Your healthy "go to" foods



  • Natdogg37
    Natdogg37 Posts: 31 Member
    I love pickled beets....they are healthy and have about 15 calories for every 3 slices of yummy!
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Fresh pineapple
    Dark chocolate <3
  • jaf320
    jaf320 Posts: 33 Member
    Lately my mid-afternoon snacks seem to be a Greek yogurt (Chobani, Liberte or Voskos usually) or a an apple (love Pink Lady) and a piece of string cheese. They seem to be a good combo of protein/carbs/fat and some sweetness for me.

    I've been trying to drink tea w/a little almond milk at night (the Mighty Leaf teas are excellent) - it is a relaxing little ritual and seems to send my brain/body the "okay, you're probably full now" signal well :smile:

    I haven't eaten them for a while but I also like the 100-calorie bags of regular popcorn or kettle corn. I think they are pretty tasty and popcorn seems to be one of the few foods that can be a satisfying portion in 100 cals.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Nuts and nut butters - carefully measured
    baby spinach - one of the few leafy greens I like
    pesto - healthy fat, TONS of flavor
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    moawr bacon
  • mlcantwell
    mlcantwell Posts: 243 Member
    I love pickled beets....they are healthy and have about 15 calories for every 3 slices of yummy!
    I love those two! I always put them on my salads.

    Apple, banana, strawberries, dried fruit (cherries, mango) or these all natural fruit rollups

    Fage 2% greek yogurt
    popcorn (10-20 grams)
    cold coffee with almond milk
    packet of powdered soup, mixed with hot water
    sugar snap peas
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    Great answers and giving me some ideas.

    I like pickled beets as well with a tablespoon of cottage cheese
    Dark Chocolate
    Wasabi almonds - half a serving
    Fiber 1 chocolate cereal
    Most types of greek yogurt
    Apples or grapefruit

    I really try to drink a big glass of water before and during a snack to help fill me up.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Here's my list

    Nuts & natural nut butter
    canned oysters
    fruit & berries
    dried fruit - careful with portion control - read pack for additives
    suzies gluten free rice cake crackers
    dark chocolate
    hard boiled eggs
    I freeze/refridgerate portions of homemade soups, meat loafs, steel cut oats for easy grabbing
    I also cook whole chickens, turkeys, and roast on weekends then freeze and package portions so on lazy days I can take it out and make quick stir frys, wraps, and put it in salads through the week or on lazy days.

    If all else fails and I am really hungry I just full out cook. There is lots of quick and easy healthy things to prepare. Like roasted veggies - if you foil the pan you have no dishes its easy to prepare and delicous. Or frozen individually packed fish.... 15 mins in warm water thaws them and less then 15 mins in the oven - easy. Everytime you make rice make lots and freeze it, then microwave and enjoy.
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    I love tinned wild salmon on triscuits for a snack. Sometimes with a little greek seasoning sprinkled on top.
    Plain greek yogurt w/ frozen berries thawed and a tablespoon of flax meal
    peanut butter w/ a banana, celery or apple (depends on the mood or what I have lol)
    cottage cheese w/ bell peppers
  • libblong
    libblong Posts: 6 Member
    So far my healthy "go to" foods have been tuna by itself, fruit, cereal, and sandwiches. Today is beginning my second week of 1200 cals a day and my second day of c25k. I'm so so sore and will probably take a break tomm.

    I need some pals on my fitness pal!!

  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
    usually something with protein in it so I feel fuller longer, like a tbsp of peanut butter (sometimes with apples, sometimes alone), almonds, cheese.