How do you stop sweets craving?



  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Just say no..:smokin:


    Its the only way to truly conquer the cravings - which are as mental as they are physical.

    I disagree with the whole "we must never deny ourselves anything" view - that's what got us here in the first place. But it's just my personal opinion - we are all allowed them :)
  • EstherZue
    EstherZue Posts: 39
    Try winegum or gummibears, some of them come fat- and sugar-free. I like to eat those when I want a full handful of candies rather than just a square of chocolate lol.

    Try weight watchers chocolate mousse, which you can darken with pure cocoa powder, making it more rich.

    I also love making fake chocolate truffles (philadelphia fat free cream cheese and melted chocolate rolled into small truffles coated in cocoa powder).

    And strawberries dipped in chocolate.

    In the beginning, try to not have anything sweet for a couple of weeks. It will really change your cravings. I used to be such a sweet tooth, not only candies and chocolate, but also most of my meals would be somehow sweet, like pancakes for lunch or croissants for dinner. I did the ultra-clean insanity nutrition plan for a couple of weeks along with the workout, which has only meat, fish and veggies and the occasional wholewheat tortilla. Nothin processed. After that i naturally abstained from diet coke, chocolates, candies, pasta, bread, and so many other things, I didn't even have to force myself anymore. I also prefer to eat much more savoury in general nowadays. Your taste preferences really depend on your habits. You can change it.
  • Jullessi
    Jullessi Posts: 38
    Just say no..:smokin:


    Its the only way to truly conquer the cravings - which are as mental as they are physical.

    I disagree with the whole "we must never deny ourselves anything" view - that's what got us here in the first place. But it's just my personal opinion - we are all allowed them :)

    I agree - it really depends on whether you like sweet things or actually feel yourself to be addicted. I was definitely the later. How I am dealing with it is to cut all processed sugar from my diet. Its early days but its working for me x
  • LoveSummer_HI
    Lemon water helps

    I'm currently on my third cup of lemon juice haha!
    Thanks for the advice :)
  • LoveSummer_HI
    Try winegum or gummibears, some of them come fat- and sugar-free. I like to eat those when I want a full handful of candies rather than just a square of chocolate lol.

    Try weight watchers chocolate mousse, which you can darken with pure cocoa powder, making it more rich.

    I also love making fake chocolate truffles (philadelphia fat free cream cheese and melted chocolate rolled into small truffles coated in cocoa powder).

    And strawberries dipped in chocolate.

    In the beginning, try to not have anything sweet for a couple of weeks. It will really change your cravings. I used to be such a sweet tooth, not only candies and chocolate, but also most of my meals would be somehow sweet, like pancakes for lunch or croissants for dinner. I did the ultra-clean insanity nutrition plan for a couple of weeks along with the workout, which has only meat, fish and veggies and the occasional wholewheat tortilla. Nothin processed. After that i naturally abstained from diet coke, chocolates, candies, pasta, bread, and so many other things, I didn't even have to force myself anymore. I also prefer to eat much more savoury in general nowadays. Your taste preferences really depend on your habits. You can change it.

    Hey great Idea :) I made truffles before so I think this recipe will help too!!! sounds yummy :smile:
    Okay I'll try to change my habits (x
    Thank you =)!
  • LoveSummer_HI
    up until the last week day i hadnot had any choc in about a month however the last 3 day I've had this thing with choc so what i do is have one small piece of very dark choc

    in nz we have Whitakers - Dark Ghana Chocolate, 7 grams 39cals and that does it for me

    and i use quote I've used this one alot today I help it helps 'It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe'

    so get the pebbe out of your shoe and carry on :smile: and remember one step at a time and you will do it

    Thanks for the adorable quote! i'll keep that in mind and write it in my diary book! :smile:
  • LoveSummer_HI

    Thanks for the advice [:
    My family used to purchase instant oatmeal but as you stated it does have looooads of sugar. So we switched to steel cut oats, I add milk, a bit of sugar, and some fruit :)
    Again, thank you [:

    Been there. Even oats don't satisfy me in the morning, I need to add chia seeds. They don't distort the taste at all. You mix them with a little water and stir til they form a gel like consistency, then add them to the cooked oats.

    Gonna try to add an image.

    Edit that didn't work! I'll copy the information over.

    2 tablespoons have 100% more omega 3 than salmon, over 40% of your daily fiber, 6x more calcium than milk, 30+% of your daily magnesium, 16% complete vegetable protein, 6x more iron than spinach, 60+% more potassium than banana, more niacin than corn, rice or soy, twice as many anti oxidants than blueberries.

    All of that goodness leaves you feeling very content. I've never felt too full which is great, but I can happily go and work an active job for 6 hours before needing to eat again. I don't tend to get any cravings when I have chia seeds. They are worth looking in to. You can add them to anything. Smoothies, meals etc.

    Duude thanks for the info! So detailed I like it! I'll try this sometime for breakfast :) I always wondered what chia seeds works like :0
    Thank you sir!
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    make sweet but healthy (or semi healthy treats) ...this week is chocolate protein muffins and i used PB2 and the icing
  • LoveSummer_HI
    IMO (and I obviously don't have much of a track record here since I've only been working at this problem since February - 31 pounds gone though!), you absolutely don't need to avoid sweets altogether. I routinely indulge in something and because I do, I don't feel like I need to hunt it down and gobble down humongous portions any time I get near it.

    Case in point? I'm a chocoholic. I make no bones about that. Give me chocolate or give me death (not literally, but you get the point). Before I started on this, I could and would eat TONS of it. If it were near me, it'd be eaten. I've gotten a handle on it now because being in a lifestyle change hasn't meant I "couldn't" have it, just needed (desperately) to moderate it. I've gotten good enough at restraint that I have a bag of dark-chocolate M&M's in my desk and I don't eat them much. I know how many M&Ms make up a serving (210 calories for a 1/4c, which is roughly 60 M&Ms). When I really feel like I "need" a hit of chocolate, I have a half-serving. End of story. It kills my chocolate need, I feel good because I didn't go crazy, and (most of the time), I end up not needing/wanting a snack in the afternoon after that.

    But, as with all things, this is what works for ME. Just a thought.

    Thanks for your thought (: yeah chocolates my lovee haha :P I'll try to cut the serving in half when I crave lol!
    Thank you!!! :smile:
  • JayelleBeeSlim
    I can resist cake, chocolate, biscuits and ice cream but fruity sweets are my downfall. Once I start, I can quite easily finish a large bag of wine gums or similar in one go.

    I just can't do sweets in moderation, it's either all or none, so I have to stop completely. Currently I'm satisfying my sweet tooth with sugar free jelly sprinkled with stevia.
  • paulofessex
    I found giving up a 30+ year smoking habit far more easier than it is for me trying to cut down on the sweets/chocolate.
  • ehsan517
    ehsan517 Posts: 114
    go to youtube and check out this channel "leanbodylifestyle" by michael kory.
    i got great substitute ideas for cheesecakes and brownies and pancakes and all things sweet from there.
    of course you`re gonna have to make SOME wont be exactly the way you want it, but it`ll curb them cravings...atleast for me.
  • molly_roesler
    I have the same problem. If I didn't crave sugar so much, I think I'd still be at my ideal weight. I've heard that chewing gum when you have a craving is a good way to get rid of it. I've also read that cravings only last something like, 20 min, so if you can keep yourself from eating it for 20 min, you might be able to fight it!
  • zuzuspetals72
    zuzuspetals72 Posts: 7 Member
    I buy the caramel and chocolate flavored rice cakes and have one when I am craving something sweet. Low in calories and sugar and still good at making you feel like you had a sweet treat. And if you decide to eat seconds, it's still okay :)
  • DankaCibulka
    DankaCibulka Posts: 91 Member
    I had this problem too. I ate just 1200 cal and also I did some workouts, so my net calories was around 900. Then I started to eat 1600 - 1700 calories per day (net calories around 1200) and I don´t have a problem with chocolate, I don´t need it and want it that much like before. Now I prefer chocolate ice-cream, but when I eat it I excercise more, so still have calories under control:)
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I'm not sure how this will work for you but if I want a slice of cake or a cookie I put on my bikini and look at myself in the mirror. If I'm happy with what I see then I can have that sweet but usually I avoid it. I also do this when I need a little inspiration to get me out the door for runs or workouts. :)
  • sjj3002
    sjj3002 Posts: 10
    I have a sweet tooth too. :( I am on my maintenace mode now so I eat whatever I crave and go burn it off the same day. And if I try to supress my cravings I endup eating double the next day. Listen and understand your body, and eat in moderation, you will do Grat. Best of luck on your weightloss journey.
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    Try Fiber One 90 Calorie snacks. I LOVE the brownie and chocolate chip cookie bars!:smile::smile:

    and the peanut butter brownies are yummy too, I live on fiber one lol
  • JayKay60
    JayKay60 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! This is such a tough one - hence whey I'm back here AGAIN lol. I have finally understood that actually NOT giving in to the cravings, but having say and apple and some protein, is much better. I can't just have a little chocolate or one biscuit. It just gives me more cravings. Having a healthy snack keeps my blood sugars level which stops the cravings. I'm really looking at nutrition now (you'd think after 20 yrs of weight problems I'd have thought of this before lol). Oh, and I do find that green tea really cuts down the cravings - and that was before I'd read it's supposed to do that. And I love water with a spritz of lemon juice. Good luck!
  • monianderson
    I've started eating a piece (or a whole plate ) of fruit when I start craving sweets. You could also try drinking crystal light. Some of them are really sweet but low in calories. I get the single packets they are only 10 cal and are goo for two water bottles.