Motivation to stop emotional eating/ Binge-eating disorder

Hi Everyone,
I have been quite successful this time around with my weight loss. I have kept the majority of my weight off for over a year, and hope to stay this way. While at times it seems very doable, the past couple months I have found myself binge eating yet again. I have acknowledge my "stressors": I'm moving out of state in a couple months and trying to find a new job, and I have been lonely because I don't have many friends here and my boyfriend and I work opposite schedules. I am actually moving to be closer to family and friends, so I expect this loneliness will end soon! It's depressing :ohwell:
I find forums to be quite helpful for when someone is feeling down, it helps to know others out there are also struggling with the same issues. What do you do to get yourself out of a rut like this?
I have never been diagnosed with Binge-eating disorder, but I believe I have had it since childhood. My mother was a health nut and I started dieting when I was young. Which started this vicious cycle of thin to thick, I seem to keep weight off for a year or two and then I'm overweight once again. And it's not that unhealthy habits come back, it's that I start binge eating again. I never purged. Has anyone been able to conquer this disorder, and what were your keys to success? Would you recommend professional help?


  • Ingadinga
    Ingadinga Posts: 28 Member
    I have since found MFP Binge eating support groups and read other message threads. But any words of wisdom would be appreciated. :flowerforyou:
  • raerie81
    raerie81 Posts: 7
    HI there:
    I am a clinical psychology grad student and currently we are learning more and more about the Binge Eating Disorder and there will be some changes in the DSM-V coming out next week regarding Binge Eating. However, I thought it would help if I provided you a link to the specifications and some treatment suggestions.

    Here is a link from the American Psychological Association about treatment:

    Hope this helps. Good luck to you. I think the journey of life is all about balance. When our insides are not balanced we seek to try and balance it out perhaps through food. Just a personal take on it.
  • I binge eat when lonely also. I hate this because it then makes me feel even worse. I know if this happens, I just need to get back on track the next day. I am getting better at this because I started weighing myself every day, logging food and exercise. This keeps me from stuffing things into my mouth in a "binge trance". I expect the weight to fluctuate daily but.. I look at the trend of weight loss and in my case maintenance vs the absolute number. After a binge, I can gain 3-4 lbs over night. It does come off with hard work. You can do it!!
  • Ingadinga
    Ingadinga Posts: 28 Member
    Hope this helps. Good luck to you. I think the journey of life is all about balance. When our insides are not balanced we seek to try and balance it out perhaps through food. Just a personal take on it.

    Food can be comforting, that's for sure! I like your personal take, and those links are very helpful, thanks for posting them. I counted 19 binge days since January 1st, I didn't realize it was that much until today. But my pants acknowledge it...
    Once I achieved my goal weight I told myself that I won't allow myself to go over 150 lbs again. Today I weighed 153, I panicked but know why I gained and want to conquer this effectively.
    I binge eat when lonely also. I hate this because it then makes me feel even worse.

    Being lonely is hard, I watched the documentary "Happy" the other week and it made me cry. (possibly binge? I can't remember the exact day) So many in the world struggle to live but are surrounded by family and friends, and they are happy. It's humbling. My friends and family don't even know I am lonely, neither do colleagues, I am embarrassed about it. I think I would tell people that I have problems with food rather than admit I am lonely.

    And that feeling after binging is such a horrid one, I definitely try not to dwell on the binge episode.
    I feel better than I did earlier, thanks for your encouragement!
  • [/quote]
    "Being lonely is hard, I watched the documentary "Happy" the other week and it made me cry. (possibly binge? I can't remember the exact day) So many in the world struggle to live but are surrounded by family and friends, and they are happy. It's humbling. My friends and family don't even know I am lonely, neither do colleagues, I am embarrassed about it. I think I would tell people that I have problems with food rather than admit I am lonely."

    "And that feeling after binging is such a horrid one, I definitely try not to dwell on the binge episode.
    I feel better than I did earlier, thanks for your encouragement!"

    I feel as though I wrote this. :flowerforyou:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I suffer issues with binge eating, and also, sometimes, bulimic tendencies(I sometimes purge if I binge to a point it really is horribly uncomfortable and will keep me awake).
    I am an emotional eater. I tend to crave sugary, sweet things a lot, some periods of the month are much worse than others. It is an ongoing battle for me. I tend to use food to replace companionship, since I am quite a solitary person, and also when I am not occupied enough mentally and physically.

    I am in the binge eating group here that you joined.
    Feel free to add me. I intermittent fast currently, which seems to have helped a lot as I now eat my calories at the time when I am most prone to want to eat more.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I also have a binge eating disorder. I am currently looking for treatment. In the meantime I am reading any book on the subject I can get my hands on. I binge when lonley, sick, stressed, tired. It has been the reason the last pounds are not coming off and staying off.

    Keep trying and keep working at it. You can win against Binge Eating!!!
  • Ingadinga
    Ingadinga Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the kind words. One day at a time, it's a struggle but I hope we all find the balance we seek.
  • My mother struggles with this issue and so do I but I binge less often. Personally, I tried professional help but it just didn't do the trick. Mom went to Overeaters Anonymous for years and it really helped her when she was engaged with the group. I think identifying triggers and our reactions to the triggers is the most important steps in managing this long-term problem. Best wishes!
  • jlseelye
    jlseelye Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Friend!

    I know how you feel and I was there in July of last year. I came across Heleen West is amazing! She is willing to talk to you, e-mail you, and her testimony is amazing. Her story and her methods brought healing in many areas of my life. The bulemia normally isn't the problem, there is something causing it. You have to get to the root of that. I would love to share more with you. Message anytime! Hope this helps!