Losing weight... but perhaps too fast?!

Hey all,
I am looking for some help. I am a 25 yr old male who is at a computer most of the day. My diet up until two weeks ago consisted of at least 3-4 mountain dews a day and overall poor food selection. Well I started at 230 lbs two weeks ago and have given up all soda (now only drink water and skim milk) and have started trying to make lower calorie choices. I have ate about 1500 calories per day (according to what MFP recommended for my height,weight and activity level) and been very meticulous about adding all of my calories. The first weigh in (7 days ago) I had dropped 4 pounds. The weigh in this morning, however, I dropped an additional 10 pounds. I have been drinking about 6-7 cups of water per day and have exercised (played basketball about 3-4 times in the past two weeks). So this is a weight loss of about 14 pounds in two weeks.....

I am concerned that I am doing something wrong and losing weight at an extremely unhealthy pace (sounds ironic I know.) Can someone chime in at let me know if this is normal?


  • Shawnna_H
    Shawnna_H Posts: 32 Member
    At first its usually water weight and your body extracting all the excess sodium from all the soda and depending on your diet food too. It will balance out....i lost 6 lbs in my first 6 days.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I cant see your diary but have sent friend request

    how much weight do you need to loss would help

    I wouldn't be too worried, I go to the gym 4 times a week, (2 of those days i go twice in a day so total of 6 sessions a week, I trying build some muscle) I also do 2 sessions a week doing karate and hiking one day a week

    I have been losing around 800gms a week,

    if you want to slow it down do some weights and build some muscles
  • Live4theLift
    Most if not all water weight, once that's gone it's a combination of fat and muscle from then on
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Losing weight fast can be symptom of a disease but losing weight fast in itself is not unhealthy. For example, HIV causes you to lose weight extremely fast but losing weight fast does not cause HIV.
  • idesss
    idesss Posts: 3
    Hey everyone,
    Thanks for the responses so far. I assumed most of it was water weight but still was concerned just at the rapid weight drop. My goal is about 180 pounds. Please feel free to private message me any suggestions as I continue on my life long journey. Also, I opened up my diary (didnt know it was set to private). Thank you!
  • phetsanie
    I'm sure it's fine. Once I cut out the pop and changed my eating habits, I lost the first 9lbs in about a week. Now, I'm losing closer to 1-2 lbs/week.