My one friend eats every few hrs.. and she manage to lose the fat percentage. Oh and yes, I've decided to leave junk food for awhile... (can't say forever yet.. since I so love animal style in n out cheeseburger still) haha

    Thanks for the helpful post.