Fat Vs. Muscle

Hey Guys,

So Its been about 3 weeks now. I've lost 3 pounds after the first two weeks but now after the third week I gained back a pound and was wondering if that is because of my workout. I have been going to the gym about 5-6 times a week doing the elliptical for about 45 minutes in addition to strength training. How do I know that I am actually losing weight and gaining muscle rather than just gaining weight. I have to admit I didn't have the best nutrition week, however, I did do my best to stay under the calorie count. I need some advice, cause this is really discouraging me.

Thanks Guys!


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Weight loss (and fat loss) happens in the kitchen - eating at a deficit.

    new workout routines can cause temporary water retention as your muscles repair themselves (this is a good thing) that will go away in due time. it is doubtful you have gained a pound of muscle in such a short period of time (even though new lifters are capable of building muscle - a little bit - when just starting a program even if eating at a deficit).

    Excessive working out and undereating can cause a stall because of not enough food (I did not look at your diary, so I have no idea how much you eat). But, I do not think enough time has passed to jump to this conclusion.

    Make sure you are eating enough, but also at a true deficit. make sure you are not overtraining and you should be fine!
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    1) Don't confuse random up and down fluctuations on the scale with weight gains and losses. You're looking for a long-term trend here.
    2) Diet is 75% of the equation, so if you have bad weeks on your diet you're kind of screwed. You just can't exercise away a bad diet.
    3) Take measurements of waist, abdomen, hips, thigh etc. Sometimes your weight may stay the same from week to week, but you'll find you have lost 1/2 inch. Are you going to be disappointed in that?
    4) Don't get discouraged. This is going to work for you.
    5) Enjoy the process. You're going to be getting tons of compliments along the way!
  • htw422
    htw422 Posts: 8
    Thank you guys. I actually ended up taking measurements and it turns out i did lose about half an inch, so thank you for reminding me. =)