joined the what?

I joined my local gym finally and once there I hopped on the eliptical, went to town for about 30 mintues then sort of stared blankly at all the machines and ended up on the stationary bike. My goal is to eventually start lifting heavy but until I can either get a trainer or find that new rules of lifting for women book I'm on my own. Also since I don't have a trainer I'm wanting to lean away from the free weights so as to not get in the way of the serious folks (and to not make a fool out of myself since I don't know what to do with them) So my question is what should I do to make the most of my time and get this body of mine in shape? Thanks in advance :smile:


  • SockBunny
    SockBunny Posts: 3 Member
    Congrats on joining! In my experience, most gyms are happy to have someone show you how to use the various machines. Just ask! Also, I recommend taking classes if you can. They will help keep you motivated and coming back for more. My favorite class is spin class. It was torture on my rear end at first, LOL, but now I am addicted to it. ;)

    Best of luck!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    new rules of lifting is pretty easy to find on amazon.

    your gym should set you up with an introductory training sessions for free where they can show you the machines and you can ask about free weights.

    dont worry about getting in the way of serious folk, you pay your monthly fees the same as they do there's no rule that says only certain people are allowed to use certain parts of the gym..well ok the lockers and bathrooms are separated by male/female but you know what i mean :laugh:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Un join it.

    Worst decision I ever made was joining one. You dont NEED one at all. Nobody does. walk, run, jog, squat, pushup, pulllup, lift, situp........ all can be done without paying for the use of machines that cant even tell you the amount of burn you are getting or how fit you really are.

    Save your money, buy a pair of runners & go for it. Buy some home weights (barbell & weights do NOT cost the earth) an lift. Squatting is free, same as the others.

    Don't be a mug & pay for the use of their stuff when you can do it all for next to nothing & don't have to 'wait' for others to finish using it.
  • TssCnn
    TssCnn Posts: 114 Member
    I agree with the New Rules and the training session. Almost all gyms offer that first one free. Just inquire at the desk. Let them know you are a beginner and need to know how to use the machines and which are for you. Gyms do not want members hurt or machines broken so they are happy to show you. Some have classes built into their membership prices, others have a small fee. If there is a small fee, again inquire at the desk. They may give you a pass to a class or two to see if that is the proper environment for you.

    Another option is if you have a friend or a few who use the same gym, see about going in on a trainer for a group session. Cuts down your cost and you have workout buddies! Some of the trainers at our gym will do it, others will not.

    Some one else said "Un join". You do whatever is going to work for you. Some people simply will not work out at home on their own. Some people need the gym type environment and find it motivating. Others do not. Seeking out advice from others is great, but remember to do what is best and going to work for you. Never base your decision on well so-and-so said this worked for them.

    Which ever you decide to do, enjoy it.
  • MrsDrake678
    MrsDrake678 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks everyone! I To the lady who said un join....I appreciate your opinion but I joined the gym for my sanity. I have kiddos at home 2 and 8 and they wait until I am starting my workout to argue, fight or ask where something is....the 2 yr old steals my weights and squats with them. Cute yes, but not when I need them. AND, my big ol pitty pit plants her bit ol butt right in front of my exercise mat and stares at me the entire time. I work from home as well so this hour to two hours is my only time to myself. I'm happy to be at the gym. just wondered where to start. I think there was something about a free training session, I'll look in to that one! Thanks again!