New, wanting to lose 35+ lbs.

slopez2210 Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I am new. I'm not sure how this will work because I am not yet familiar with the site. Any suggestions to get started? I am 42 and have noticed that my weight keeps increasing even though I try to exercise 3x a week and watch what I eat. I did enter my breakfast in the food log and found it pretty easy. Excited to get started.


  • suzyanne
    suzyanne Posts: 50
    Welcome! My goal is pretty much the same as yours. I try to exercise but seem to constantly tip the scale the wrong way. This site is very helpful. The best advise I can give you is BE HONEST! Log EVERYTHING you eat/drink into this site! There is no point in trying to learn where you're going wrong if you're going to try to fool yourself. Everything counts and this site can help you see exactly what you're doing wrong if you're honest about your entries. Good luck! Add me as a friend if you like, I'll be happy to try to give you encouragement when you need it. :)
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    welcome!! my mother has dropped 30 lbs by logging her food on this site and I've lost 10 (so far) - you'll be so surprised at how many calories you'd normally eat without even thinking about it! so I agree with suzyanne - be honest! my mom had her mind blown when she realized how much juice she drank in a day and how much bread was going into her mouth each day! We are absent-minded eaters, so good luck as you take control of your life!!!
  • Kath15
    Kath15 Posts: 165 Member
    Welcome! You will love it here -the site is very helpful and the community is very supportive. Just try to log in everyday, account for everything that you consume, and drink lots of water to begin with. If you exercise, also try to eat some or most of your exercise calories because MFP already creates a calorie deficit for you. Everybody is different -some lose weight right away, others not for a while, and for many it may just be inches at times -but the important thing is to give it some time to work. The most important advice that I can give you is to focus on this being a lifestyle change rather than a diet because this is what will keep the weight off for the long term. Good luck!
  • Hi There!! I am 42 as well & have found it is much easier to gain than to lose! Bummer, right?? But there is hope!! When you log everything you put in your mouth, it help to realize exactly what we should (and should not) eat. Accountability means a lot!! The support on here is over the top as well. check out the recipes board for great stuff too!!
    I will send you a freind request! We can face this 40+ thing together ;-):laugh:
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