How to get passed sugar cravings?



  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I done it add me it's hard an you feel like you coming of drugs but cold turky is the way x
  • mellenorris
    mellenorris Posts: 99 Member
    small amounts of very dark chocolate- a square or two. sugar + chocolate + healthy benefits of high cocoa content = craving curbed.

    This exactly. It works like a charm for me, and probably helps that I only like milk or white chocolate. Now all I buy is dark chocolates for when sweets cravings hit! I am careful to eat it very slowly - no chewing! Seems to help, somehow.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    A little dark chocolate and raw plain strawberries!! We can have a little sugar in our diet each day, and if you have a little treat like that planned then it helps the cravings to go away. Don't deprive.... just upgrade....
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    This is true. OP, make sure that your Sugar wants to be controlled, first, though. You might start with something simple like light restraints.


    Also bring food items like cream. Cream and Sugar go great together.

    Things can get a little messy but it's all in good fun.
  • JulieAnn1109
    JulieAnn1109 Posts: 21 Member
    Sugar free fudgecicles are awesome!!! Melt one in the microwave for like 10 seconds and stir in one tsp of peanut butter and its like eating a receses cup without the guilt:tongue: Also try sugar free jello with sugar free cool whip- great snack when its hot out and curbs my sweet tooth instantly!!!

  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    I realize I have to stop eating sugar all together


    Just eat a sensible diet and hit your macros. Don't isolate some foods into categories of bad or good.

    Lol prob a stupid question but what does it mean when you say hit your macros... Ugh been seeing that term being used a lot!:blushing:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I have a blended iced cappuccino most evenings. So all day, I know I have that to look forward to. It's helped so, so much. I also allow myself something more decadent about once a week. For me, knowing I will have it later is usually enough to get me through.

    If I feel I need something sweet right away, I'll have a banana or cereal. Green/white/peppermint tea can curb sugar cravings, too.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I have this issue
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I realize I have to stop eating sugar all together


    Just eat a sensible diet and hit your macros. Don't isolate some foods into categories of bad or good.

    Lol prob a stupid question but what does it mean when you say hit your macros... Ugh been seeing that term being used a lot!:blushing:
    Fat, carbs, protein are macronutrients. Look at your food diary to see where you're at. You can customize your macro goals in your settings.
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Fresh fruits and or fresh fruit smoothies! Go natural sugar versus processed sugar products.!! Berries of any kind are excellent (blueberries actually assist in depleting abdominal fat cells)
  • ekbiles
    ekbiles Posts: 1 Member
    There is no reason to give up wine all together. But it is about moderation. Also, there are "skinny" wines available, which contain less sugar. And honestly, you can not taste a real difference.

    Also, for sugar cravings, I recommend getting B Total liquid supplements. When you're craving sugar, have a few drops and then drink a little water. This will help for the long term in reducing your sugar cravings. B vitamins will give you that energy boost you would have gotten from sugar, without the crash. Hope that helps!
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    If you continually struggle with cravings you might want to supplement with L-Glutamine (amino acid) and/or GTF Chromium for a while. A little glutamine under the tongue will kill cravings within seconds. Both are safe & found in our bodies anyway. Nothing unnatural about either.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    Cravings can be caused by eating processed foods but they can also be caused by nutritional deficiencies.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    I realize I have to stop eating sugar all together


    Just eat a sensible diet and hit your macros. Don't isolate some foods into categories of bad or good.

    Lol prob a stupid question but what does it mean when you say hit your macros... Ugh been seeing that term being used a lot!:blushing:
    Fat, carbs, protein are macronutrients. Look at your food diary to see where you're at. You can customize your macro goals in your settings.

    Ty I eat tons of protein so I always go over that but always have remaining carbs and fat
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I am a big junk food junkie and totally understand. I decided in March that I couldn't stand being fat and exhausted anymore.

    You have to start eating regular meals that fill you up and don't have a lot of sugar. Plan what you are going to eat and have it in your kitchen for the next day. If you work or travel, plan what you are going to eat and take it with you. Plan your snacks. For breakfast I drink a Slim Fast shake, which has a small amount of sugar, then fill up on regular wholesome food.

    My sugar cravings have vanished, which is like a miracle. I'm definitely a sugar addict and feel on shaky ground when I go in a restaurant, but so far my desire to have a better life has won out.

    ^^^^THIS^^^ Some people can eat a little bit of sugary food and be just fine (most men, for a lot of different reasons seem to fall into this category). For others, like me, and perhaps you (and you would know) find that eating any sweets at all just sets off a binge. So, like an alcoholic who wishes to be always sober, I avoid sucrose (table sugar) altogether. I, of course get some natural sugars in the foods that I eat but now that I have broken the "addiction" I am reluctant to go back to eating ANY sugary foods. I quit about three years ago, and, at first, it was tough because I WANTED those foods. I was sorely tempted when someone would put a piece of cake in front of my face at a party or something. (My relatives and friends know now that I won't accept a piece so they don't even offer anymore.) These days, after three years of "sobriety" I don't even want it anymore. I wouldn't enjoy it anyway as it would be way too sweet. What I found helpful was going on a two-week fast from fructose. That was hard because I do enjoy fruit but I felt it was necessary to bring down my level of fructokinase which is often elevated (especially in older individuals) in people who eat sugar. After the two weeks, when I resumed eating a serving or two of fruit per day, even the sour ones like grapefruit and lemons tasted quite sweet to me. :smile:
  • bubbinsnik
    bubbinsnik Posts: 20 Member
    Meringue nests. 50 cal, really sweet - does the trick for me!
  • pinksparklefairy
    pinksparklefairy Posts: 97 Member
    - Cold melon cubes
    - Low-fat ice cream
  • tinamir92
    tinamir92 Posts: 22
    i crave sugar a lot! sometimes it's so hard that i can't control it and i eat sweets. then i count the calories and starve the rest of the day just to keep up to my diet!! but i find out that chewing gum specially the sweet flavors like melon,strawberry,... is really good. it takes all the sugar craving a way. if you like dark chocolate, give it a try. have 1-2 squares everyday for a while with tea or's awesome.
  • bunnybandit
    Get yourself into Holland and Barret if in the UK and ask for chromium that reduces cravings
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,734 Member
    Eating sugar makes your blood glucose spike up and then down, which results in renewed sugar and carb cravings when your blood glucose is too low. I find it easier not to have it at all.

    If you do want to indulge in sugary treats, try to put them off until as late in the day as possible, so you aren't bothered all day by the yo-yo effect on your blood glucose.